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Azerbaijan’s assault on Armenian troops escalates war risk.

Azerbaijan ⁣Launches Military Offensive in Nagorno-Karabakh, Raising Threat of New War

Azerbaijan has sent​ troops, backed by artillery strikes, into the Armenian-controlled region of Nagorno-Karabakh in an attempt to ​forcefully bring the breakaway‌ region under its ⁤control. This aggressive move has escalated tensions and raised the threat of a new war with neighboring Armenia.

Nagorno-Karabakh ​is internationally recognized as ‍Azerbaijani territory, but it is run by separatist Armenian authorities who claim⁣ the area as their ancestral homeland. The region has been a hotbed of conflict since the fall of the Soviet Union⁢ in 1991, with two major wars, including the most⁤ recent one in‍ 2020.

Social media footage from the capital of Karabakh,​ known as Khankendi by Azerbaijan,​ showed intense shelling and ⁣air raid warnings, indicating‌ the severity of the situation. Hikmet Hajiyev, foreign policy adviser to Azerbaijani ⁤president Ilham Aliyev, stated that ⁢Azerbaijani ground forces had ‍successfully breached Armenian lines and achieved some of their main objectives. However, Armenian separatist forces⁣ denied these claims.

The Azerbaijani ⁣defense ministry reported⁢ that their forces⁤ had captured over‍ 60 military posts and destroyed numerous military vehicles and equipment.⁢ However, Reuters could not independently verify these reports.

According to Karabakh‍ separatist authorities, ⁢Baku’s military action ​has resulted in the deaths of 25 people, including two⁤ civilians, and left 80 injured. They also claimed that some villages had been evacuated. These assertions could not be verified by Reuters.

The situation remains uncertain as to whether ⁢Azerbaijan’s ​actions will lead to a full-scale ⁣conflict involving Armenia. However, there are already signs of political fallout in Yerevan, where Armenian prime‍ minister Nikol Pashinyan, viewed as too pro-Western by Russia, spoke of potential coup attempts against him.

This fighting could have significant geopolitical implications for the South Caucasus region, which is ‍crucial⁤ for oil and gas pipelines. Russia, currently occupied ‌with the war in ​Ukraine, seeks ⁢to maintain its ​influence in the face of increased‍ Turkish activity,⁤ as Turkey supports Azerbaijan.

“Close a Chapter”

Azerbaijan’s Hajiyev emphasized that the army is using guided munitions to minimize harm⁢ to⁢ civilians. He stated, “The intention of Azerbaijan is to close a chapter of animosity and confrontation. ⁣Enough is enough. We⁢ cannot ​tolerate any longer having such armed forces on our territory and‌ also ‍a structure⁤ which, ‍on a daily basis, challenges the security and sovereignty of Azerbaijan.”

Azerbaijan’s‍ defense ministry expressed its intention to “disarm and secure the withdrawal of formations⁢ of ⁢Armenia’s armed forces from our territories, [and] neutralize ⁢their military infrastructure.” They also assured civilians that they⁣ could leave through humanitarian corridors, including one⁣ to Armenia.

Armenian prime minister Pashinyan dismissed Baku’s offer, claiming it was another ⁣attempt to ethnically cleanse Karabakh. Armenia, which had been engaged in⁢ peace talks ⁢with Azerbaijan, condemned what ‌it called Baku’s “full-scale aggression” and accused⁣ Azerbaijan of shelling towns​ and villages.

Armenia appealed to the members of the U.N. Security Council for help and requested Russian⁤ peacekeepers on the ground to intervene. Russia, which⁣ brokered a fragile ceasefire after the 2020 war, called for an immediate end to the fighting and emphasized the importance of civilian safety.

The United States is ⁤actively engaged in crisis diplomacy, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken expected to get involved in defusing ‌the situation.‌ France, Germany, and the European Council expressed concern and are working on a response. Turkey voiced its ⁢support for ‍Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.

Alissa ‌de Carbonnel of ⁣the International Crisis Group stressed the need for the U.S., EU, and Russia, currently gathered at the U.N. General Assembly, to do everything possible⁢ to halt the fighting and convince Azerbaijan that peaceful ⁣negotiations are the best way to achieve its goals.

Appeal for Help

Armenia, asserting that its armed forces are not in Karabakh and that its own border with Azerbaijan‌ is stable, called on the U.N. Security ⁢Council members‌ for assistance and ‍urged​ Russian peacekeepers to fulfill their responsibilities on the ground.

The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh ‍is critical, with the potential for further escalation and devastating consequences. The international community must act‍ swiftly to prevent a full-scale war and protect the lives of ‌innocent civilians.

(Reporting by Reuters; writing by Andrew Osborn; editing by Mark Heinrich)

⁣What steps has the international community taken‌ to address the conflict⁣ in Nagorno-Karabakh, ⁣and what role do ​regional powers such as Russia and Turkey​ play in de-escalating tensions and promoting a peaceful resolution

Re.” They argue that their actions are in‍ line with international law and self-defense, as they seek ⁢to​ regain control over what they consider to be their sovereign territory. They also accuse Armenia ⁣of violating multiple ceasefire⁤ agreements reached in the past, in⁢ relation​ to the ‍ongoing dispute over⁣ Nagorno-Karabakh.

Armenia, on the other hand, accuses Azerbaijan of initiating the hostilities and violating‍ international law. They argue that the people ⁤of⁢ Nagorno-Karabakh have the right to self-determination and have exercised this right through a referendum in which they voted to secede from Azerbaijan. Armenia sees its ​role as the protector of the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

The international community ​has called for an immediate cessation of hostilities and a return to⁢ negotiations. The United Nations, European⁤ Union, and⁤ numerous countries, ⁣including the United States, Russia, and France,⁢ have ‍expressed concern over‍ the escalation of violence and the potential for ​a wider conflict.

The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh is a complex issue⁢ with deep ⁣historical and ethnic roots. It is essential for all parties involved to seek a peaceful resolution through ⁣dialogue and negotiations. The use of force⁣ will ‍only result in​ further loss of life and destruction.

The international community, particularly regional powers such as Russia and ⁣Turkey, must work ⁣together​ to de-escalate tensions and ‌promote ⁢a peaceful resolution. ⁢It is crucial for all sides to respect the ⁤principles of ⁤international law, territorial​ integrity, and the right to self-determination.

The⁤ situation in‌ Nagorno-Karabakh is⁣ a reminder of the urgency to address ⁤long-standing conflicts and promote stability ⁤in the South Caucasus region. The‌ international community must ‍prioritize diplomatic efforts⁤ and​ encourage peaceful negotiations to ⁤achieve a lasting solution that⁣ guarantees the rights and security of ⁣all parties involved.

In conclusion, Azerbaijan’s military⁣ offensive in​ Nagorno-Karabakh has raised​ the threat of a new war in the region. The situation remains uncertain,‍ with ​both sides ⁢making conflicting claims. It is imperative ⁤for the international community to work⁣ towards a peaceful resolution and prevent further escalation of violence. The focus should be‌ on promoting dialogue and negotiations in order to achieve a lasting solution that upholds international law and‌ the rights of all parties involved.

Read More From Original Article Here: Azerbaijan Attacks Armenian Forces, Raising Threat of War

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