New Polls Spell Signal Major Problems For Biden, Democrat Party: ‘Scary News For The Democrats’

Democrat President Joe Biden and the Democrat Party received more bad news in a couple of polls that were released on Sunday by NBC News and ABC News that showed that Americans are not on board with the way the country is being run.

The poll from NBC News showed that Biden is 12 points in the negative on his approval rating, 42-54. Even more troubling, the number of those of “strongly disapprove” of the job that Biden is doing as president is four points higher than his entire approval rating, 42-46.

The NBC News poll also found that Biden has suffered double-digit losses over the last few months in his approval rating on how he has handled the coronavirus pandemic and the economy.

Other top lines from NBC News’ report include:

“What’s more, the survey finds that 7 in 10 adults, including almost half of Democrats, believe the nation is headed in the wrong direction, as well as nearly 60 percent who view Biden’s stewardship of the economy negatively just nine months into his presidency.”“… the GOP enjoys a significant enthusiasm advantage at this point in the election cycle, with 69 percent of Republicans expressing a high level of interest about the midterms (on a 1-to-10 scale), versus 58 percent of Democrats who hold the same level of interest.”“When asked which party better handles particular issues, Republicans hold double-digit advantages on border security (by 27 points), inflation (24 points), crime (22 points), national security (21 points), the economy (18 points) and being effective and getting things done (13 points).”

NBC News’ Chuck Todd said that the poll was full of “filled with some scary news for the Democrats.”

WATCH: MSNBC’s Chuck Todd highlights new polling “that is filled with some scary news for the Democrats.”

“Americans have lost their confidence in President Biden and their optimism for the country.”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 31, 2021

A poll released on Sunday from ABC News spelled trouble for Biden’s massive spending agenda, which Democrats are currently struggling to pass through Congress.

Top lines from ABC News’ report include:

“The ABC News/Ipsos poll, which was conducted using Ipsos’ KnowledgePanel, found that a plurality (32%) of Americans think the bills would hurt people like them if they became law, while fewer (25%) think it would help them. Nearly 2 in 10 (18%) think the bills would make no difference, and 24% said they didn’t know.”“Even among Democrats alone, fewer than half (47%)

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