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NYC Government’s AI Action Plan to Guide Tech Usage: Adams

Revolutionizing Government Services: New York City’s AI Action Plan

In an exciting move to harness the immense potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and transform government services,⁣ New York City Mayor Eric Adams has unveiled⁤ a⁢ groundbreaking AI Action Plan. ⁢This⁤ plan aims to responsibly implement AI technology within the city government, ⁣enhancing efficiency and improving the lives⁣ of everyday New Yorkers.

The New York City Artificial Intelligence Action Plan, released by Mayor Adams and Chief⁣ Technology Officer Matthew Fraser, establishes​ a ⁤comprehensive framework for city agencies ⁤to adopt AI tools while carefully⁤ assessing ‍risks. It also prioritizes enhancing AI knowledge and⁤ skills among civil servants, ⁤ensuring they are equipped to leverage this transformative technology.

“With the release⁤ of our AI Action‌ Plan, the first-of-its-kind ⁣for a​ major‌ U.S. city, we ​are cementing ‍our commitment to the ​responsible⁣ use of this emerging technology,” Mr. Adams wrote.

Among the 37 key initiatives outlined⁣ in‌ the strategy (pdf), ⁢many are set to be ‌implemented in the coming year.⁣ These initiatives include establishing a robust governance‌ framework, creating​ a network ⁢of external advisors, actively involving the public, and advancing ‍AI knowledge-building initiatives.

Primary Tasks

One of⁤ the primary tasks in the city’s AI action plan is the formation ⁣of an “AI Steering ⁣Committee” comprising stakeholders from various city agencies. Additionally, the city has committed ⁢to ⁤publishing an annual AI progress report, ensuring transparency and open communication regarding the ⁤plan’s‌ execution.

Mayor Adams highlighted how AI implementation ‍can promote multiculturalism in New York City, citing the use of robocalls featuring his voice in multiple languages.

“The joy ​of this is that eventually, Spanish speakers‌ will be able‌ to ‍receive information in their own language,” he said.

AI Prone to Bias

The⁢ city’s announcement also acknowledges the challenges associated with AI, recognizing that while highly beneficial, the ⁤technology has its downsides.

In certain circumstances, AI can “exhibit patterns ⁤of bias and discrimination” due to limited and homogeneous research, the announcement stated.

According to a‌ 2017 RAND research report, blind spots can emerge when digital solutions, guided by training data or‍ algorithms, consistently produce unjust ​judgments that perpetuate systemic bias and discrimination, particularly in areas such as criminal justice and housing.

“We understand that the term ‘AI’ can be anxiety-inducing. People often ⁤envision a⁣ Terminator-like figure taking over and ‌displacing humans.‍ But that’s far from reality,” Mr. Adams reassured. “Take a deep breath, get ​a grip. AI will help us function‍ better⁤ in this city.”

Mayor Eric Adams speaks at the ⁣Museum of the City of New ⁤York’s Centennial Gala honoring Michael R. Bloomberg in New York on May⁢ 24, 2023. (Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for Museum Of⁤ The City Of New York)

Sheena Wright, deputy mayor of New York City for‌ Public Safety, praised the AI Action ‌Plan as a prime example of the Adams⁢ administration’s utilization of cutting-edge technology⁣ to benefit the⁢ residents of New York.

“This framework⁢ will help⁣ city agencies ‌take advantage‌ of AI’s potential⁤ to better deliver vital services while safeguarding‍ New Yorkers’ privacy and addressing concerns about ​bias,” she said.

“I look forward to witnessing ‍how the‍ MyCity AI chatbot unlocks the potential of small-business​ owners across our city, enabling ⁤them‌ to focus on what they do ‍best—growing their businesses—while the government streamlines processes to ‌make it easier⁤ to ‘Get Stuff Done.'”

Chatbot for Businesses

New ⁤York City officials also announced‌ the introduction ​of MyCity Business, an​ innovative AI-powered chatbot ⁤designed to assist business owners in effectively managing and expanding their enterprises within the ⁣city.

Building upon the original MyCity phase, which launched in March to help‌ New York City families apply for child care assistance, this⁢ extension now offers ‌valuable content tailored to support business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs throughout ‍their journey of starting, managing,⁢ and expanding businesses in the Empire State.

The AI‍ chatbot will provide business owners with quick access to government-selected information from over 2,000 NYC business web pages.

Data security and‍ transparency. It includes measures to ensure that AI systems are secure and that data is protected from unauthorized access.⁤ Additionally, the plan promotes transparency in ⁤AI systems, calling ‍for clear explanations of how AI decisions are made and providing individuals with the​ ability to understand and challenge those decisions.

K‍ City. (Photo by Noam Galai/Getty Images)

Ensuring Responsible Implementation

The AI Action Plan ​recognizes the importance of responsible implementation and the need to address potential biases and ​limitations in ‌AI systems. To ensure fairness and equity, the strategy emphasizes the development of robust evaluation ⁢mechanisms that can detect and mitigate any discriminatory outcomes of AI applications.

Furthermore, the plan calls for regular audits of AI systems⁢ to identify and address any biases or unintended consequences. It‍ also highlights the importance of involving diverse stakeholders, including community ⁢groups, advocacy organizations, and ⁣experts, in the evaluation and decision-making processes related to AI implementation in government services.

Promoting ​Public Trust and ‍Privacy

Public trust and privacy are key considerations⁣ in⁢ the AI Action Plan. The strategy emphasizes the responsible use of data and the protection of individuals’ privacy rights. It calls for the​ establishment of clear guidelines and ethical standards for the collection, storage, and use of data in AI applications.

The ‌plan also addresses concerns ⁣about

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