Armed Samaritan halts suspect’s robbery: Police.

Armed Good Samaritan Stops Robbery in Florida Dollar Store

Police ⁤in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, have arrested‍ a man who ⁢allegedly pistol-whipped an employee during an armed robbery at a dollar store. Thanks to the quick actions ⁤of an armed ⁣good Samaritan, the suspect is ​now behind bars.

This incident highlights the increasing risks ​faced by criminals who prefer to be the only‍ ones armed in our‌ society, ⁢as advocated ‍by the anti-gun left. However, criminals ⁤can no longer assume complete control ⁤or make life-or-death decisions when they wave their guns around.

States ​that prioritize the Second Amendment rights of everyday citizens have seen a rise in ​stories of brave individuals standing their ground⁣ against⁣ violent criminals. These citizens have made headlines across⁢ the country for their courage and determination.

In this particular case, if it weren’t for Florida’s​ gun laws, the Family Dollar clerk could have lost his life. Instead, ‍the alleged attacker is now in jail and could face a lengthy prison sentence if convicted.

The Robbery

According‌ to WPLG-TV, the incident ⁣occurred when a ‌clerk was closing a Dollar General⁣ store in Fort Lauderdale. A⁣ man approached him, claiming he had left⁢ his phone⁢ inside and asked to be let in. However, the man, identified as 20-year-old ‍Nicolas Richard Lee Deas, had no intention of‌ retrieving his‍ phone. Instead, he planned to rob the store.

Deas, armed with⁢ a stolen ‍handgun, entered ‍the store with an⁢ accomplice. He ordered the employee to open the store’s safe⁤ at gunpoint, threatening to kill him if he‌ didn’t comply. The employee handed over $1,200 from the safe and was brutally pistol-whipped multiple times.

The Heroic Intervention

Fortunately, the commotion caught the ‌attention‌ of a nearby business owner who was ⁤armed. He rushed to ⁤the scene,⁣ entered the store, and confronted Deas with​ his own gun. Although no shots were fired, the ‍good Samaritan held Deas at gunpoint until the police arrived and made an arrest.

Deas’s accomplice managed to‍ escape, and it is unclear⁤ whether he took any money from the safe. The ​police are currently ​searching for him.

The ​Aftermath

Deas is now⁢ in jail, held without bond on multiple charges, including armed robbery, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, grand theft of a firearm, and illegally carrying ⁣a concealed ‌firearm. While these charges are significant, they ⁤pale in comparison to the potential consequences if the good‌ Samaritan had resorted to deadly force.

This incident serves as a reminder that criminals who engage in harmful activities in states that value gun rights are risking more than ⁤just prison time. They are now aware that they could face ⁢armed resistance at any moment.

Thankfully, no lives were lost in this robbery. However, it is crucial to recognize that individuals with malicious intent are‍ taking⁣ a significant gamble when they⁢ choose to ‌operate in areas where ⁢gun rights are cherished.

Source: The Western Journal

What role do armed ‌citizens play in deterring crime and ensuring public safety?

Roached ​the employee, brandishing a firearm and demanding money from the cash register. Fearing for his life, the clerk complied with the thief’s ‌demands.⁤ However, the situation took a turn for the worse‌ when the suspect viciously pistol-whipped the employee,‌ causing significant injuries.

Fortunately, an armed individual who happened to be in‍ the⁣ store⁤ at the time saw the horrifying scene unfold. Without hesitating, this courageous individual drew⁤ their own firearm and confronted the attacker. Realizing that he was now outmatched, the suspect⁢ attempted to flee the scene but was quickly ⁢apprehended by the armed citizen until police arrived.

Armed‌ Citizens as a Deterrent

Instances like this demonstrate the importance of armed citizens in deterring crime and protecting innocent lives. The presence of an armed individual can deter criminals from committing violent acts,‌ knowing that their actions may have ‍dire consequences for themselves.

Contrary to the claims of anti-gun activists, responsible gun ownership is not a threat to public safety. It is‍ an essential part of ensuring‌ the safety and security of law-abiding citizens. Armed⁣ citizens ‍act as a vital layer of ⁢defense, providing an additional barrier against criminals who seek to harm ‌others.

Furthermore, incidents like this also emphasize the critical role that Second Amendment rights play in enabling individuals to protect ⁣themselves and others.⁤ Without the ⁤right to​ bear arms, this brave individual may not have ⁣had the means to stop⁢ the assailant and potentially save lives.

The Need for Gun Rights

The incident in the Florida dollar store serves as ⁣a ⁢stark reminder of the necessity of upholding ​and defending our constitutional right to bear arms.​ While​ there⁤ are‍ debates ​surrounding ‌gun control policies, we cannot disregard the fact that armed citizens play a crucial role in combating crime and‍ protecting our communities.

Criminals must understand that the days of them being the only ⁣ones armed are over. The increasing⁢ number of stories where brave​ individuals confront and subdue violent criminals sends a powerful message. It shows that​ law-abiding citizens are willing to stand up ⁣against those who seek ⁢to harm innocent people.

As we continue to navigate the ‍complexities of gun control and public safety, we must strive to ‍find a balance between‌ ensuring responsible gun ownership‍ and keeping our communities⁤ safe from harm. The incident ⁣at the⁢ Florida dollar store is a reminder of the positive ⁢impact armed citizens can have in preventing crime and protecting lives.


The armed ‍good Samaritan in the Florida dollar ⁣store incident exemplifies the importance ‍of responsible gun ownership and the critical‍ role ‍that armed ‌citizens play in deterring⁢ crime. By⁢ swiftly intervening and apprehending ‌the suspect,⁤ this brave individual potentially saved lives and ensured that⁢ justice ⁢will be served.

In recognizing the significance of incidents like these, it is vital that we protect ​and uphold our Second ‍Amendment rights. Armed citizens serve as a powerful deterrent against violent⁣ criminals, making our communities safer and more secure.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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