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All 8 police officers guarding top official arrested.

All⁢ Eight Police‌ Officers Tasked with Guarding Top ⁢Official Now Under​ Arrest

Eight​ police officers assigned to a‍ security‍ team protecting South Africa’s deputy ⁢president have been arrested and are expected to appear in a courtroom⁤ on Monday ‍after they‌ were caught⁣ on video kicking and⁣ stomping on two off-duty trainee soldiers having pulled‍ their car⁢ over on a highway in Johannesburg.

Some of the‍ plainclothes ⁣VIP protection ‍officers ⁤were carrying⁤ assault rifles when they dragged the men out ‌of their ⁢car ⁤and ‌attacked them earlier ⁤this ⁤month.

One of the men was kicked unconscious in⁢ the attack, ⁢which was caught on video by another motorist and⁣ shared widely on social media.

WARNING: The following video contains footage that some viewers may find disturbing

It’s unclear why the ⁤officers ⁣pulled the car over ‌as the video only ​starts as they​ are ‌dragging one of the ‍men across the⁣ road.

But⁤ the officers are part of a​ VIP⁢ protection unit known in South Africa as the “blue light ​brigade” and which has a reputation for driving dangerously fast ⁢and reacting with unnecessary force if cars don’t immediately get out⁣ of their way.

The unit normally operates in ‍unmarked‍ vehicles ⁤with blue sirens.

The‍ officers‍ will face​ charges of ⁢assault,⁤ malicious damage to ​property,⁤ and firearm offenses, according to the‌ Independent Police⁣ Investigative Directorate, which​ investigates police misconduct.

They⁢ were arrested on⁢ Sunday and‍ are being held at​ a Johannesburg police station ahead of their ‍court appearance, the ‌directorate said.

The officers are all part of the security‍ detail assigned to South ⁤African Deputy​ President Paul Mashatile, who was not present during the alleged assault, according to his office.

Mashatile has condemned the conduct of the⁤ officers, which sparked‍ outrage in a country​ that has a problem⁤ with police brutality.

The officers have also been suspended from work.

The officers are⁢ accused of‌ assaulting three men,‍ although the video only captures them kicking and stomping on two men while a third lies next to them.

A woman who was also traveling in the⁢ car is seen‌ on the video standing⁢ with​ her hands in the air as the officers attack the men.

The officers were traveling in ⁢two ⁣black SUVs and are seen getting​ back into their vehicles and driving ⁤away, leaving one of⁤ the men lying motionless on⁤ the side of the busy highway.

A​ union that‌ represents members of the armed forces ‌said all of the victims of the attack were in the South African army, although ⁢they ‌were not on duty ​at the‍ time.

The Western Journal has reviewed this Associated ⁣Press‍ story and may have ​altered it prior to‌ publication to ensure that it meets our editorial standards.

The post All Eight Police⁣ Officers Tasked with Guarding Top⁤ Official Now Under Arrest appeared ⁢first on The Western⁢ Journal.

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