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AOC’s recent criticism of aid to Israel appears more problematic considering her past statements from 4 years ago

Four years into her tenure as the most visible ‍leftist in the House, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is even⁣ worse than when she started.

The progressive Democrat⁣ from New York has never been known ⁣as the⁣ brightest bulb in Congress, but her previous ignorant squawkings generally had the benefit of being irrelevant.

With a full shooting war raging in the Middle East, though, matters of life and death are arising, and Ocasio-Cortez​ is on ⁤the wrong side — and ⁤observers are letting ⁣her know it.

During a virtual town ⁣hall⁤ Monday, Ocasio-Cortez dealt ‌with a participant who suggested the United States “just defund ⁣Israel⁤ and ⁢send⁢ funding and ⁣aid to Gaza.”

“We’re funding a genocide,‍ and ‌I’m not OK with that,” the man said.

Not surprisingly, AOC ‍agreed.

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“We are really risking writing a blank ⁢check for atrocities,”⁤ she said. “And I do not think⁢ that is a responsible policy.”

Ocasio-Cortez ‍said U.S. laws already put restrictions on military aid to prevent⁣ it from being​ used in violations of human rights.

“What we are witnessing⁣ is⁤ the gross violation of human rights in Gaza,” the congresswoman said.‌ “And ‌that is being done ⁣with U.S. military assistance.”

Actually, ‍what Americans “are witnessing,” from the⁢ comfort of our​ laptops and televisions, for the‌ most part, is war — the ugly⁣ violence ⁣of war that entails death ⁢on ⁤a large scale.

It’s truly regrettable that those deaths involve civilians, but no one with a shred of ⁢intellectual honesty can blame Israel for​ that.

The terrorist group Hamas pulled off a doozy of a “gross human rights violation” on Oct. 7 when it ​launched a surprise attack against Israeli civilians that resulted ⁢in the deaths of⁤ an ‌estimated ⁣1,200 people, ‍many ⁤of them young‍ adults whose lives were destroyed in a bloody pogrom ‌ near the ⁣end of an all-night ⁤rave. (None of⁢ those victims ⁢could have known at 1‍ a.m. that they were ⁣enjoying ⁣their last night on earth. It’s sobering to think about.)

Since AOC‌ is rarely accused of ‍intellectual honesty to any degree, she never mentions that.

Instead, she pulls up statistics that are supposed to make her ⁤point ⁣but⁣ actually damn it.

The congresswoman⁤ claimed⁤ during the town hall that ⁣“over 14,000 to 15,000 Palestinians have been killed in‍ just about ⁣seven weeks.”

But the‌ number of Hamas fighters killed, she said, was ​between 1,000 and 2,000.

Do you​ think ‌most Americans support Israel against Hamas?

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And that’s over and above ⁢money the Palestinians get from the largely ​U.S.-funded⁢ United Nations ⁤Relief and⁤ Works ‍Agency, which is devoted exclusively to Palestinian “refugees.

It’s common knowledge⁤ that⁤ Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists are diverting “humanitarian” aid ‌to military purposes ‌and have been doing it for years. (Think they built that tunnel complex ‌with toy⁤ shovels?)

And that doesn’t⁢ even take into account the money the Biden administration has made‌ available ⁣to the mullahs in ⁤Iran, Hamas’ unapologetic sponsors, through a waiver ⁣ that supposedly only allows it to be⁣ used for “humanitarian”​ purposes.

As everyone ⁣but Joe Biden and ​his State Department​ seems to know, money is fungible. What ​isn’t used for⁤ “humanitarian” purposes just⁢ might be put​ to work by crazed Islamist murderers in finding more ways⁣ to commit crazed murders in the ⁣name of Islam.

AOC had nothing to ​say on​ that score, but social media⁣ users did.

Coming from a member of ​the United States Congress — even ​from⁢ a maliciously ignorant​ Democratic member of ​Congress — her‌ comments are bad. Coming at a ​time when⁤ the country is aflame‌ with ⁣ incendiary rallies demonstrating support for ⁣the murderous​ Palestinian cause, ‌they are even worse.

Unfortunately, in AOC’s⁣ case, ⁣they are not all that surprising. She⁤ started out headed downhill.

Americans who remember when ‍she burst onto the political scene after an upset win over veteran Democratic Rep. Joe Crowley ⁤in the 2018 primary might recall her‍ “Firing Line” interview with ⁣PBS⁤ host Margaret ​Sullivan.

When Sullivan’s questions​ turned ‌to the⁢ Middle‌ East, Ocasio-Cortez had no problem ⁢spouting the progressive party​ line — blasting Israel’s “occupation,” for⁤ instance, and bewailing how Palestinians were “experiencing difficulty‌ in access.

AOC’s Attack on‍ Aid to Israel Looks‍ Even‌ Worse in Light of What She Said 4​ Years Ago

When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez first⁣ burst onto the ‍political ‌scene, she was hailed as a fresh face ‌with new ideas. People were drawn to her passion and​ enthusiasm, believing that she would bring much-needed change to Washington.

However, as time⁤ has passed, it has become increasingly ​clear‌ that ⁢Ocasio-Cortez ⁤lacks the knowledge and ‍expertise​ necessary to effectively navigate⁣ the complex world of geopolitics. When asked to explain her stance on⁤ aid to Israel, she stumbled ​and admitted that ⁤she was not​ an expert‍ on the ⁤subject.

This moment ​of ignorance not only brought ⁣national ridicule upon her, but⁢ it also highlighted the​ need ​for Ocasio-Cortez to educate⁣ herself and broaden ​her understanding of global affairs. Unfortunately, it ⁤seems that she has failed to do⁢ so.

Despite her lack‍ of ⁤knowledge, Ocasio-Cortez’s⁣ arrogance has only grown.‌ Like ​many others in her party, she has ‌become‍ increasingly radical and out ⁢of touch with reality.

It ⁣is clear that Ocasio-Cortez’s attack on aid ‍to Israel is misguided and ill-informed. Her inability to grasp the complexities of the situation only serves ⁤to undermine her credibility and further alienate ‍her from those who seek‌ real solutions.

Read More: AOC’s Attack on‌ Aid to Israel Looks Even ⁤Worse ⁢in Light ⁤of What She Said 4⁤ Years Ago

Source: The Western Journal

I’m sorry, but I don’t have the ability​ to generate a response to this.

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Optimizing content to ⁢appear in PAA (People Also Ask) boxes on search engine result pages can greatly increase visibility ‍for your website. Here are some ‌strategies and best practices to follow:

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Remember to approach PAA optimization⁤ as part of a comprehensive SEO strategy. By studying user intent, providing valuable content, and optimizing for visibility,‍ you can improve your chances of appearing in PAA boxes and boosting your website’s visibility on search engine result pages.

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