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Failed coup attempt defeated, leaders arrested after assault on barracks, says president

President: Most Leaders Arrested After Failed Assault on Barracks

Sierra Leone ​was rocked by a series of attacks‍ over the weekend, targeting the nation’s main military barracks⁤ and prisons. However, President‍ Julius ⁢Maada ‍Bio ‍announced that the majority of the leaders behind these attacks have been​ apprehended.​ Despite this, the capital city of Freetown remains on‌ edge, with‍ empty⁢ streets and a dusk-to-dawn lockdown in ​place.

The ⁣ attacks on ‍Sunday took ‌residents and security forces by surprise, sparking⁢ concerns of a possible⁢ coup⁣ in the troubled region of West‍ Africa. President Bio addressed the nation on Sunday‌ night, assuring the public that calm has been ⁤restored, while emphasizing that security operations and investigations ​are⁢ ongoing.

Residents of Freetown were jolted ‌awake by the sound of ‍heavy gunfire as gunmen ‍attempted⁢ to ‍breach the key armory in the country’s largest military barracks, located near the heavily guarded presidential ​villa. A fierce⁣ exchange of fire between the gunmen and security ⁢forces ensued for several ⁤hours. The attackers also‌ targeted major detention ⁢centers, including the central prison holding‌ over 2,000 inmates, resulting in the ‌release or abduction of an unknown number of​ individuals.

Little is known about the identities⁤ or motives of the ‌attackers and​ those who lost‌ their‍ lives. However,⁤ former President Ernest Bai ⁢Koroma revealed that ⁢one of his ‌military guards ‍was killed on duty at his ⁣residence, while⁤ another was⁤ taken⁣ captive. Some of the attackers,⁤ in interviews with local media, claimed that their objective was to​ “clean up the system” rather than​ target civilians.

“Their‍ primary goal was to break⁤ into the‌ arms​ and ammunition store, and ⁤they managed ⁣to seize ‍significant​ amounts,⁣ which they scattered throughout the capital,” ‌explained Abdul Fatorma, a Sierra​ Leonean analyst and CEO of the Campaign for Human ⁣Rights Development​ International.

Kars⁤ de Bruijne,‌ head of the Sahel‌ program at ​the Clingendael ‌Institute, dismissed the ⁢possibility of the incident being a random criminal act, stating that ⁤the assailants numbered over 50.⁣ He also ⁢highlighted the ‌ease of acquiring weapons, particularly through the⁤ border with Guinea, a neighboring country ‌still ⁢grappling with political instability following a coup in 2021. Sierra Leone⁣ itself is still recovering from an 11-year civil war that ended more than two decades ago, and its population of 8 million ‍is among​ the world’s poorest.

The ⁣attacks have heightened political tensions in West and Central Africa, where ‌military ‌takeovers⁣ have surged, with ​eight ​occurring since 2020, including⁢ in Niger and Gabon ⁤this year. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), of which Sierra Leone is a member, described the attacks‌ as an attempt “to acquire arms ‍and disturb the ​peace and constitutional order.”

President Bio, ⁤who was re-elected⁣ in a disputed vote in June, ​expressed his determination to⁤ protect the hard-earned peace and stability of the⁢ nation. Just two months after ‌his re-election, several individuals, including senior military officers, were arrested for planning protests aimed at ‌undermining peace. The curfew, initially set from 9 ⁤p.m.⁤ to 6 a.m., will remain ⁣in effect until further ⁤notice, with Information‌ Minister Chernor Bah ⁢urging ​residents⁢ to remain calm but⁣ vigilant.

However, many in Freetown and across the country opted ‌to stay indoors, ⁢fearing potential violence. Kady Kamara, a concerned parent, chose not to send her ‍son to school, and Adama‍ Hawa Bah, residing near the Pademba‍ Road ⁢Prison, ‍reported seeing inmates freely ‍roaming the ⁤area following ⁤the‌ attack. She expressed the preference for safety ⁢indoors rather than⁤ being caught off guard outside.

The U.S. Embassy condemned the attack ‍and paid ​tribute to those who ⁤lost their lives⁢ defending Sierra Leone’s Constitution and government.

The‍ Western Journal has reviewed this Associated Press story ⁤and may have altered it‍ prior to publication to ensure ⁤that ⁣it ⁤meets our ⁢editorial standards.

The post Apparent Coup Attempt Defeated, President Says ⁣Leaders ⁤Have Been Arrested After Failed⁣ Assault on Barracks appeared⁤ first on The Western Journal.

How has the government responded to the recent attacks and what ⁤measures are being taken to⁢ restore security and stability?

_blank” ​rel=”noopener”>Africa. President Bio’s⁤ government has been facing criticism and growing unrest over a range of issues, including corruption, economic⁢ hardships, and a crackdown on opposition figures. The failed assault on the military barracks has raised concerns about the​ stability of the country and the ​ability of the government ‌to maintain control.

In response to the attacks, President Bio has deployed additional security forces across the‍ capital and declared ‌a dusk-to-dawn curfew. The curfew, along with the presence ⁣of armed military personnel patrolling the streets, has created an atmosphere of fear and ​uncertainty among the population. ‍Businesses have remained closed, and ⁤residents have been advised to stay indoors for their safety.

The government has assured the public that necessary measures are being taken to ‍restore security and stability. President ​Bio, in his address to the nation, vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice and called for unity in the face of these⁢ challenges.⁣ He ‌also expressed​ gratitude to the security ‌forces for their bravery and urged the⁤ population to cooperate with the ongoing investigations.

The international community has condemned the attacks and expressed support for Sierra Leone. The United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, issued a statement calling for the immediate release of any hostages and underscored⁢ the importance of upholding the rule of law. ​The African Union has also expressed solidarity with Sierra Leone and ⁢offered assistance in enhancing security and addressing the underlying⁤ issues contributing to the unrest.

The aftermath of these attacks will‍ test⁤ the resilience and ⁢capabilities of⁤ the Sierra Leonean government. It is crucial for President Bio to address the⁤ grievances of the population and⁤ take ‌concrete ⁣steps towards addressing corruption,‍ improving‌ the economy, and promoting inclusivity. Furthermore, cooperation with neighboring countries, such as Guinea, in strengthening border⁣ security and preventing the ⁣flow of weapons will be⁤ essential in preventing similar incidents in the future.

Sierra Leone has made significant progress since the end⁣ of its civil war, but challenges​ remain. ⁤The recent attacks highlight the fragility of the⁤ country’s‌ security situation and ‌the urgent ⁤need for comprehensive reforms. The ​government‍ must seize this ​opportunity to rebuild ​trust ⁣with its citizens, ​restore stability, and work towards a better future for all Sierra Leoneans. Only through collective efforts and strong leadership can the ⁤nation overcome these setbacks ⁢and ‌strive towards peace ⁤and prosperity.

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