The federalist

Arizona Secretary of State dismisses election issues despite lawsuit exposing 2022 failures

While Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes ‍was in D.C. this week smearing election integrity advocates as election “deniers,” a lawsuit was filed against‍ Maricopa County election officials by the local nonprofit civic group ‍Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona and Eric Lovelis, a Maricopa County resident and member of ‌the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.

County officials “are fully aware of the myriad deficiencies in how they administer elections,  yet they have consistently ​failed to take effective action to rectify them,” the lawsuit claims. “The Defendants’ administration of elections ‍in Maricopa County has been sloppy, shoddy, and rife with mistakes.

Filed by America First Legal, a law firm founded by former Trump⁤ administration officials, the suit names all of ‌Maricopa County’s Board of Supervisors, including its chairman, Bill Gates, and Stephen Richer, the county recorder.

It lays out a litany of‍ alleged election law violations from‌ recent‍ major election cycles. The complaint ⁢seeks injunctions and writs of mandamus ordering the county to observe election‌ statutes properly to prevent the ⁣2024⁢ election from being “marred by the same ⁤mistakes and maladministration⁤ as the 2020 and 2022 elections.”

At a panel discussion put on⁢ by⁣ the Election Center on Tuesday, Fontes downplayed election integrity concerns to the audience of election officials and ⁢media: “Some⁤ of what’s going to happen there [in the 2024 election] is what⁢ we see every ​single cycle, the occasional human error. Unfortunately ⁣now, bad actors ‌with bad intent ​are going to blow these⁤ things out of proportion and pretend like the sky is falling; just because somebody ‌moved a box from point A⁢ to point‍ B.”

The beef ⁤is more than mere shuffling of boxes, according to the lawsuit. The complaint is asking a ‌judge to instruct Maricopa County to “document chain of custody” for ballots that⁣ were being “stored or transported,” which is‌ a common ⁣statutory ​requirement when ballots are moved outside of the⁤ public’s ‌view.

An election worker in Maricopa County ⁢ admitted in court ‌testimony last May that ballots were delivered to private third-party providers‍ to process the ballots with​ no chain of custody forms. This was a key point of contention in the 2022 gubernatorial contest between ⁤Republican Kari Lake and Democrat Katie Hobbs,‍ who​ won by ⁣ about 17,000 votes.

The lawsuit asserts that Maricopa County election officials “unlawfully failed to maintain proper chain of custody” for ballots, ‍which “resulted‌ in a discrepancy of over 25,000 votes, which⁤ was larger‌ than the⁤ margin of victory in​ many 2022 statewide races, including the governor’s race.”

During ​his ‍remarks at ‍the Election Center event on ⁤Tuesday, Fontes⁣ dismissed⁣ election integrity activists’ pleas to fix issues in Arizona’s election administration. He ​told the audience the ‍focus in 2024 ‍will be on “the real work that gets done” by ⁢“the folks who are actually ‌driving the trucks [with voters’ ballots], ⁣moving stuff around in the warehouses, and assisting voters.​ To me that’s‍ where 2024 is going to be focused.”

But according to the lawsuit, much work ‌needs doing. In 2022, the lawsuit contends,‌ ballots were not properly reviewed for signature verification, and⁣ the vote centers were plagued by problems ⁢with ballot-on-demand printers. “These printer malfunctions‌ included printing 19-inch ballot ⁢images on 20-inch paper, making‌ them unreadable to tabulator machines,” the lawsuit claims. “Additionally, printers⁢ were incorrectly‌ set to print ballots⁢ using an ink-saving ‌‘eco’ function that led⁣ to speckled or faded printing that also made‌ ballots unreadable by tabulator machines.”

On Tuesday, I⁢ asked Fontes about why some machines reportedly malfunctioned on Election Day 2022, among other⁤ apparent ⁢failures. ⁣According to a lawsuit brought by 2022 gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, tabulators at roughly ⁤60 percent of voting centers⁤ in Maricopa ⁢rejected ballots on Election Day. ⁤Fontes responded by telling me “the root of your question comes from election denialism” and insisting​ the “tabulators were so sensitive and so secure that an⁤ undetectable printing error [would be] so tiny you couldn’t see it with a human eye.”

“We had a very secure system,”​ he ​added, ⁣claiming “it is a standard procedure that if the tabulators in a polling place don’t count, that there is an alternative place to put those.”

The plaintiffs also ‌take issue with Maricopa ⁢County’s massive ‍voting centers, which America First Legal says are not only “poorly run,”⁤ but⁢ are⁣ an “irrational substitute for election day precinct voting,” and⁤ are ⁤“situated in a‌ racially discriminatory ‍way, having ​a disparate impact on the County’s White and Native American citizens who are more likely to vote in person.”

In addition to ⁤maintaining chain ‌of custody documentation when ballots are transferred,⁢ the filing asks the Maricopa County Superior ‌Court⁣ to ⁣order election officials to use “demographic data ⁢from⁤ the 2020 and⁢ 2022⁢ general elections to racially⁤ balance the number of election-day Long Distance Voters,” ⁤since the “vast‌ majority” of these “election-day voters whose residence was located more than two miles from a voting center” were “in​ census blocks that were majority White or Native American.”

