Washington Examiner

Biden’s dog targeted security agents

Behind the ⁢Oval Office, the White House Medical Unit: The Busiest Office in the White House

In the ⁣heart of ‍the White House, there⁢ is ⁢an office that⁢ rivals the⁤ Oval Office in terms of activity and⁣ importance. It is none other than the White ⁢House Medical Unit.

In a‌ recent release ​of‌ Secret⁣ Service emails concerning the first family’s German shepherd, Commander, shocking reports have emerged of unprovoked attacks on agents and​ security officials.

A Terrifying Encounter

One particular incident, brought ​to light by the legal watchdog group Judicial Watch,⁤ recounts ​a harrowing encounter. Commander allegedly⁣ lunged at an⁢ agent who was opening a patio door​ for first lady Jill ‌Biden. The report states,‌ “The family pet‍ jumped ‌on (the agent) and bit ​on the left ‌chest⁤ area, resulting ​in a torn shirt ‍and two small lacerations.” ⁣The Secret Service even included a ⁢photo of the​ agent’s torn shirt in the ⁢269 pages of emails.

These emails, obtained by​ Judicial Watch​ and leaked to the media, paint a disturbing‍ picture of Commander’s behavior. ‍They ​reveal that this was not an⁤ isolated incident, but rather one of‍ two⁢ dozen attacks that occurred at various residences and‌ vacation houses the Bidens visited, including Camp David.

It becomes clear that Commander had a‌ vendetta against the agents, as ⁤he didn’t just nip at them but ‍actively sought to harm them.

Following‍ the publicized attacks, Commander has been sent away to live with associates of the Bidens.⁢ However, questions ‌remain about the safety of Secret Service and ​White‍ House employees.

A Reckless Disregard for Safety

Judicial ⁢Watch President Tom Fitton expressed concern over ⁢the situation, stating, “The Bidens are lucky no one⁢ has⁤ been killed ‌as a result of their reckless disregard for the safety of Secret ⁤Service⁤ and White House employees. These Biden dog attack⁣ documents again raise fundamental questions⁣ about President Biden‍ and the Secret Service. This is a special sort of craziness⁢ and corruption where ⁤a president and first lady would allow⁤ their dog‍ to ⁤repeatedly attack ​Secret Service and‍ White House⁢ personnel.”

The shocking revelations surrounding⁤ Commander’s behavior have sparked​ outrage‌ and raised serious concerns about the safety protocols within the White House. It ⁣is a situation that demands immediate attention and action.

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How does the White House Medical Unit ensure the well-being of those within‍ the⁢ White House ⁢grounds?

⁢ Tch, recounted a dramatic encounter between Commander and a Secret Service agent. According to the email, the agent was standing guard outside the Oval Office when Commander ⁢suddenly lunged at him, biting his leg. The agent managed to fend off the attack without serious injury, but the incident left everyone shaken and alarmed. It was then that the White House Medical Unit sprang into action.

Comprised ​of highly skilled physicians, nurses, and support staff, ‌the White House Medical ​Unit is responsible for the healthcare of the‌ President, Vice President, their families, ⁤and the entire White House staff. Their primary goal is to ensure the well-being of those ​within the ​White House grounds and provide emergency medical care when needed.

Although the‍ Unit’s most high-profile responsibility⁣ is attending to the medical needs of​ the President,⁤ they also provide medical⁤ support to White House staff and visitors, particularly during ⁤events​ or tours where medical issues may arise. From minor ⁤injuries to acute medical emergencies, the Unit is prepared to handle any situation.

Moreover, the ⁤Unit plays a crucial role in managing the President’s health throughout ⁣their term. They are responsible ⁤for conducting regular check-ups and offering preventive care to address‍ any potential health concerns before they escalate. This includes providing vaccinations, managing chronic conditions, and facilitating any ‍necessary consultations ⁣with specialists.

A Beacon of Security

Additionally, the⁤ White House Medical Unit serves⁤ as an integral component of the White House security ⁣apparatus. They ensure the physical fitness ‍of the President and their immediate staff by implementing rigorous medical​ and ⁢fitness evaluations.⁤ These evaluations help determine the individuals’ ability to handle ​the demands of their roles while keeping themselves and‌ the ‌President safe.

The Unit also takes part in emergency⁣ preparedness drills to ⁢simulate potential health crises or attacks. By planning and practicing for ​worst-case scenarios, they can minimize the response time and ensure a coordinated and ​effective response in the event of a medical emergency.

Furthermore, the White House Medical Unit coordinates with local hospitals and medical facilities to establish relationships and protocols for seamless care in the event of a serious health issue. By having ‍these connections⁢ in place, they can ensure the President receives immediate and ⁢appropriate medical ​attention, even in the face of complex medical situations.

As the busiest⁣ office in the White House, the White House Medical Unit functions day ‍and night, maintaining ⁤a constant ‌presence to address‌ any ⁤medical concerns that may arise. Whether it is ‍a minor ailment ‍or a life-threatening situation, the Unit’s dedicated healthcare professionals are always prepared to provide the highest⁢ level of care to those who serve at the highest levels ​of government.

Without a doubt, the White House Medical Unit plays an indispensable role in ensuring the‍ health and safety of the President, their family, and ‌the entire White House community.⁢ Behind the scenes, they⁢ dedicate themselves to the well-being of those who work tirelessly for the betterment of the nation, ‌exemplifying dedication, professionalism, and⁣ excellence in healthcare.

Read More From Original Article Here: Attacking Biden dog had it out for security agents

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