Blowback Erupts As Chinese Spokesperson Claims U.S. Flouts ‘International Rules’

On Monday night, a spokesperson for the Chinese Communist government issued a tweet denouncing the United States, prompting an incendiary response on social media. The anonymous “spokesperson” tweeted, “The United States should set a good example in complying with international rules instead of the opposite.”

That triggered blowback:

Here are some examples of China’s supposed concern for working in an “international” manner from The Daily Wire archives:

July 22, 2021:

Communist China is refusing to cooperate with the second phase of an investigation by the World Health Organization (WHO) into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic — an investigation that is expected to focus on the possibility that the pandemic originated in a Chinese lab. “In some aspects, the WHO’s plan for next phase of investigation of the coronavirus origin doesn’t respect common sense, and it’s against science,” Zeng Yixin, deputy head of China’s National Health Commission, said. “It’s impossible for us to accept such a plan.”

June 11, 2021:

Amnesty International released a report with new witness accounts detailing the tortures and abuse of Muslims in the Xinjiang province of China, calling the actions “crimes against humanity.”

The group conducted interviews with people who had been detained in internment camps in the region, places that the Chinese government has called “re-education camps.”The detailed and disturbing accounts should lead to a broader international response, if not from governments, then from members of the celebrity community who heavily align themselves with human rights issues.

The result was a 160-page reportwith new testimonials from over 50 former camp detainees that show the government’s cruel treatment of Muslim minorities. Amnesty said, “Carried out under the guise of fighting ‘terrorism,’ these crimes have targeted ethnic Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Hui, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks and Tajiks.”

May 9, 2021:

A new report released late week found that communist China’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2019 were higher than the rest of the developed world combined. The report was published by the Rhodium Group, a leading independent research provider that specializes in matters involving China, energy & climate, India, and economics.

“Using our newly updated global emissions data through 2019, we estimate that in 2019, for the first time since national greenhouse gas emissions have been measured, China’s annual emissions exceeded those of all developed countries combined,” the report said. “China’s emissions were less than a quarter of developed country emissions in 1990, but over the past three decades have more than tripled, reaching over 14 gigatons of CO2-equivalent in 2019.”

May 9, 2021

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson slammed Beijing Saturday as a Chinese rocket crashed back to Earth, landing in the Indian Ocean.

“Spacefaring nations must minimize the risks to people and property on Earth of re-entries of space objects and maximize transparency regarding those operations,” Nelson said in a statement. “It is clear that China is failing to meet responsible standards regarding their space debris.”

“It is critical that China and all spacefaring nations and commercial entities act responsibly and transparently in space to ensure the safety, stability, security, and long-term sustainability of outer space activities,” Nelson added.

July 14, 2020:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sent the Chinese Communist Party a stern message Monday, announcing that China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea were “completely unlawful.”

“The United States champions a free and open Indo-Pacific,” Pompeo’s statementbegins (full text below). “Today we are strengthening U.S. policy in a vital, contentious part of that region — the South China Sea. We are making clear: Beijing’s claims to offshore resources across most of the South China Sea are completely unlawful, as is its campaign of bullying to control them.”

The United States and its allies’ shared commitments to “preserve peace and stability, uphold freedom” of the South China Sea, Pompeo said, “have come under unprecedented threat from the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Beijing uses intimidation to undermine the sovereign rights of Southeast Asian coastal states in the South China Sea, bully them out of offshore resources, assert unilateral dominion, and replace international law with ‘might makes right.’”

May 11, 2020

On Sunday evening, The New York Times reportedthat the F.B.I. and the Department of Homeland Security are readying a warning that hackers working for Communist China are assiduously working to steal American research related to creating a vaccine or treatment for the coronavirus COVID-19.

The Times reported that a draft of the warning stated that China is seeking “valuable intellectual property and public health data through illicit means related to vaccines, treatments and testing.” The warning cites “nontraditional actors,” which the Times states is a “euphemism for researchers and students the Trump administration says are being activated to steal data from inside academic and private laboratories.”

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