Conservative News Daily

Angry mob leaves personalized message for Joe Biden on White House gates.

If they were conservatives protesting porn in schools, they’d be in prison by now.

The mobs of demonstrators that descended on the White House on‌ Saturday‌ in support of the Palestinian cause —⁣ and presumably the Hamas terrorists who spearhead it — swamped the nation’s⁤ capital while filling‌ the‌ air with ⁤chants.

And they left messages for President Joe Biden — and the American public — that will cost ‍taxpayers money to remove.

According to The Washington​ Times,⁢ only one demonstrator was ⁣arrested among the thousands who rattled the White House gates, vandalized its columns and spraypainted other political messages on the ⁤bases of statues ⁤throughout Washington.

Conservative commentator Benny‍ Johnson posted​ a video of the damage to the social media platform X on Monday.

As the video shows, “Free Palestine” appears⁣ more than once. Then there’s⁢ the much more personalized⁤ “F*** Biden,” which, if it had been conservatives protesting (and if conservatives were vandals) presumably would have ‌been more euphemistically ⁢phrased as Let’s⁣ go Brandon!

WARNING: The following video ​contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive.

In another context, the message of “Free Palestine” would simply be insipid. In the context​ of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, sparked by the ⁣Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack that⁤ echoed the worst days of the Holocaust, it is infuriating.

Palestinian-related protests are no longer about Middle⁢ Eastern graduate students getting their⁣ rocks off ‌during their studies in the U.S. and⁣ proving they haven’t forgotten the homeland. They’re⁢ not just about American hipsters showing how in tune they are with‌ the “oppressed peoples” by putting a fist in the air for⁢ Palestinians while wearing their “Free Mumia” T-shirts‍ and Che berets.

What the world saw in the Oct. 7‌ massacre was an evil as deep and deplorable as the evil that drove the Holocaust —⁢ as​ centuries of anti-Semitism burst into view on a bloody day in the Jewish homeland.

What United States​ has seen since — with pro-Hamas‌ rallies ⁣sullying the streets of major cities and college campuses, with vandals tearing down posters bearing images of those taken‌ hostage ‍— is an‌ endorsement of that evil.

And as‍ the Saturday⁢ mob ​in D.C. proved — with the extensive vandalism on record⁤ combined with only one ⁢arrest — it’s happening while the government turns the other way.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration makes noises ⁣ about Israeli restraint.

Does anyone doubt for ‌a second that ​if tens of thousands of Donald Trump supporters had ‍converged on the⁤ White⁣ House, the crowd would have been dispersed with tear gas and police batons before spray paint ‌play could begin?

Does anyone doubt that a mob of parents protesting the ‌use of public libraries around the country to satisfy grown men’s urging for sexual cosplay would have been locked up on⁣ the spot, with the District of Columbia and Capitol Police⁣ running out of plastic handcuffs to hold everyone?

But these hordes are “protestings for Palestine,” a cause sanctioned by​ the international left, big names in entertainment and many prominent American Democrats — such as “squad” members Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.

While it’s true that some Democrats have attacked Tlaib for her position,‍ give ‍the party time, ⁣and a rising body ⁢count. It’s a⁤ good bet ⁣it won’t be long before ⁣Democrats are pushing en masse for an ‍Israeli “cease-fire” that would ‌make Hamas the victor in its ‍existential struggle.

The terrorists of Hamas and their ‍backers, the murderous mullahs of Iran, are betting on the short memories of the American public to help demonstrators like this get their way.

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They’re assuming the country can be misled by the likes of former President Barack Obama, who ⁤hedges on a decision about a​ war between civilization and savages by declaring that “nobody’s hands are‌ clean.”

Meanwhile, American taxpayers are left footing‌ the bill for the childish temper tantrum that passed for a protest in D.C. on Saturday.

The‌ protesters left ‍one⁣ message for Biden.‍ That was: “Free Palestine.”

They ‍left another for the American people. That was: “You’re fools. And we’re proving it.”

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The post Angry Mob Left Joe Biden Personalized Message on White ​House ‍Gates appeared first on The Western ⁤Journal.

‌How does the ​double ⁢standard in how protests are treated ⁣based on political affiliation or cause impact ​public trust ​in law enforcement and the justice​ system?

Bia police wasting no time in protecting children and maintaining public order?

The double standard is ‍clear.⁢ If the demonstrators were conservatives protesting against pornography in schools or demanding‌ border ​security, the response would have been swift and harsh. They would have been portrayed as right-wing ⁤extremists, arrested, and possibly charged with hate crimes.

But when it comes to left-wing causes, especially​ those associated with⁣ Palestine,‌ the rules seem to be⁤ different. The protesters ⁣are given a pass, their vandalism and destruction of public property often excused or ignored. Their ‌message, no matter how inflammatory ‍or offensive, is tolerated and even‌ supported by some politicians and media ⁢outlets.

This bias is not only unfair but also dangerous. It sends a message that certain groups can ​act with impunity, while others are targeted and punished for expressing their opinions or advocating for ‍their beliefs.

Moreover, it ⁤undermines the rule of law and erodes public trust in law enforcement ⁤and the justice system. When people ‍see that the government is reluctant to enforce the law ⁣or protect public property during certain protests, they lose confidence in its ability to maintain order and ensure justice for all.

It is essential that ⁢we⁣ hold all protesters to⁢ the ‍same ⁤standards, regardless ⁤of ‍their political ⁣beliefs‍ or the causes they support. Vandalism, ⁤destruction of⁢ property, and⁣ hate speech should be condemned and punished, regardless ​of the ideological motivations behind them.

Furthermore, the media has a responsibility ⁣to report objectively and fairly on ‌all protests ⁣and demonstrations. It is not enough⁣ to selectively cover certain events or‍ present a biased narrative that supports one⁢ side over another. Journalists should strive for balance and⁤ accuracy, providing the public with all the information they ‍need to form their own ⁣opinions.

In conclusion, the‍ double standard in how protests are⁤ treated based on political ⁤affiliation or‌ cause is unacceptable. If we want to maintain a just and democratic society, we must ensure that all‍ individuals and groups are‌ held accountable for their actions ‌and that ⁣the rule of ⁢law is upheld consistently. Anything‌ less undermines ‌the principles ‍of fairness, equality, and justice ‍that​ are the⁤ foundation of our democracy.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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