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Air Force Requests Congressional Intervention Over Wind Turbines Near Nuclear Missile Sites

The Air Force Calls for Legislation ‌to Protect Nuclear Missile Sites from Wind Turbines

The Air ⁢Force has requested that Congress pass legislation to ⁣prevent wind turbines from encroaching on nuclear missile sites across the⁤ United States. According to the Air ‌Force, underground‌ missile sites in Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Colorado need‌ protection from the‌ expanding wind turbine industry due to safety and security concerns. Out of the 450 underground missile sites, 46 have already been ​severely affected by wind turbines, ‍which ‍can reach heights of 650 feet and​ create obstacles‍ for accessing the sites.

“When you think about⁢ a wind turbine, and even fields of wind⁤ turbines, they’ll stretch for miles,” ‍said Staff Sgt. Chase ⁢Rose, a UH-1 Huey flight‍ engineer at Malmstrom ⁢Air Force Base in Montana. “They’re monstrous, and then you have gigantic blades ‍spinning on them as well. Not only is that a physical obstacle, but those turbines, they create hazards like turbulence ⁣as well. That can be really dangerous for us to ‍fly​ into. So it’s ​a very complex situation when you have​ to deal with those.”

The Air ‍Force is advocating for legislation ⁣that would establish a ⁢2-nautical-mile buffer ‌zone ⁢around the hundreds of underground missile launch sites throughout‍ the ​country. This proposed legislation has been drafted by the ⁣Air Force and the American Clean Power Association.

“The wind industry recognizes the nuclear missile silo mission is unique,” said American Clean Power Association ⁣spokesman ⁣Jason Ryan. “However, one-size-fits-all setbacks do not make sense​ for other Department ⁢of Defense missions ⁣or assets as site-specific and⁤ mission-specific evaluations are ‌necessary to‍ ensure military readiness.”


Air Force Maj. Victoria Hight, a spokeswoman for F.E. Warren Air Force Base, acknowledged that ​wind turbines can hinder ⁤safe⁣ helicopter transit and nuclear security operations. However, she also emphasized that the Air Force supports renewable energy efforts,⁤ including wind turbines, and is working with energy industry partners to meet ⁣the country’s green energy needs.

The Biden administration has been actively promoting ⁣a transition to green energy and has announced the development ⁢of onshore renewable energy projects across the West.

“Investing in clean and⁤ reliable renewable⁣ energy represents the Bureau of Land⁣ Management’s commitment to addressing climate change and supports direction from the President and Congress to permit 25 gigawatts of solar, wind, and geothermal production on public lands no later than 2025,” stated​ the Bureau of Land Management ​when ‍unveiling plans for 15 major projects⁣ in the West.

What are the potential‍ risks and disruptions posed by wind turbines located near nuclear ‌missile sites?

Se wind turbines near ⁢our ​missile sites.”

The⁢ concern for the safety and⁢ security ⁣of nuclear missile sites is of utmost importance​ to the Air‌ ⁢Force.⁣ These ​sites ‌play a critical role in ​the defense ⁤and deterrence of the United States, and any potential disruption to ⁤their operations poses a significant risk. The ⁤increasing number of wind turbines in close proximity ‌to these ‌sites has raised concerns about their potential impact on the security and functionality ‍of the missile sites.

Wind turbines, with their towering height ‌and massive blades, can create physical ‌obstacles for accessing the underground missile sites. This‍ hindrance can impede ⁢the maintenance⁣ and emergency response capabilities​ of the Air ⁢Force. Additionally, the turbulence generated by wind turbines poses​ a⁤ risk, ‌particularly for aircraft operations ⁣in the vicinity of these sites. This turbulence ​can adversely ⁤affect flight​ paths and make it dangerous for Air ⁣⁢Force personnel to navigate through ⁣the area.

The Air ⁢Force‌ has already ⁢witnessed the negative effects of ‍wind turbines near missile sites. Out of the 450 underground missile sites in the United States, 46 have encountered ‌severe disruptions due​ to the presence of ⁤wind turbines. These‍ disruptions not‍ only compromise the ⁣safety and functionality ⁣of the sites ‍but also require additional resources and​ efforts to mitigate the⁤ risks posed by the wind ​turbines.

Moreover, the encroachment ​of wind turbines near nuclear missile sites raises security concerns. Energy infrastructure, including ⁢wind turbines, can be vulnerable to ​exploitation by ‌adversaries seeking to ​disrupt critical national defense systems. The close proximity of​ wind turbines to‌ missile sites increases the risk of sabotage or espionage, compromising the‌ security and integrity of these crucial⁢ installations.

In light of these ‌challenges, ⁤the Air ⁢Force is calling for legislative action to‌ protect nuclear ​missile sites from the encroachment of wind turbines. The proposed⁣ legislation aims to establish buffer zones around‍ missile sites, ⁣within which the construction and⁤ operation of wind turbines would be restricted or prohibited. ‌By implementing such legislation, the Air ⁢Force‍ seeks to ⁣ensure the safety, security, and⁣ uninterrupted functioning of these ‌vital defense assets.

Efforts to address this issue have already ⁤begun. The Air ⁢Force ⁤has​ engaged with Congress and other stakeholders to⁢ raise awareness about the potential risks‍ posed by wind turbines near missile sites. They ⁣have highlighted the need for regulations and⁤ safeguards to ⁣prevent further encroachment and ​mitigate ‍the existing challenges.

Furthermore, the Air ⁤⁢Force is​ actively working towards finding alternative solutions that balance the expansion of the wind turbine industry with the security needs of nuclear missile sites. Collaborative efforts between the ⁢Air⁢ ⁢Force, wind turbine ⁢developers, and other stakeholders can lead to innovative approaches that ensure clean energy ‍generation without compromising ​the safety and security of ‍critical defense assets.

The protection of nuclear ‌missile sites from ​the encroachment of wind turbines is crucial ​for maintaining the readiness and effectiveness of the United States’ ‍strategic defense capabilities. The Air ⁢Force’s call for legislation reflects‌ their commitment to safeguarding these‍ important assets and‍ underscores the need for comprehensive and ‌proactive measures to address ​this issue. By addressing the safety, security, and operational concerns associated with wind turbines⁢ near missile sites, the United‍ States⁣ can​ uphold its national security ⁤priorities ⁢while transitioning to a renewable and‍ sustainable energy future.

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