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A Decade Later, And Convicted Liar Casey Anthony Is More Outrageous Than Ever

More than a decade after her acquittal, stories from convicted liar Casey Anthony are more outrageous than ever before.

A jury back in 2011 shocked the nation when they acquitted Casey of first-degree murder in the case of her deceased daughter, 3-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony. While from the outside the case looked like a slam dunk against the pathological lying partying mother, there was apparently enough distraction and confusion presented by the defense team to let Casey walk free.

During the infamous trial, Casey’s defense claimed baby Caylee had accidentally drowned in the family swimming pool. It was then suggested that Casey’s father and the baby’s grandfather George Anthony, a former police officer, screamed at Casey with the child’s dead body in his arms and presumably dumped the child in the woods nearby, where she would be discovered months later.

This theory, of course, is outrageous. Unfortunately, children drowning in pools is a relatively common occurrence in Florida, and no normal reaction would include hiding the baby’s body, dumping her in the woods, and then begrudgingly reporting her missing some 31 days later — especially for an ex-cop.

The defense team during the trial went a step further to foment doubt and discredit George; without providing evidence, it was charged that George molested his daughter Casey for years, and then Casey’s brother Lee followed in their father’s footsteps and molested Casey, too.

Casey took these outrageous accusations to the next unbelievable extreme in “Casey Anthony: Where the Truth Lies,” a shameless three-part “documentary” from NBC’s streaming service Peacock.

Now, Casey suggests George actually molested and then murdered Caylee to cover up his abuse.

The incredibly selective and deceptive documentary shows Casey as a dedicated mother who was traumatized by her family. She tells the audience that she never told her defense attorney Jose Baez that Casey drowned in the family swimming pool, and he effectively made this up for the trial without her knowledge or consent.

This alone is jarring and outrageous.

What really happened — something she’s for some reason never publicly said before — was that George likely murdered Caylee while Casey was sleeping. He then showed Casey the baby’s soaking wet body and told her that he would take care of things and that Casey must go on as normal.

This is Casey’s excuse for partying in the days and weeks after her daughter was supposedly missing, why she entered a “hot body” contest, why she got a “Bella Vita” tattoo (translated to “the good life” from Italian), and why she repeatedly lied to police.

She never asked where her baby was, or if Caylee was okay. Casey wants the public to believe that she was just too scared of her father, whom she thanked and said she loved during recorded jail phone calls.

The worst part of the documentary, if we can call it that, is Casey appearing to pretend to learn during filming that her dad molested Caylee. This is the reason, Casey posits, that George killed Caylee by drowning: so no questions would be asked and the abuse left undiscovered.

Casey makes this “discovery” by listening to a memorial service for Caylee where a grieving George describes missing hugs from young Caylee and the “sweet” smell of her “sweat.” A crying Casey continuously tells viewers this is “not normal” for a grandfather to say and suggests this is effectively a confession from George that he was molesting Caylee like he supposedly did to her.

A completely absurd leap no matter what you think of George’s comments.

The team at Peacock also splices in clips of George “apologizing.” The destroyed father and grandfather in numerous media interviews does indeed apologize to Casey and Caylee, his wife, and his whole family — but for failing in his duties as the head of the family, for failing to do more to protect Caylee. He has never admitted guilt to a crime, like the documentary deceptively suggests.

Notably, there have never been any charges brought against George for supposedly molesting Casey. As Casey herself notes, there is no statute of limitations on reporting this in Florida. Moreover, Casey’s own mother Cindy says she’s certain the molestation and rape claims are completely untrue. (For those in-the-know, Cindy notoriously makes excuses and defends her daughter in countless media interviews.)

Casey, who first told police a fictitious woman of color named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez was to blame for the kidnapping of Caylee, will seemingly throw anything at the wall before ever telling the world the truth.

While Casey is likely the only person who knows exactly what went on, and there is at least an element of gray, the one thing that’s certain is that little Caylee deserved so much better.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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