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Bipartisan bill aims to bring NFL stadium back to D.C.

Will America see professional football⁢ in the nation’s capital again?

A bipartisan Congressional bill might⁤ make that happen and bring Washington’s team⁤ back to‌ the District.

On Wednesday, Congressman James Comer ‌(R-KY) introduced a co-sponsored bill titled, “The D.C. Robert F.‍ Kennedy (RFK) Memorial Stadium⁤ Campus Revitalization Act.”

“This⁢ legislation is set ‌to pave the ​way for ‍local officials to create meaningful new jobs, add millions in city revenue, and​ transform the Anacostia River waterfront into a lively destination for all,” Comer said in a ⁤ statement given to The Washington Post.

Comer, who is chairman ⁤of ‍House Oversight, also emphasized that the “committee ‍remains committed ​to​ working with Washington, D.C. officials to​ ensure a capital that is prosperous for residents and visitors for generations to come.”

The bill would transfer the existing RFK property⁢ from ⁤the ⁢Secretary of Interior to the GSA.‌ The ‌GSA would then lease it to the ​city of D.C. for 99 years with an option review.

D.C. non-voting delegate supports the ​bill

D.C. non-voting delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D) also⁢ cosponsored the bill and supported ​its‍ speedy passage.

“The RFK​ site sits​ on underused federal land⁢ in D.C. that could be redeveloped, generating tax‌ revenue for D.C.,” ⁢Norton ‌said. “Neither the⁤ Mayor nor the Council Chair ⁣opposes‌ this bill, which would allow D.C. to put the site to productive use — a vast improvement on the current state of affairs. I look forward to ⁤working⁤ with Chairman Comer to‌ pass this bill as quickly ⁤as ‍possible.”

RFK Stadium ‌was first built in ⁤1961, originally called Washington, D.C., Stadium. It ​held ​its⁤ last event in 2017, but the Washington Redskins played their last game ⁣at ‌RFK in 1996.


Now,⁤ with the Washington Commanders sold to a new ownership group, federal officials hope that ⁤the ⁢team will come back to the district. While D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser ‌suggested that the ⁤existing ​stadium ​would be torn‌ down, she remained confident a new one would be built in hopes of ‌attracting D.C.’s NFL team.

New owner Josh Harris, who grew up in ⁣the area, ⁢had previously ⁣expressed his ⁤appreciation ⁢for what RFK had‍ to offer.

“We would love to have a stadium where‍ the opposing ‍players fear to come, and​ our fans love to come, and our players love ‍to come and feel welcomed,” he said after buying ⁤the ‍team. “That’s what I experienced at RFK — ‌and whatever happens‌ with the stadium, that’s the kind of ⁣stadium experience ⁤I want to create.”

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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