The federalist

Abbott: Texas has the right to protect its sovereignty

Texas Governor Asserts ‌State’s Right to Defend Sovereignty Amid ⁣Border Crisis

Texas Governor Greg ​Abbott made a bold ​statement on Wednesday, emphasizing the Lone Star State’s constitutional right to protect its sovereignty in the⁢ face of an invasion caused by President ⁢Biden’s open border ‌policies.

“The federal government has broken the compact ⁤between the United States and the States.‍ The ​Executive ​Branch of the‌ United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including​ immigration laws ⁤on the books right now,” Abbott wrote. “President Biden has refused to enforce those laws and has even violated them. The result is that he has smashed ‍records for illegal immigration.”

According to the Washington Examiner, over 10 million illegal immigrants have been apprehended by U.S. border officials‌ since Biden took office in January⁣ 2021. ⁢These figures don’t ⁣even include the estimated 1.7 ‍million⁤ “gotaways” who managed to evade capture after illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

In ⁢his ⁤statement, Abbott ⁢criticized Biden for enabling the ongoing invasion and highlighted how the president’s ‍”refusal​ to protect the States” has ‍led to “more ‍than 6 million illegal immigrants”​ crossing Texas’ border alone. This⁢ number exceeds the population of over 30 states.

The Texas governor further emphasized the federal government’s obligation to defend states from ​invasion ‍and the⁤ states’ right to protect their ​sovereignty from external threats, citing Article IV, § 4, and⁣ Article I, § ‌10, ⁢Clause 3, of the U.S. Constitution. While the former states that the ⁢federal government “shall protect ‌each [State] against invasion,” ⁣the latter recognizes “the States’ sovereign interest in protecting their borders.”

“James Madison, Alexander⁤ Hamilton,​ and the other visionaries who ​wrote ⁤the U.S. Constitution foresaw that States should ‍not be left to the mercy of⁢ a lawless president who does nothing ⁣to stop external threats like cartels smuggling millions of illegal immigrants across ‍the border,” Abbott wrote.⁢ “The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, § 4 ‍has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves ⁢to this State the ‌right⁣ of self-defense.”

“For these⁤ reasons, I have ‍already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, ‍Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself,”‌ he continued. “That authority⁤ is ‌the supreme law of the land and⁣ supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary. The Texas National Guard, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and other Texas personnel are ⁢acting on that authority,‌ as well as state​ law, to secure ⁣the Texas‌ border.”

LISTEN: ⁢ How Biden’s Open Border Is Wrecking Texas

Abbott’s remarks seem to be a response to a recent decision by ⁢the U.S. Supreme⁣ Court allowing the Biden ⁤administration to⁣ authorize Customs and‌ Border ‍Protection officials ⁤to remove ⁣razor wire installed ‌by Texas along ‍the border ⁢to‌ deter illegal immigration. Five out of⁢ the ​court’s nine justices, including Chief Justice John⁣ Roberts and Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett, sided with ⁣the administration.

About the Author

  • Shawn Fleetwood is a staff writer for ⁤The Federalist ⁤and a graduate ‌of the University of Mary Washington.
  • He previously ⁤served as a state content ⁤writer ‌for Convention of States Action and his work has been ‍featured in numerous⁢ outlets, including RealClearPolitics, ⁢RealClearHealth, ‍and Conservative Review.
  • Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood.

​ What implications can the outcome of the ongoing debate between ⁣Governor Abbott and the federal government have on the concept of state sovereignty

Oes not uphold their constitutional rights,” Abbott asserted. “They recognized the need for states​ to‌ have the power to defend their own sovereignty and ‍protect their ⁢citizens ⁤from⁢ external threats.⁢”

Abbott’s statement ⁣comes as ​the crisis ⁢at the U.S.-Mexico border continues to​ escalate. The‍ surge ⁤in illegal border crossings has overwhelmed border patrol‍ agents and ‍led to overcrowded detention facilities. The‌ situation ⁢has also sparked concerns about ⁣public ‍safety⁤ and ​national security, as⁣ criminals ⁣and potential terrorists could easily exploit the porous border.

Texas, being⁢ a border state, has borne the brunt of this crisis.‌ In an ⁣effort⁣ to address the situation, Governor Abbott⁣ has taken various measures to ‌secure the ⁢border and protect​ Texans. He ⁤has deployed thousands of National Guard ​troops and law enforcement officers, directed state resources to border security efforts, and even authorized the construction of a border wall.

Abbott’s ⁤actions have received criticism from some who argue that border security⁢ is the responsibility of the‍ federal government. However, Abbott maintains that the federal‍ government’s⁢ failure to effectively secure the border has left‍ Texas with no choice but to take matters into ​its​ own hands. He asserts that his actions are not only within the state’s rights but⁢ also necessary to uphold the rule ⁤of ‍law and protect the safety⁢ and ​well-being of Texans.

The Texas governor’s stance has garnered support from many Texans and other state leaders who share his concerns about ⁢the border crisis. They ‍argue that it​ is the duty of every state to defend ‌its sovereignty and protect its citizens, ​and that the federal​ government should fulfill its ⁤constitutional obligation to secure the border and‌ enforce immigration laws.

Abbott’s statement serves as a reminder ⁣that ⁣states have the right and the duty⁣ to act when the federal government fails to ‌fulfill its responsibilities. The ongoing border crisis has highlighted the importance of strong border security and the‍ need ⁢for cooperation between states and the federal government‍ to ⁤address this issue effectively.

As the situation at the U.S.-Mexico⁣ border continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how the federal government will respond ⁢to the concerns⁣ raised by Governor Abbott‍ and other state leaders. The outcome of this ongoing debate⁣ will have significant implications not just‍ for Texas, but for the⁣ entire country’s immigration policies and the concept of state sovereignty.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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