Top U.S. Official Sounds Alarm About China’s Military: ‘We’re Going To Have To Adjust Our Military’

Multiple top U.S. military officials are sounding the alarm about communist China’s rapid expansion of the size of their military and the advancement of their military capabilities in the domains of space, cyber, land, sea, and air.

“China’s growing military muscle and its drive to end American predominance in the Asia-Pacific is rattling the U.S. defense establishment. American officials see trouble quickly accumulating on multiple fronts — Beijing’s expanding nuclear arsenal, its advances in space, cyber and missile technologies, and threats to Taiwan,” The Associated Press reported. “For now, officials marvel at how Beijing is marshaling the resources, technology and political will to make rapid gains — so rapid that the Biden administration is attempting to reorient all aspects of U.S. foreign and defense policy.”

The report comes after reports surfaced several days ago that China had conducted two hypersonic missile tests which caught U.S. intelligence officials off guard.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, addressed the threat that China poses to the U.S. and the latest news about China’s hypersonic missile launch.

When asked during an interview with Bloomberg News last week who he saw as being the greatest military threat to the U.S., Milley responded, “I think it’s China.”

“And I’ve said that publicly many times,” Milley said, “I think, as we look to the future, and I think we are living in a historical epic, actually, where we’re seeing the rise of a country that is unlike something we’ve seen probably ever before. And it’s one of the great historical pivot points, I think, that we’ve ever witnessed, which is the rise of China. And from the reforms of 1979 and Deng Xiaoping, up till today, which is I guess that’s what 41-42 years or so, four decades, they’ve had an incredible economic run and with that they’ve developed a military that’s really significant. As we go forward over the next 10, 20, 25 years, there’s no question in my mind that the biggest geostrategic challenge to the United States is going to be China, that that I have no doubt at all. Russia is important, not unimportant at all. Russia has very significant military capabilities. North Korea, Iran is still there. Terrorists are going to be around for quite a while. But I think China is clearly the most significant geostrategic threat we face.”

When asked about the hypersonic missile launch, Milley said, “What we saw was a

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