Washington Examiner

Foreign enemies fuel anti-Semitism on American campuses

Tsunami of Antisemitism: The Rise⁢ of Hatred on College Campuses

Following Hamas’s brutal terrorist attacks on Israel, celebrations ‍erupted​ in leftist strongholds across⁤ the United States. The⁣ surge of antisemitism that has since plagued college campuses and ⁣major cities is unprecedented, with left-wing sources being the primary perpetrators.​ Antisemitism is no longer a slow-moving and corrosive force;⁢ it has become a complete tsunami on the Left.

The Damaging Impact on Jewish Students

Jewish students⁣ have been severely affected by the hatred ​that‌ has infiltrated college campuses. A survey conducted by the Anti-Defamation League and Hillel International revealed that only 46% of Jewish students feel physically safe, and‌ a mere 33% feel emotionally safe on campus. Shockingly, 73% of ⁢students have witnessed antisemitism during the 2023-24 school year.

Foreign Provocateurs and Terrorist Propaganda

Research conducted by the Institute for the‌ Study of Global Antisemitism ⁤and ⁣Policy suggests that overseas provocateurs have played a significant role in fueling the current⁣ climate of‍ intolerance. Terrorist​ propaganda,‍ potentially disseminated by the terrorists themselves, is being shared on U.S. ‌campuses. Countries like Qatar, Iran, and China ⁣are actively involved ‍in long-term efforts to ‍incite college antisemitism. More recently, Russia, Iran, and China have utilized online platforms to exacerbate societal divisions in America. It is crucial to identify and counteract these efforts to ensure that American Jews are not targeted for events occurring in​ the Middle East.

Terrorism on Campus

Even before the Oct. 7 atrocities, Students for Justice ‍in Palestine (SJP) chapters were notorious for their openly antisemitic stance on college⁣ campuses. During the 2022-23 school year, SJP chapters were responsible for the majority of⁤ documented anti-Israel incidents. The SJP’s support for Hamas and their dissemination of inflammatory content, including from the radical​ anti-Zionist Resistance News ‍Network, have ‍raised concerns about their influence on campus.

Foreign Funding and Influence

Undisclosed financial donations⁢ from ⁢foreign governments are also contributing to the rise of antisemitism on college campuses. Research shows that ⁤colleges and universities that accepted such ‌funding experienced a ​significantly higher number of antisemitic‌ incidents. Qatar, China, and Iran‌ are among the top contributors of secret funding. The Alavi Foundation, with ties to the Iranian government, has been found to support anti-Israel professors at U.S. universities.

Influence Operations and Online Propaganda

Russia,​ Iran, and China are⁢ taking advantage of the atmosphere of hate on college campuses by fueling antisemitism through online operations. Russian involvement in stoking tensions has‌ been identified, and ‍there have been instances of Russian disinformation campaigns. Chinese​ social media has also ⁢seen a surge in antisemitic content spread‌ by the government and state media.


The rise of ⁤antisemitism, particularly on college campuses,⁤ is a pressing issue that demands attention. Elected officials and college leaders must take action to combat the virulent hatred fueled by foreign ‍financial donations and incendiary groups. It is essential to ‌provide accurate information and counter the propaganda that perpetuates lies and division.

What actions should educational institutions take to effectively address and prevent‌ antisemitic incidents on their campuses?

And address the foreign influences that contribute to the rise of antisemitism on⁣ college campuses, as they pose a​ threat to⁢ not only the safety of ‌Jewish students but also to the integrity of academic institutions.

The Role of Left-Wing Sources

It is disheartening to witness the role that left-wing sources have played in perpetuating antisemitism on college campuses. While the Left prides itself on championing inclusivity and​ tolerance, the reality is quite different. Many⁢ left-wing‌ activists and groups have embraced a distorted version of social⁣ justice, where support ‌for ⁣the Palestinian cause often ​translates into hostility towards Jews and Israel.

The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions⁤ (BDS)⁢ movement is a prime​ example of this. While ​it claims to be a nonviolent protest against Israel’s policies, BDS has been widely criticized for its anti-Israel bias ‌and its attempts to delegitimize the Jewish state. ⁢This movement has gained significant traction on college campuses, leading to an ‍environment where antisemitic ​rhetoric and actions are tolerated under the guise ⁣of political activism.

The Role of Educational Institutions

Colleges and universities have a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of their students. However,⁣ the rise of antisemitism on college campuses suggests that⁣ many institutions are‍ failing in this regard. There have been instances where antisemitic incidents were not adequately addressed⁤ or were even dismissed by university administrations.

Moreover,⁣ some educational institutions have allowed speakers with a history of antisemitism to address ⁣students, thus providing a platform for hate speech. It ​is essential for colleges and universities to adopt a zero-tolerance policy towards antisemitism and to take swift and decisive action against individuals or groups that promote​ hatred on their campuses.

Combatting Antisemitism: The‍ Way Forward

To effectively combat the tsunami of antisemitism⁣ on college campuses, it is crucial for various stakeholders to take decisive ‍action. Educational institutions must prioritize the safety ⁣and well-being of Jewish ⁢students by implementing strict protocols to address and ⁢prevent antisemitic ⁣incidents. This includes providing adequate resources for reporting, investigating, and addressing such incidents, as well ​as providing support systems for affected students.

Furthermore, law enforcement agencies must work closely with educational institutions to ensure that antisemitic acts are thoroughly investigated, and perpetrators are held accountable. ⁤There‍ should be zero tolerance ⁢for hate crimes, and those responsible should face​ appropriate legal consequences.

Civil society organizations, both Jewish and non-Jewish, ⁢have an important role to play in raising awareness about the ‍issue and promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding. By fostering an environment ‌of tolerance and​ respect, these organizations can help counter the spread of‌ antisemitism on college campuses.

Lastly, it is crucial to address the foreign influences that exacerbate antisemitism. ⁢The government, in collaboration with ‌intelligence⁣ agencies, should ​closely monitor and expose the tactics ‌used by foreign entities ‌to incite hatred on college campuses. Diplomatic efforts should be made to⁤ hold ‍countries accountable for engaging in‍ such divisive and harmful activities.


The ⁢rise of antisemitism on ‌college‌ campuses is a deeply concerning trend‍ that must be confronted head-on. It is not only a threat to ‍the safety and ⁢well-being of Jewish students‍ but also an attack on the principles of inclusivity and tolerance that academic institutions should uphold.⁣ By taking a⁤ proactive and comprehensive approach, we can ensure that college campuses remain spaces of learning, respect, and diversity, devoid of⁤ hatred and discrimination.

Read More From Original Article Here: America’s foreign enemies stoke Jew hatred on campus

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