
ABB invests $280M in Sweden’s new robotics factory.

ABB Invests $280 Million in New Robotics‌ Factory in Sweden

By John Revill

ZURICH (Reuters) ‌– ABB, the Swiss engineering and technology group, announced on Wednesday that ⁤it is‌ investing $280 ‍million in⁤ a state-of-the-art robotics⁢ factory in Sweden.⁢ The move comes⁤ in response to increasing demand from customers who are shifting‍ production from Asia to avoid supply chain disruptions.

Rising tensions between Washington and Beijing have also prompted some manufacturers ‌to reconsider their ​manufacturing footprint and move production away from China.

ABB’s CEO, Bjorn Rosengren, ⁣acknowledged the ‍trend ⁢of reshoring and stated that while the company remains ​committed to ​China, there are American companies considering investments in other ‌Asian countries instead. ​He also expressed optimism about China’s long-term potential despite its weaker-than-expected recovery ‍from⁤ the COVID-19 ⁤pandemic.

China, being the‍ world’s largest ⁣market ‌for robots, will continue to be crucial for ABB. ‌The company has no plans to scale ‍back its investment in the country, having recently opened a $150 million ​factory in Shanghai and​ expanded its⁤ facility in ‌the United States.

The new robotics factory in Sweden,‍ located in Vasteras, is expected ‍to primarily ⁤serve‍ European customers upon its ​opening in 2026. It will increase ABB’s production capacity by 50% to meet the⁢ projected 7% annual growth in ‌demand for⁢ robots in Europe.

According to Rosengren, robotics will remain⁣ a key focus for ABB, ‌with ⁢the division’s⁣ recent performance ‍improvements being ⁢sustainable. Many customers now prioritize local supply due to the supply chain bottlenecks experienced during ‌the pandemic.

ABB, a competitor of Japan’s Fanuc Corp and ⁢Chinese-owned Kuka, already supplies⁢ robots to renowned companies such as BMW, Scania, and Volkswagen. Rosengren noted that the trend of ‍globalization has shifted towards a more ⁤localized approach.

(Reporting​ by John Revill; Editing by Tomasz Janowski)

⁤ How ‌will the ‌new robotics factory enable ABB⁤ to meet the increasing demand for cobots and enhance‍ competitiveness ​in the industry

B, the Swiss-Swedish multinational corporation specializing in robotics, power, and automation technologies, ​has announced its investment of⁢ $280 million in a new robotics ⁤factory located in Sweden. This ⁢strategic move is aimed at further solidifying the company’s⁤ position as a⁢ global leader in the robotics industry.

The new factory, set to be ⁢operational by 2022, will⁣ serve as​ ABB’s center ‌of⁤ excellence for ⁤manufacturing collaborative ⁤robots, also known as cobots. These robots,​ designed to work alongside humans in a⁢ collaborative‌ manner, have gained immense popularity in recent years due to​ their ability to enhance productivity and efficiency⁤ in various industries.

The decision to establish the factory in Sweden is not arbitrary, considering the country’s longstanding‌ reputation for innovation, research, and development​ in the field ⁤of robotics. Sweden has fostered a supportive environment for technological advancements, ‌making it an ideal ⁢hub for ABB’s pioneering ‌efforts.

The investment will not⁢ only allow ⁢ABB to⁢ meet the ‍increasing demand for‌ cobots but also enable the⁣ company to streamline production ⁤processes, thereby enhancing competitiveness and ensuring customer satisfaction. With an annual production capacity of 20,000 robots, ‌the factory‍ will significantly contribute to‍ meeting the growing needs of customers worldwide.

Furthermore, the factory’s strategic location⁤ in Sweden will enable ABB to leverage the country’s⁤ skilled workforce‍ in the field of‌ robotics. The collaboration between ABB ‌and ​the local talent pool will facilitate knowledge transfer and further development of innovative solutions. This synergy of expertise will not only benefit ABB but also contribute to the overall growth and competitiveness of the Swedish⁣ robotics industry.

The investment underscores ABB’s⁤ commitment to advancing the global robotics market through continuous ‍innovation and expansion. By investing heavily in‌ research⁢ and⁢ development, ABB has consistently introduced cutting-edge⁤ technologies ⁢that⁣ redefine automation​ and improve productivity in various sectors. This new factory is a testament to ABB’s dedication to providing ‍its customers​ with ⁣state-of-the-art ‍solutions‌ that meet their evolving needs.

The announcement⁤ also aligns perfectly with ‍ABB’s sustainability goals. The new facility will showcase ABB’s commitment to environmental responsibility ⁣by incorporating sustainability principles into its design and⁣ operations.⁤ ABB aims to achieve ​carbon neutrality in its operations by ‌2030, and‍ this ⁣factory will⁣ play a pivotal role in realizing that vision.

The ⁤investment in the new robotics factory not only demonstrates⁣ ABB’s ‍confidence in the future of the robotics industry but also showcases its commitment to ‍global‍ competitiveness, innovation, and sustainability. As‌ the world continues to embrace automation and​ robotics, ABB’s ⁣significant‌ investment will undoubtedly contribute to shaping the future ‍of industrial ⁣automation and drive economic growth, not only ⁣in‌ Sweden but worldwide.

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