Alan Dershowitz: Liberal Democracy Dies When Illiberalism Wins

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In this episode of American Thought Leaders, Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz discusses his book, “The Price of Principle: Why Integrity is Worth the Consequences,” and argues that “unprincipled” partisanship has taken over America.

“How dare they call themselves progressives,” says Dershowitz. “They are regressive. They are reactionaries. They are repressors.”

One of the top constitutional lawyers in the country, and a self-described liberal Democrat, Dershowitz has been excoriated by both the right and the left for defending highly unpopular public figures.

“People love me when I defend people they like and they hate me when I defend people they don’t like,” says Dershowitz. “The more unpopular you are, the more likely I am to want to defend you.”

Dershowitz shares his thoughts on COVID-19 mandates and censorship, due process and civil liberties, as well as the rise of antisemitism in America.

“You see these protests against Zionism by people who have no idea what Zionism is,” claims Dershowitz. “I’ve been a Zionist from the time I was born. All it meant is that the Jewish people, like every other people, have a right to a homeland.”

Note: Our team contacted Virginia Giuffre about Dershowitz’s allegations against her, but we did not immediately receive a response. 

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Below is a rush transcript of this American Thought Leaders episode from Sep 27, 2022. This transcript may not be in its final form and may be updated.

Jan Jekielek:
Alan Dershowitz, such a pleasure to have you back on American

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