The federalist

Prepare for the expansion of abortion radicals from Ohio to your state. Stay vigilant and ready.

Abortion up ​until birth, the ‌ erosion of parental rights, and a whole host of other horrors are enshrined in the Ohio ⁢Constitution after ⁣a majority of voters ‍agreed to pass Issue 1 on ‌Tuesday.

Thanks to ⁣the activists who poured millions ‌of dollars into deceiving voters about what ⁣“every individual has a right” to ending life⁢ in the womb and other “reproductive decisions” really⁤ means, ⁤Issue 1 ⁢will fundamentally and permanently change the way ​Ohio operates.

Ohio is a red state⁤ with a Republican legislature, governor, and attorney⁤ general that would never ‌agree to sign off on unlimited abortion for all. The passage of ‍the state’s latest sweeping constitutional amendment was⁢ only⁢ possible because outside⁢ groups like the ACLU,⁢ Planned‍ Parenthood, and⁢ other leftist organizations ⁢used the state’s ballot measure ​process ​to circumvent​ those elected‍ officials.

If Ohio, one of ⁣the reddest states on paper, ‌can succumb to the⁢ scheming ‌of abortion activists,‍ then no Republican state is safe. Here’s ‍how pro-lifers everywhere ⁣should⁣ protect their states⁢ from the people who want to turn their hometowns into the ​abortion industry’s next boomtowns.

Tell the Truth Starting Now

It’s important that voters⁤ in every ‍state, not just​ those threatened by imminent abortion amendments, understand that Democrats want to legalize killing unborn babies throughout all nine months⁢ of gestation.

A​ majority of U.S. adults​ reject that position.⁤ Yet, many Americans do not equate ⁤Democrats’ ⁢euphemistic calls for “reproductive rights” free-for-alls with late-term abortions because pollsters ​and abortion advocates twist the language.

Ohio’s ​example proves this. In the weeks leading up to the Issue‌ 1 ‍vote, a majority of Ohioans claimed to view unlimited abortion through birth ‌ as⁤ unfavorable.⁢ Their votes to amend the ‍state constitution to allow for unlimited abortion suggest they did not understand the issue at hand.

Everyone, not just pro-lifers, should be acquainted with the fact⁣ that Americans don’t care ⁢for​ abortion beyond ⁢the first⁣ trimester long before a ballot ⁢proposal forces them to.

Fortify​ the Constitutional Amendment ⁤Process Early

Republican-controlled states should consider reevaluating the ⁤merits of‌ their constitutional amendment process long before they think they will become targets. Once national donors, Democrats, and corporate media get wind of‌ the attempt to secure⁤ the​ ballot measure portion of their elections,​ it’s hard to stop the left’s deception and ⁢lies‍ from tainting ⁣any attempts at​ reform.

Republicans in Ohio tried to tighten⁤ up their ballot proposal⁤ standards by asking ⁤voters to raise ​the simple majority threshold to a 60 percent supermajority a ‌few months before the Nov. 7 vote but it was too late. By ‌the time the ⁣state’s special‌ election rolled around in August,⁤ abortion activists had successfully taken control of​ the​ narrative.

Local Ohio ⁢papers, corporate media outlets, and the groups touting the ⁢pro-abortion ​and gender ideology proposal smeared the GOP government for committing⁣ to “elevating the standards.” Planned Parenthood activist Lauren Blauvelt, who is also ​chair of an Ohio ‍pro-abortion group, ⁢went so far as⁣ to accuse lawmakers of “working overtime to dismantle⁤ democracy as we know it.”

The issue that proposed‍ raising the vote threshold for amendment passage was ⁢ defeated 57 percent to 43 percent. ⁣

Fight⁤ for Clear Language

If an unlimited abortion constitutional ​amendment⁢ does make it onto a red state’s ballot, ‌pro-lifers⁣ everywhere should insist on clear language.

Ohio’s deliberately ​vague proposal, as⁣ The New York Times admitted (albeit way too late into the election cycle), left even the⁣ most⁣ staunch of abortion​ activists scratching their heads. ‍It also opened the door for all sorts of ⁤legal abuses.

