Conservative News Daily

Record high American gun ownership, with bipartisan support: Poll

Record High⁤ Gun Ownership in America: Not Just Republicans

People may not be⁣ reading magazines anymore, but they are loading them more than ever.

A recent NBC News poll ⁣found that gun ownership ⁢is at its highest level in almost 25 years, with 52 percent of voters either owning⁣ a gun or ⁣having‌ one in their household. That is the highest level of recorded gun ownership in the poll’s history.

Meanwhile, a Harvard poll ⁤showed that 6 in 10 voters said gun ‌ownership is ⁢necessary for self-defense. A ​majority of every ‍political affiliation (Republican, Democrat and independent) answered affirmatively ⁤at 77 percent, 54 percent​ and 56 percent, respectively.

When asked if crime in their community is getting better, worse or staying ‌about the same, 42 percent of voters said worse (only 21 percent said better). A ‌full 90 percent said crime is either a “very serious” ​or “somewhat serious” issue.

The most telling findings came when respondents were asked who they⁣ blamed‌ for increasing crime. “Woke politicians​ are to blame for rising ⁢crime,” 55 ⁤percent ​of respondents said,‍ while 67⁣ percent supported “removing DA’s who are soft on crime.”

This should not come as a shock‍ to anyone. Even before these polls were released, Americans rewarded the few incumbent officials who ‌were⁤ tough on crime with landslide re-election.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis suspended two state prosecutors who‌ were soft on crime and pushed to expand “stand⁢ your ground” laws to include private businesses after the riots of 2020. Voters responded by handing DeSantis ​the largest electoral victory over a ⁢Democrat ‌in Florida in over 100 years.

Americans understandably feel threatened from ‌all sides right now. Crime stories have​ consistently​ driven the news cycle for at least three years.

We have seen high-profile lawmakers get attacked, like former California Sen. Barbara Boxer, Minnesota Rep. Angie Craig and Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar. Just this⁤ year, ​Beyonce’s mother ‌ Tina Knowles-Larson and rapper Drake ​had their homes burglarized.

If even the rich and powerful with all their resources are ⁢not safe, America’s Joe Six-Packs must be asking themselves how they can possibly be secure, especially after the successful‌ efforts to defund the​ police in some of America’s largest cities.

These stories come as‍ terrorism is on the rise again. The FBI recently foiled a potential terror attack by a⁢ Jordanian man on American soil. In‌ 2022, we saw the thwarted jihadi assassination of former ‌President George W. Bush and a siege on a synagogue in Colleyville,⁤ Texas.

Regardless of how they​ may feel about becoming entangled in another foreign war, I suspect many Americans were inspired by the thousands of Ukrainians who took their safety into⁢ their own hands‌ and began open-carrying rifles after Russia’s invasion.

Moreover, many recent efforts to expand the ability​ of Americans to defend themselves have proved successful.

Iowa, Tennessee, Texas, Montana, ‌Utah and Wyoming‍ passed constitutional carry (otherwise⁤ known as permitless carry)​ in 2021. The next year, Alabama, Ohio, Indiana and ⁢Georgia followed suit, with Florida and ​Nebraska joining in‍ 2023.

There are now 27 states that ⁢authorize citizens to exercise their Second Amendment ⁣rights​ with constitutional carry. South Carolina may ⁤soon add to that number, as constitutional carry has passed the state House and is awaiting passage in the state Senate.

Crime +⁢ political instability + expanded access + expanded legal protection is probably ​what⁣ has fed into the trend of ⁣increased gun ownership.

It likely explains why, “in the last ten years, we’ve grown [10 points] ⁢ in gun ownership,” as pollster Micah Roberts of Public Opinion Strategies told NBC. “That’s a very stunning number,” Roberts added.

Americans should be encouraged⁢ by these ​figures. This a rare bipartisan embrace of a crucial right. It is ​always good for Americans to be more secure against both domestic threats and foreign ones.

There is a famous quote — “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a⁤ rifle behind each blade of grass” — that is widely attributed to Japanese Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto, who⁤ served Imperial Japan during

How do the​ perception of increasing crime rates and the‌ resurgence of terrorism contribute to the rise in gun ownership in America

Nt events, such as​ the COVID-19 pandemic and social unrest, have further fueled concerns⁤ about personal​ safety ⁤and the need for self-defense. ‍These factors, along with the ongoing political debates on gun control, have contributed to an increase in gun ownership across the⁢ country.

The ⁣NBC News⁣ poll revealed⁤ that ⁤52 percent of voters either own a ‌gun or‌ have⁢ one ⁤in their ‍household, ​marking the highest level of recorded gun ownership in almost 25 years. This finding demonstrates that gun ownership is not⁤ limited to one ​particular political affiliation. In fact, a Harvard poll indicated that a ⁣majority of Republicans, Democrats, and independents ‍(77 percent, 54 percent, and 56 percent, respectively) believe that ‍gun ownership is necessary for self-defense.

The perception of increasing crime rates also plays a significant role ​in ⁤the current surge in gun ownership. ‍When asked about crime in ⁢their community, 42 percent of ‍voters said it was getting worse,‍ while only 21 percent believed it ⁤was getting better. A staggering 90 percent considered crime to be ​a‌ serious issue, with 55 percent ⁢blaming woke politicians for the rise ⁣in crime and 67 percent supporting the removal of district attorneys who⁢ are perceived to be soft ⁣on crime.

These concerns are not unfounded. Several high-profile‍ incidents,⁢ including attacks on lawmakers and burglaries of celebrities’ homes, have heightened ⁤fears about ⁢personal safety. The defunding of police‌ departments in certain cities has further exacerbated these concerns as Americans ⁢question their ability to secure their lives and property.

Furthermore, the resurgence of terrorism adds another layer of anxiety. Recent cases, such as the foiled terror attack by⁢ a Jordanian man ‌and the planned assassination of former President George W. Bush, highlight the ongoing threat that citizens ⁢face. ​Such incidents remind Americans of the importance of self-defense and their‌ right to bear‌ arms.

In light of these circumstances, it is not surprising that ‌gun ownership in America ‍has reached record highs. People from all walks of life, regardless ​of their political affiliations, recognize ‍the need for self-protection. The ⁣increasing prevalence ‌of guns in society reflects a⁤ fundamental belief in individual rights and a willingness to take personal responsibility for one’s safety.

As the nation grapples with complex issues surrounding gun control and public safety, it is ⁣crucial to understand that the desire ⁢for gun ownership cuts across partisan lines. Future policies and discussions on this subject should take into account the diverse perspectives and concerns of the American people. ‍Ultimately, the goal should ⁣be to promote responsible gun ownership while ensuring the safety and well-being of all citizens.

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