Washington Examiner

Police report baby’s death after teenage mother uses fentanyl-laced formula to soothe him.

A‌ Tragic Incident: Teenage Mother ‌Accused of Killing Infant⁢ Son

A heartbreaking‌ incident unfolded in Florida when ​a teenage mother allegedly caused the death⁢ of her⁣ infant ⁤son. ‌Desperate‍ to calm ⁢him‌ down, she ⁤resorted⁣ to a​ bottle of ‍baby formula ‍that she​ believed contained ⁣cocaine but was ‌actually laced with⁢ fentanyl.

The incident​ took place‌ on⁣ June⁤ 26 at their residence in ‌Callahan. ⁢Authorities arrived‍ at⁣ the scene‌ to find the‍ lifeless⁤ body‍ of ‌the​ 9-month-old lying‍ on the ​living room floor,​ as reported.

The ⁢baby ⁤was ⁢immediately ​rushed‍ to the ⁢hospital, but ​tragically, ​he was ⁣declared dead.⁣ The subsequent⁢ tests ⁤confirmed the ⁣presence⁤ of ‍fentanyl ⁣in⁢ his ‌system,⁢ according ‍to ‌Nassau ⁤County Sheriff Bill ⁣Leeper.

A Shocking Revelation

Initially,‍ the mother ⁤claimed ⁤ignorance about⁤ what ​had⁤ happened. ‌She stated‍ that ⁢she⁤ had⁤ put ⁤the​ baby⁤ to⁢ sleep⁢ and couldn’t​ wake⁤ him up. However, a coroner’s report ⁤on July​ 10 revealed⁣ the ‌presence‌ of fentanyl, prompting ​the ​17-year-old ‍mother ⁣to change her ⁤story.

Sheriff Leeper ⁢explained, “The ⁤mother was ⁢tired ⁢and⁤ wanted⁤ to ‍take a‍ nap. ⁢So she gave ‍her baby a bottle and laid him down in ⁤his⁣ crib to ‌take⁣ a nap.”

He continued, “Now, ⁣it’s ⁣normal to give ⁢your child a ⁢baby ⁣bottle when they’re tired. ‍What is not​ normal​ is what⁢ the mother put ‍in the ‌baby⁤ bottle‌ to‌ get him‌ to go to ‌sleep. She got‌ the baby’s bottle,⁣ filled it with formula, then‍ went ‌in the ⁢bathroom‍ and found a pill bottle… with what she ‍thought was‍ cocaine.”

Tragically,‌ the mother⁢ just wanted​ her ‍son‌ to take ​a ⁢nap,‍ but‍ he never‍ woke ​up, ⁢according⁣ to ⁣Sheriff ‌Leeper. He ⁢described ⁢the​ story as​ beyond ⁣tragic, stating, “Every‌ now and ​then, ⁢something does ‌happen ⁢that you really can’t explain, you ​can’t ⁤make up, and you‍ say to⁤ yourself,​ ‘What in the ​world‌ were they‍ thinking?’ It just​ breaks your heart.”

Justice and ⁣Awareness

The‍ mother,⁤ whose​ identity ⁢remains ​undisclosed, ‌is now facing charges‍ of aggravated manslaughter ‌and possession of ​a ‌controlled substance,⁤ as stated ‍in the⁣ report.

A⁤ study conducted in 2023 by‌ Families⁤ Against⁢ Fentanyl revealed a ‌disturbing ⁣trend. Children ‍aged 14 and under⁢ represent the fastest-growing ⁢age group among ⁢those ⁢succumbing ‍to ‍fentanyl poisoning.

It is crucial ⁣to raise awareness about the ⁢dangers of drug ​misuse⁤ and⁤ ensure ⁤that⁢ such⁢ tragic ⁢incidents are prevented‍ in the future.

Click here ‌to⁤ read‍ more from ⁤The⁣ Washington Examiner.

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