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Trump leads Biden by 7 points in 2024, says ABC/WaPo Poll.

Trump Leads Biden in 2024 Presidential Race, Poll Shows

Former President Donald Trump has taken a commanding lead over President Joe Biden in the 2024 race for the White House, according to a recent Washington Post and ABC News poll. The survey shows that 49% of respondents would vote for Trump against Biden, or lean towards voting for Trump, while Biden only nets 42%. This means that Trump leads Biden by seven percent, well outside the survey’s margin of error.

Trump’s Lead Over Biden

  • 36% say they would definitely vote for Trump against Biden
  • 9% say they would probably vote for Trump in that scenario
  • 5% are leaning toward voting for Trump
  • Biden only has 32% who say they will definitely vote for him
  • 6% who said they probably would
  • 4% who said they lean toward voting for Biden

This poll is the first establishment media survey showing Trump as the favorite for the White House from either party as spring turns to summer in 2023. Other surveys showing a Trump lead over Biden include Rasmussen Reports polls and polls from Trump’s pollster Jim McLaughlin.

Biden’s Approval Rating

Biden’s approval rating has also slipped to a new low in this poll, down to 36%—the lowest ever recorded for him by the Washington Post and ABC News since he took the White House. A majority of respondents who are Democrats or lean Democrat believe Democrats should nominate someone other than Biden for the 2024 presidential election.

Trump’s Lead Among Republicans

Among Republicans, Trump holds a commanding lead again. When a full field was tested, Trump stands at 43%—and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis down at 20%. Interestingly, the poll asked those GOP leaners who did not say Trump, Pence, DeSantis, Scott, Haley, or Hutchinson as their first choice who they would back in said scenario if that was the final field. Trump actually picks up more of the other people than anyone else, and in a field that only includes those people surges to majority support at 51% in the field—while DeSantis only increases to 25%.

This survey also shows Trump receives much higher marks from Americans on how he handled the economy than Biden is currently receiving. A total of 54% of Americans believe Trump handled the economy better than Biden.

The survey also shows that clear majorities of Americans believe that Biden is physically and mentally unfit for office. When it comes to Trump, inversely, majorities believe he has the mental sharpness needed to serve as president and is healthy enough for the office.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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