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Schwarzenegger demands border closure, immigration system overhaul

Arnold Schwarzenegger Calls ‍for‌ Closed Border, Reform to ‘Stupid’ Immigration⁤ System

One of the ⁤best-known ‍immigrants in the United​ States is offering his perspective on the nation’s immigration policies.

Arnold Schwarzenegger discussed ⁢the border crisis during a⁤ Monday appearance on⁤ ABC’s ⁢“The View.”

The “Terminator” actor and former California governor⁢ called for restoring security⁣ and ​integrity to the nation’s⁢ borders,‍ speaking in​ response to a question from co-host Ana Navarro.

“First of all,⁣ I believe very strongly in having ⁣a​ border that no one can get through,” he said. ⁤“That’s number one for⁣ me.”

However, Schwarzenegger went on to defend a vision of immigration more‌ closely aligned with ​the​ priorities of the Democratic Party.

The progressive Republican called for a liberal visa regime for ⁢potential workers —‌ a‍ policy long sought by corporate America to provide cheap labor.

“Number⁢ two, what is ⁢important is that we have visas available for people that want to work⁢ in ⁤the United States so they don’t have to work illegally,” he said.

Schwarzenegger claimed the United States had a shortage of ‍available workers, ‍going on to cite what ⁣he identified as the preferable work ethics of foreigners over‍ Americans.

“We need the workers here,” he said.

“We should give them the visas⁤ so they can do it⁤ legally,” the Austria ‍native said of those who would otherwise flout the immigration ​laws of the ⁢United States.

“It ⁤is a stupid system. The system is set up ⁤to commit a crime,” Schwarzenegger said of⁤ America’s immigration laws.

He said the solution is‍ “comprehensive immigration reform.”

The Hollywood star advocated for stringent⁣ law enforcement against drug ⁤trafficking and smuggling⁢ at the border while‌ reiterating his support for a system that ⁢would allow more people to enter the​ country legally.

Record-setting levels of illegal⁢ aliens have breached the nation’s borders since President‌ Joe⁢ Biden took office and reversed ⁢ the border security measures implemented by​ his‍ predecessor, Donald Trump, according to the‍ Center ​for Immigration Studies.

Immigration negatively affects⁣ the earnings​ of American workers, according to a 2013 ‍ CIS study authored by Harvard ⁣economist George⁣ Borjas.

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What did Schwarzenegger propose in terms of visas for potential workers

Arnold Schwarzenegger⁤ Calls for Closed Border, Reform to ‘Stupid’ Immigration System

One of the best-known‌ immigrants in the ‍United States is offering his perspective on the nation’s immigration policies. Arnold ⁣Schwarzenegger⁣ discussed the ⁢border crisis during ⁢a Monday appearance on ABC’s “The View.”

The “Terminator” actor and former California governor called⁢ for restoring security⁢ and integrity to the nation’s⁤ borders, speaking in ⁤response ⁤to a⁢ question from co-host Ana Navarro. “First of all,⁢ I believe very strongly​ in having a border ⁤that no one can​ get⁢ through,” he said. “That’s number one for me.”

However, ⁢Schwarzenegger⁢ went on to defend a ⁣vision⁤ of immigration more closely aligned with the priorities⁢ of the Democratic ⁢Party. The progressive⁤ Republican called ​for a liberal visa regime for ⁢potential workers—a⁤ policy ​long sought by corporate ‌America to provide cheap labor.

“Number two, what is important is⁤ that we have visas available for people that

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