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RFK Jr.’s 2024 Bid to Severely Impact Biden, Poll Reveals.

RFK Jr.’s Independent 2024 Bid Spells Trouble for Biden, Poll Shows

A ⁤recent poll⁢ reveals that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s‌ upcoming announcement ⁤of ​an independent run next week could‌ have significant ‍implications for President Joe Biden. According to a Rasmussen Reports survey, a substantial 33 percent of Democratic voters expressed a‍ likelihood of choosing ‍Kennedy over Biden‌ or​ former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race. Additionally, 14 percent of Republicans and ‌28 percent of unaffiliated‍ voters ‍also indicated a possibility ⁢of ⁢supporting Kennedy’s independent run. Overall, the ⁢poll suggests that more Democrats would favor⁣ Kennedy over‍ Biden compared to Republicans favoring him⁤ over Trump.

Interestingly, despite this preference ​gap, Kennedy enjoys a more favorable opinion among ⁤Republicans, with 56 ⁣percent ⁣viewing him favorably compared ⁣to 41 percent of Democrats.⁢ This discrepancy⁤ could potentially impact the‌ outcome of the election.

Furthermore, the poll ‍indicates that 49 percent of unaffiliated voters hold a favorable view of Kennedy. The survey, ‍conducted by Rasmussen, involved 998 likely voters‍ and had a margin ⁣of error of +/- 3 percent.

In anticipation of his announcement, Kennedy has teased ‍a⁢ “major announcement” scheduled for ⁢October 9 in Philadelphia.

Kennedy ⁣expressed confidence in his chances of ⁤victory, stating, “There ⁣is a path to victory. The hope we are feeling​ isn’t some kind of trick of the mind.” He also criticized the established Washington interests and their corrupt rules, emphasizing the need for change.

According to Mediaite, the Kennedy⁤ campaign plans to run attack ads against ‍the⁢ Democratic National⁣ Committee as part of their strategy leading up to RFK Jr.’s announcement. The campaign insider‌ revealed that Kennedy believes the⁢ DNC is​ changing the‍ rules to exclude his candidacy, leaving ⁤him no⁢ choice but to run as an independent.

In an interview ‌with Fox News, Kennedy accused the DNC of favoring‌ certain candidates ‌and‌ rigging the‍ primary process. He criticized the‌ DNC’s lack of neutrality and highlighted their manipulation of the primary schedule, such as making the South Carolina Democratic presidential primary the first, displacing the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire primary.

Given the potential impact of Kennedy’s independent run, Democrats are ‌concerned that it⁣ could draw votes away from Biden and potentially help Trump secure another term. The 2024 election could be reminiscent ​of Ross Perot’s independent ⁤candidacy in 1992, which may have cost incumbent President George H.W. Bush‌ his re-election.

If Kennedy manages to sway even a small⁢ percentage⁢ of votes in key⁢ swing states away from Biden, it could significantly impact the election outcome. However, another scenario⁣ could be Biden withdrawing from the race‍ due to his age and health, which would be ironic considering his father’s decision in 1968.

Ultimately, RFK Jr.’s ​independent bid has ⁢the potential to disrupt the 2024 election and pose a challenge to Biden’s re-election prospects.

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The post As RFK Jr. Prepares to Launch Independent 2024 Bid, Poll Shows the Devastating Effect It Will Have on Biden appeared first on The ⁢Western Journal.

How does Kennedy’s appeal to​ unaffiliated‍ voters impact President Biden’s‍ re-election prospects?

Would leave Kennedy with the opportunity to attract more Democratic voters and potentially become‌ a ⁤formidable contender in the 2024 election.

Moreover,​ Kennedy’s appeal to unaffiliated voters poses another challenge for⁢ President ⁢Biden. With almost ‍30⁣ percent⁢ of unaffiliated voters indicating a​ possibility of supporting⁢ Kennedy’s independent⁤ run,⁢ it suggests that his candidacy has‌ the potential to attract a significant portion ‍of the electorate that is not aligned with either major party. This could further​ divide the political ‍landscape and ⁢make it more difficult for Biden to​ secure a second term.

The discrepancy in favorability ratings between Democrats and Republicans also adds an interesting dynamic to the race.‌ While Kennedy has a ⁣favorable rating among both parties, Republicans hold​ a more positive view of him. This ​could be attributed to Kennedy’s history of advocating for​ environmental issues and his stance on certain policies that align ​with conservative values.⁢ However, it raises questions about his ability to appeal‍ to ⁤Democratic voters and whether⁣ he can garner ‍enough⁢ support within his⁢ own party to mount a successful campaign.

As Kennedy gears up ⁤to make his⁣ formal announcement,⁤ it ‍is clear ⁤that his independent bid has the potential to disrupt the political landscape and pose challenges for President Biden’s re-election ⁤prospects. With a significant portion of Democratic voters considering the possibility of voting for Kennedy over Biden, ‍it underscores the need for ⁣the Democratic Party to carefully consider its messaging and policies to retain ⁣its base and prevent ⁢further fragmentation.

Ultimately, the 2024 election will be a crucial test for both Kennedy and Biden. Kennedy‌ will need to navigate the challenges of running as an independent candidate and build a ‌broad coalition of supporters across ⁤party lines. ​Meanwhile, Biden will ⁢have to⁢ address concerns within his own ​party and demonstrate his ability ‍to lead the country through a ​challenging post-pandemic recovery. The race is on, and the potential impact of RFK Jr.’s independent bid cannot be ⁣underestimated.

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