Washington Examiner

Foreign enemies fuel anti-Semitism on American campuses

Tsunami of Antisemitism:​ The Rise of Hatred‍ on College Campuses

Following Hamas’s brutal terrorist attacks ​on⁢ Israel,‍ celebrations erupted in leftist strongholds across the United ‍States.⁢ The surge of antisemitism that has since plagued college campuses and⁣ major cities ⁣is ​unprecedented, with left-wing sources being the primary‌ perpetrators. Antisemitism is⁢ no longer a slow-moving and corrosive⁣ force on the left; it has become a complete⁢ tsunami.

The Damaging ⁢Impact ⁤on ⁢Jewish Students

Jewish ‌students‍ have been severely affected by the hatred that has infiltrated college campuses. A survey ‌conducted by the Anti-Defamation League and Hillel International revealed that ‍only ⁣46% of‌ Jewish students feel physically safe, and a mere 33% feel emotionally safe on⁢ campus. Shockingly,⁤ 73% ​of students reported witnessing antisemitism during the ‍2023-24 school year.

Foreign Provocateurs and Terrorist Propaganda

Research conducted⁢ by the Institute for the Study of Global ⁤Antisemitism and ​Policy suggests that overseas provocateurs have played a significant role in fueling the current climate of ​intolerance. Terrorist⁢ propaganda, potentially disseminated by⁢ the terrorists themselves, is being shared on⁤ U.S. campuses. Countries like Qatar, Iran, and China ⁢are actively involved⁣ in long-term efforts to incite⁢ college antisemitism. More⁤ recently, Russia, Iran, and China have utilized online ‌platforms ⁢to exacerbate societal divisions in America. It‍ is crucial to identify and counteract these⁢ efforts to ensure that American Jews are not ‍targeted for events occurring⁢ in the Middle East.

Terrorism on Campus

Even before the Oct. 7 attacks, chapters of Students for ⁤Justice in Palestine (SJP) were known‍ for ‌their ⁤antisemitic views on college campuses. ‍During ​the 2022-23 school year, ⁣SJP chapters were responsible for the majority of documented anti-Israel⁢ incidents. The SJP’s support for Hamas and‌ its ⁣dissemination of inflammatory content,‌ including from the radical anti-Zionist Resistance⁤ News ​Network, have raised concerns about the group’s influence and funding.

Foreign Governments’ Secret Funding

While SJP’s role in promoting antisemitism is overt, the undisclosed financial donations from foreign​ governments are having a significant but less visible impact. Research shows that colleges and⁢ universities that accept such funding ‍experience a higher ⁤prevalence of antisemitic incidents. Qatar, China, and Iran are‌ among the top contributors​ of secret funding, with Qatar being the largest. ‍These⁢ donations raise concerns about the influence these governments ⁢may have⁢ on ‍American academia.

Influence Operations‌ and Online Propaganda

Russia, Iran, and China are taking advantage of ‌the rising antisemitism on college campuses by ​fueling it through online operations. Investigations have pointed to Russian involvement in exacerbating tensions in⁣ the West. China⁣ has also exploited the Israel-Gaza conflict to spread antisemitic tropes and disinformation​ on Chinese social media. The dissemination of anti-Israel misinformation ​by outlets​ like the Grayzone, which ⁤has ties to Russia,​ further​ contributes to the spread of hatred.


The ​rise of antisemitism, particularly on college campuses, is a ‍pressing ‌issue that demands attention. Elected officials and college leaders must take action to combat the ​virulent⁣ hatred fueled by foreign financial donations and incendiary groups. It is essential to provide people with accurate information and ‍counter the propaganda that perpetuates lies and division.

What steps can university administrations take to enforce⁤ strict guidelines and consequences for acts of antisemitism ‍on college campuses?

The recent ​surge in‍ antisemitism, college campuses have been plagued by acts of terror against ⁢Jewish students. In 2019, a gunman opened fire at⁤ the Chabad of Poway synagogue ⁣near San Diego,‌ California, killing one⁢ and injuring three others. This tragic incident serves as a⁣ reminder‌ that the hatred and extremism that fuels acts‍ of terrorism can infiltrate ⁢even the most seemingly safe spaces.​ Jewish students‍ should not have to⁢ live in⁢ fear while pursuing their education.

The Need for Action

In ‍order to⁤ combat the tsunami of antisemitism on college campuses,‌ immediate action must be taken. University administrations must enforce strict guidelines prohibiting ‌hate speech and ensure that those who perpetrate acts of antisemitism ⁣face severe consequences. Campus police departments should work closely with local law enforcement agencies to thoroughly investigate ⁢any acts of violence or threats targeting Jewish students.

Education is also vital in addressing this issue. College ⁢campuses should implement mandatory ⁣workshops and training sessions that educate⁤ students about​ the history ⁤and impact ⁣of antisemitism. These workshops should promote‍ dialogue and understanding, encouraging⁣ students to‌ challenge their‍ own biases⁢ and prejudices.

Jewish student⁢ organizations ​should ⁤also collaborate ⁢with other minority student groups to raise awareness of the intersectionality of hate and the ‍importance of solidarity⁤ in combating discrimination. By creating⁤ alliances with ⁢other marginalized ⁣communities,⁢ Jewish students can draw strength and support in their fight against antisemitism.

The Role of Society

Addressing antisemitism on college campuses is not solely the responsibility of universities and student organizations. Society as‍ a whole must take a stand against⁤ hatred and intolerance.​ Lawmakers should pass legislation that ⁣explicitly condemns antisemitism‍ and provides protections for Jewish individuals on college campuses. Media outlets have‍ a responsibility to report on incidents of antisemitism accurately and without bias.

Additionally, individuals must be proactive in challenging antisemitic rhetoric and attitudes. It is not enough to simply condemn acts of antisemitism; we must‍ actively educate ⁢ourselves and others​ about the history and experiences of Jewish people. By fostering⁢ empathy and understanding,⁢ we ​can contribute to the eradication of antisemitism in all its forms.


The rise of antisemitism on college campuses ‌is⁢ a disturbing trend that demands ⁤attention and action. Jewish students should not have to fear for their safety or face discrimination while pursuing higher education. By implementing stringent policies, promoting education, and⁤ fostering solidarity,⁤ we can work ‍towards creating an environment where all students are safe and respected. It is our collective responsibility to stem the tide of this tsunami of hatred and ensure that college campuses truly stand as bastions​ of knowledge and ‍inclusivity.

Read More From Original Article Here: America’s foreign enemies stoke Jew hatred on campus

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