The daily wire

MIT alumni express anger and heartbreak over alma mater’s response to pro-Palestinian protests

A Call for Action: Jewish MIT Alumni⁤ Demand Stronger Response to Pro-Palestinian Protests

A group of passionate Jewish alumni from the renowned Massachusetts​ Institute of Technology ‌(MIT) have ⁤sent a powerful letter to⁢ their alma mater, urging the leadership‍ to​ take a more robust stance against the pro-Palestinian protests that have erupted on campus.

In their heartfelt letter to MIT’s board ⁤of directors, President Sally Kornbluth, and Faculty Chair ⁢Mary Fuller, ‍the Jewish MIT Committee expressed their deep distress‍ and concern over the current state​ of ⁢affairs at the university, which they believe has been infiltrated by​ anti-Semitism.

The letter boldly states, “An institution that prizes mathematical rigor and⁣ consistency and physical and immutable laws is now wrought by arbitrary and⁣ discriminatory ‌double standards.​ Law-breakers flaunt the law, while law-abiders are shunned and left to fend for themselves.”

The committee further highlights the alarming situation, revealing that Jewish students⁢ are being prevented from attending classes⁣ and are afraid to set‌ foot on campus. Even Jewish employees fear bringing their children to MIT Daycare. The letter emphasizes that the law-breaking and rule-defying actions are explicitly aimed at ​challenging the presence of Jews at MIT.

The committee demands ‍that MIT’s leadership enforce rules regarding protests, ⁣political speech, and civility, ensuring that those who break the​ laws or campus regulations ‍are promptly held accountable.

Additionally, the‍ committee calls for an external entity to investigate the ⁢college’s response to the protests and insists on mandatory anti-Semitism education for all MIT staff.

President Kornbluth, who recently testified before Congress about the pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, assured that her administration is ‍actively fighting ‍against anti-Semitism.

“As an American, as a Jew, and as a human being, I abhor anti-Semitism, and my administration is combatting it actively. Since October 7th, my campus communications have been crystal clear about the dangers‍ of anti-Semitism and⁢ about the atrocity of the⁤ Hamas terror attack,” she stated.

Previous protests on campus have included chants such as “one solution, intifada revolution” and “from the river⁢ to the sea, Palestine will be free!”


President Kornbluth acknowledges the delicate ⁣balance between protecting speech and viewpoint diversity while⁣ ensuring the safety and functioning⁤ of the institute. However, the alumni ⁤firmly believe that ​action must be taken ⁣to restore MIT to its ⁣former glory and the ⁤culture that made it cherished by its Jewish⁣ alumni.

The Daily Wire has reached out to MIT for comment, ​and the alumni eagerly await a response, ready ​to contribute their efforts to rectify the situation.

What concrete measures does⁢ the letter propose​ that MIT should‌ take to address the concerns raised by the Jewish⁣ MIT Committee?

⁤G and intimidation tactics being employed by pro-Palestinian protesters⁤ go against the ‍principles of free speech and inclusivity that⁤ MIT claims to uphold.

The Jewish⁣ MIT ⁤Committee points‍ out that the university’s response ‍to these incidents has been inadequate and insufficient. ⁤They call for immediate action to protect Jewish​ students, faculty, and staff, and demand a stronger condemnation of anti-Semitism and discrimination. They⁤ argue that maintaining a neutral⁤ stance or turning a blind eye to these issues only perpetuates a hostile ⁢environment for Jewish individuals​ on campus.

The letter proposes⁤ a series of concrete measures that MIT should take⁢ to address ⁢this troubling situation. Firstly, they urge the establishment of a dedicated task ⁢force composed of faculty, students, and alumni, whose purpose ‍would be to develop and ​enforce policies that safeguard the rights ⁣and well-being of the Jewish community at MIT. Secondly, they call for an independent investigation into the incidents of anti-Semitism on campus, ensuring that those responsible are held accountable. Additionally, ‌they suggest implementing mandatory diversity and sensitivity training‍ for⁤ all members of the MIT community,​ to foster a more inclusive campus culture.

Furthermore, the letter calls for​ the provision of proper ‌security measures to ensure the safety of Jewish students,‍ faculty, and staff. This includes enhancing campus security, monitoring ⁤social media platforms for ‌hate speech and⁤ threats,​ and‍ collaborating with local law enforcement ⁢agencies to address any potential dangers.

The Jewish MIT ‍Committee emphasizes that their demands are not⁢ meant to stifle free speech or silence pro-Palestinian voices. Instead, they aim to create an environment where diverse perspectives can be shared and debated ‍in a respectful and inclusive manner. They believe ⁢that MIT has the responsibility ⁣to foster an⁢ atmosphere of‌ constructive dialogue and intellectual​ growth, without compromising the safety and well-being of any group on campus.

The letter ‌concludes with a powerful plea ​to MIT’s ‍leadership, urging them to uphold the⁤ university’s values of inclusivity, equity,⁣ and justice. It states, “We look to you ⁤for moral leadership and courage in defending the rights‌ of Jewish students, faculty, and⁤ staff. It is time for MIT‍ to take a stand against ​anti-Semitism and discrimination, and to ensure that all members of our community can thrive and succeed in a safe and⁣ respectful environment.”

In response to the letter, MIT has acknowledged the ⁣concerns raised by the Jewish MIT Committee and ‍has⁤ initiated​ discussions with⁢ the group to address these issues. They have expressed their commitment to taking appropriate action to address the concerns and create a more inclusive campus for all. However, the Jewish MIT Alumni community eagerly awaits a concrete and robust​ response from the university that reflects ⁢their demands and prioritizes the‍ safety and well-being of Jewish individuals on campus.

This‍ call for action by Jewish MIT alumni serves as ​a ‌reminder that ⁤universities‌ must actively combat‌ discrimination and create an environment where all individuals,⁤ regardless of their background or beliefs, feel safe and valued. It highlights the importance of ⁣standing up‍ against anti-Semitism ‌and working towards a more inclusive and equitable society. MIT, as a leading institution ‌of higher education, has the opportunity and the responsibility to set ​an example for​ other ⁣universities in addressing these‌ challenges⁤ and ensuring the ​well-being of all members of its community.

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