Conservative News Daily

Report: Combat dolphins deployed in Black Sea for anti-diver operations; whales and seals undergoing training as well.

Russia Deploys Trained Dolphins to Enhance Security at Black Sea Military Base

Russia is taking unconventional measures to bolster security at its Black Sea military base, according to British intelligence. Instead of relying solely on surveillance systems and alarms, the country is reportedly deploying trained dolphins.

The UK’s Ministry of Defence recently announced that the Russian Navy has made significant enhancements to the security of the Black Sea Fleet’s main base in Sevastopol. These enhancements include the installation of multiple layers of nets and booms across the harbour entrance.

However, the Ministry of Defence also stated that there is evidence suggesting an increased presence of trained marine mammals in the area. Satellite imagery reveals a significant expansion of floating mammal pens in the harbour, which are believed to house bottle-nosed dolphins. In Arctic waters, the Russian navy is known to utilize Beluga whales and seals for various missions.

It is highly likely that the animals housed in Sevastopol harbour are specifically trained to counter enemy divers, according to the Ministry of Defence. This is not the first time Russia has been linked to the use of trained animals for military purposes. In 2019, a Beluga whale found in Norway with a harness bearing the words “Equipment St. Petersburg” sparked speculation that it was a Russian spy whale.

While Russia has not officially commented on these incidents, it is clear that they are exploring unconventional methods to enhance their military capabilities. It is worth noting that the United States Navy also trains dolphins for specific tasks, such as identifying targets like people, moored mines, or bottom mines.

As the use of trained animals in military operations continues to capture attention, it remains to be seen how these unconventional tactics will shape future conflicts.


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