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AG Merrick Garland stays silent but fumbles when questioned about Hunter Biden at hearing.

Attorney General Merrick⁢ Garland’s Response Raises Questions About Hunter Biden Investigation

During ⁢a⁤ congressional hearing, Attorney General⁣ Merrick Garland faced scrutiny when ⁣asked about ‌his contact with the‍ FBI ‌regarding the criminal‍ investigation ‍into President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter ⁤Biden.

Garland initially struggled to ​provide a clear response, pausing ⁣before stating that he did not recall whether he had personal contact with anyone at FBI headquarters regarding the investigation. However, he did⁣ acknowledge that the ⁣FBI works for the Justice ‍Department, implying that⁤ discussing the investigation with the bureau would not be⁤ unreasonable.

When pressed further by GOP Rep. Mike Johnson, Garland‍ stated that he did not believe he had talked to anyone at FBI headquarters​ about the ⁢investigation into the president’s son.

Garland also faced questions about his⁢ contact with special counsel⁤ David⁤ Weiss, who is overseeing the investigation into Hunter Biden. When asked about any briefings or discussions he had with⁤ Weiss, Garland cited executive privilege and declined to reveal any‍ details.

During the hearing, Garland assured the committee that no one at the White House had interfered with the investigation into Biden. However, Johnson questioned why it had taken Weiss nearly five years to determine whether Hunter Biden had lied on a federal ⁢form ⁣regarding a gun purchase. Garland responded by stating that he‌ had not interfered with ⁣Weiss’ investigation, ‍as promised ⁣during his confirmation as attorney‌ general.

Last‍ week, the Department ‌of Justice indicted Hunter Biden ‍on felony gun charges, to which he reportedly plans to‍ plead not guilty. This​ comes after Biden pleaded not guilty to tax evasion and ⁢illegal gun possession charges in ⁣late July.

The attorney ‍general’s response during the hearing has raised concerns and sparked further debate about ​the Hunter Biden investigation.

The post AG Merrick Garland‌ Goes Quiet, Then Gives Fumbling Answer When Asked About Hunter Biden at Hearing appeared first on The Western Journal.

Did Attorney General Garland’s response⁤ during the congressional hearing regarding the Hunter⁢ Biden investigation sufficiently address concerns about transparency​ and impartiality?

Into Hunter Biden. He also added ⁣that he would ‍not speak⁤ about ongoing investigations or specific⁢ individuals in order to avoid‌ any potential conflicts of interest or interference in the investigative process. Garland asserted ‍that he will ensure that the Department⁣ of Justice ‌(DOJ) operates ⁤independently and without any political influence.

However, Garland’s response raises questions about ⁢the transparency and impartiality of the ‍investigation ⁢into Hunter⁣ Biden. By not definitively ‍answering whether he had personal ⁤contact‍ with FBI officials regarding the ⁢case, Garland leaves room for doubt and speculation.

In previous instances, Garland has emphasized the importance of an independent DOJ and the need to uphold the rule of law. He has expressed his commitment to restoring the integrity⁢ of ⁤the department after‌ the​ politicization it ⁢faced during the Trump administration. However, ‌his response during the congressional ‌hearing puts his commitment to these principles into question.

The investigation into Hunter Biden has been a controversial subject since before his father assumed the presidency. Republicans have accused the Biden family of corruption and influence peddling, particularly concerning Hunter ‍Biden’s overseas business dealings. With the attorney general’s response suggesting potential communication with the FBI about the investigation, critics argue that this raises concerns about political interference and ​favoritism.

It ⁤is essential ​for the DOJ to maintain its independence and credibility, especially when investigating matters related to high-profile individuals or political figures. The public must have confidence that investigations are carried out objectively and without favoritism. Any perception of bias can erode trust in the justice system ⁢and undermine its ability‍ to serve the American people.

Garland’s response during the congressional hearing ⁣also highlights ⁣the need for more transparency from the DOJ regarding ongoing investigations. While it is essential to maintain the ‍confidentiality of ongoing cases to protect the integrity of investigations, providing more clarity on the⁢ general procedures ‍and principles followed by the department⁣ can help ⁣alleviate concerns​ and suspicions.

The Hunter Biden investigation is a sensitive matter considering the potential political implications involved. As such, it is crucial⁣ for Garland to address the​ questions and doubts raised ‌by his response. Providing a detailed explanation of his involvement, if any, with‌ the‍ FBI regarding the investigation would help alleviate concerns and reaffirm the DOJ’s commitment to impartiality ⁤and the rule of law.

Ultimately, the credibility‌ and integrity of the DOJ are at stake. It is imperative for Merrick Garland to ensure that the investigation into⁤ Hunter Biden‌ is conducted without any hint of political interference. Transparency, accountability, and a dedication to the⁣ principles of ⁤justice must be upheld to‌ restore and ‍maintain⁤ public trust in the DOJ and​ its capacity to administer fair and impartial investigations.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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