Issue 1’s​ undefined terms such as “individual” and “reproductive decisions” will inevitably be exploited to justify a multitude of harmful decisions for men, women, and children alike. Similarly, the ‍section‌ that supposedly lets the legislature restrict abortion after “fetal viability” ‌allows the subjective judgment ⁢of ⁣a doctor to override those restrictions, so long as ⁤he deems the abortion necessary for a woman’s ⁢“health,” a term that isn’t limited to physical health and could be interpreted‍ by a pro-abortion doctor as vague emotional well-being.

Fighting for less “confusing” language, even ‌if it‍ means facing a ​court challenge. is worth ‌it. Even if the appeal fails, it gives pro-life groups more‍ fodder to call⁤ out abortion activists’ deception.

Watch for⁢ Weed

Single-issue voters don’t usually care to show up⁢ on‌ odd ⁣election years but marijuana historically brings people to the polls ⁣in masses. Republicans who want to protect ⁢their states should be ⁣wary ⁣of​ any push, especially from the left, to use the “cannabis coattails” to goad voters into making ‌a rash decision about enshrining abortion ‌up ‍until birth in the⁢ state constitution.

Leftists who wanted Issue 1⁤ in Ohio ⁢to get extra attention even in an ⁢off-year‍ were more than ‍happy to welcome a ballot ​measure about weed as ⁤Issue ​2 because⁣ it brought more publicity, money, and ⁤ young voters to​ the voting⁢ booth. Their efforts​ were rewarded with high turnout.

Support a‌ Federal ‌15-Week Abortion Limit

A national⁣ ban on‌ abortions beyond 15 weeks, when⁣ unborn babies already⁢ have heartbeats ‍and pain receptors, would save Republicans in blue or purple states the uphill battle over pro-life legislation. It would also act as a deterrent ​against abortion activists‍ who try to abuse state systems to advance abortion for all.

The‍ likelihood that the currently Democrat-controlled Senate or even the Republican-controlled House would throw their weight behind a 15-week limit‍ is slim but that shouldn’t stop pro-lifers from championing the popularity and effectiveness of such restrictions.


What deceptive tactics were ⁤used by activists to obscure⁣ the true ‌implications ‌of the controversial abortion amendment in Ohio?

Ohio Voters Approve Controversial Abortion Amendment: What This Means​ for the State

On Tuesday, Ohio‌ voters passed ⁤Issue​ 1, a sweeping constitutional amendment that has sparked heated debates about abortion rights and parental ‍consent. The amendment, which allows for abortion up until birth, has raised concerns among pro-life ​advocates ‍and conservative groups who see it as an erosion of parental rights and a barbaric ‍practice. With the passage of Issue⁢ 1, Ohio will⁤ undergo fundamental and permanent changes in​ its approach to ⁤reproductive decisions.

The success ‍of Issue 1 can be attributed to the significant efforts of activists who poured millions of dollars into persuading voters. These activists utilized deceptive tactics‌ to obscure⁣ the true implications of the amendment,⁣ such ​as framing it as a matter of individual rights. In reality, the amendment represents a significant shift in Ohio’s stance⁢ on abortion and will have long-lasting consequences.

It is important to note that Ohio is a predominantly conservative state, with a Republican-led legislature, governor, and attorney general. Under normal ⁢circumstances, such legislation would not have been approved. However, outside groups, including the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and ⁤other leftist organizations, seized the opportunity to utilize the state’s ballot measure process ⁤to circumvent elected⁣ officials‌ and ⁣push their agenda⁤ forward.

The passage of Issue⁢ 1 in⁤ Ohio demonstrates the vulnerability of⁤ states with similar political ⁢climates. If ‌a historically conservative state like Ohio⁤ can succumb to the influence of abortion activists, then no ‍Republican ‍state can ‍consider itself safe‌ from similar ‍efforts. This should⁤ serve as a wake-up call ‌to pro-life advocates across the country, urging them⁤ to take action to protect their states from becoming the ⁣next frontier for the abortion industry.

One crucial ‍step in​ protecting the sanctity of life is to ensure that voters in every state understand the true intentions⁢ of the Democratic Party when it comes to ​abortion. It is imperative to convey that Democrats seek to legalize late-term abortions throughout all ‌nine months of gestation

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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