The⁣ lawsuit ⁤contends​ that:

…during ⁢the 2022 election, hundreds, and possibly thousands, of voters appeared at voting centers and were ⁢told that they ​were no longer registered to vote ⁣in Maricopa County, even though they had not moved away, had not knowingly requested that their ​registration⁣ be‍ canceled or transferred, had not consented ‍to the cancellation⁤ of their registration, and had never⁢ been informed​ of the‍ cancellation of their registration.

As a result, the plaintiffs continue, they had to cast provisional ballots, ‍which they claim Maricopa ​County ​election officials “never ​counted.” The “number of voters ​disenfranchised during the​ 2022 general election by‍ the Defendants’ unlawful ⁤cancellations was larger than the margin of ⁤victory in some races,” the filing says.

When I asked him Tuesday about the problems ‍in the 2022 election,⁣ Fontes responded that⁣ he would act “when‍ I ⁤see evidence of misdeeds, when I see ⁣evidence of problems,” but insisted “there hasn’t been any evidence.”⁣

But Fontes has certainly seen a lengthy list of complaints, such as another lawsuit filed days ago ⁤against⁣ him by Arizona‌ Senate President Warren ​Petersen and state House Speaker ​Ben Toma. They allege the state’s Election Procedures Manual is in “conflict with election laws.” The⁤ Republican National Committee likewise ‍filed a lawsuit over the ‌manual on Friday.

The lawsuit by ​America First‌ Legal contends‌ that, instead of addressing well-documented failures to follow statutes on chain of custody and proper verification of absentee-ballot signatures,⁣ Maricopa County election officials ⁢have‌ instead “stubbornly dug their heels in. Rather than fix their past mistakes,⁣ they try to fight, silence, or⁢ shame anyone questioning their maladministration.”


What concerns regarding the chain of ‍custody for ballots are raised in the lawsuit, and what‍ documentation is requested to⁢ address these concerns

Formal Article Title: Lawsuit Filed Against Maricopa County Election Officials Alleges Election Law Violations


In a recent development,⁣ a lawsuit has been filed against Maricopa County election officials by the Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona, a local nonprofit civic group, and Eric Lovelis, a resident of Maricopa County and member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. The lawsuit, filed⁤ by America First Legal, a law firm founded by former Trump administration officials, alleges ⁤various election law violations and seeks to demand proper administration of elections to⁣ ensure the integrity of‌ future elections.

Claims ⁤of Election Law Violations

According to the lawsuit, the county officials have been aware of the deficiencies in their election administration but have consistently failed to take effective action to rectify them. The⁢ complaint alleges that the county’s ⁢administration of elections has​ been sloppy, shoddy, and rife with mistakes. The lawsuit points out alleged violations from⁢ recent major election cycles and seeks injunctions and writs of mandamus to ensure that the 2024 election is not marred by the same mistakes and maladministration​ as previous⁣ elections.

Key Defendants in the Lawsuit

The lawsuit names all of Maricopa County’s‌ Board of ⁤Supervisors, including its chairman Bill Gates and the county recorder Stephen Richer, as defendants. As the lawsuit progresses, it will seek to hold these officials accountable for the ​alleged‍ violations and ‌demand proper adherence to ⁤election statutes.

Chain of‌ Custody⁣ Documentation

One of⁤ the significant concerns raised in the lawsuit is the lack of proper documentation regarding the chain of custody for ballots. The complaint requests a judge to instruct Maricopa County to document the ‌chain of custody for ballots that are stored or transported, as required by statutory requirements when⁣ ballots are moved outside of the public’s view.

Previous Instances of Violations

The lawsuit cites instances of ⁢alleged violations from previous elections in Maricopa County. It highlights the admission of an election worker‌ in court testimony that ballots were delivered to private third-party providers‌ without‌ proper chain of custody forms. This issue was a significant point of contention in the 2022 gubernatorial contest between Republican Kari Lake and Democrat Katie Hobbs. The lawsuit claims​ that Maricopa County’s failure to maintain proper chain of custody resulted in a discrepancy of over 25,000 votes, which exceeded the margin of victory in several statewide races.

Dismissing Election Integrity Concerns

Despite the mounting concerns and allegations outlined in the lawsuit, Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes has‍ dismissed election⁤ integrity worries. In a recent ⁣panel discussion, Fontes downplayed these concerns, labeling them as ‌election denialism and ​attributing them to occasional human errors. However, the lawsuit argues that there are significant issues that need to be addressed, citing problems with signature verification ​and malfunctions of ballot-on-demand printers.

Racial Impact and ⁣Election-Day Precinct Voting

The ⁣lawsuit ⁢also ​raises concerns about Maricopa County’s voting centers, which it deems poorly run and an irrational ⁢substitute for precinct voting on election day. Furthermore,​ the plaintiffs argue that the placement of these voting centers has a disparate impact on the county’s ‌white and Native American citizens. In light of this, they request the court to order election officials to use demographic data from previous elections to racially balance the number of⁤ election-day Long Distance Voters, ensuring fair access to voting centers.


The​ lawsuit against Maricopa County⁣ election officials highlights significant allegations of election law violations ⁣and seeks proper administration of elections to prevent future maladministration. It remains ‌to be seen how the court will ​respond to these claims and whether the lawsuit will prompt significant reforms in Maricopa County’s election processes.

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