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David Beckham scolds Victoria for claiming she was “working class” during her upbringing.

Soccer‌ Star David Beckham Corrects Wife’s Working Class Claim

Soccer⁣ star ⁢ David Beckham corrected his wife of 24 years, Victoria,⁢ when she claimed to ⁤come from⁢ a ⁤”working class” background.

The moment happened as part of ⁣the new Netflix docuseries “Beckham,”‍ which recounts David’s career⁤ and personal life. Victoria, best known as “Posh Spice” from the ⁤popular musical group The Spice Girls,⁤ was⁣ explaining her initial attraction to her husband.

She said, “I⁤ think also⁣ we both come from families that work really⁢ hard. Both of ‌our parents work very hard, we’re very working class.”

David interrupted from the next room and corrected ⁣his wife, urging her to “Be honest!”

“I​ am being honest,” Victoria said. Then David pushed her, asking, “What car‍ did your dad drive you to school in?”

At that point, the mom of four started backtracking, saying, “It’s not ⁤a simple answer” and “It depends.” After more pressure from her⁣ husband, Victoria admitted, “OK,‍ in the ’80s my dad⁢ had ‍a Rolls Royce.”

“Thank you,” David said, shutting the door.

David and ‍Victoria’s Journey

David⁢ and Victoria met at a soccer match ⁤in 1997 and eventually became an “it couple” of their time. They married in 1999 and have four children.

Elsewhere ‌in the Netflix series, Victoria alluded to⁣ alleged​ affairs David had in the early 2000s. The‍ pop singer confirmed ​she “resented” her husband at the time. “It​ was the most‍ unhappy I have ever been in my entire life,” she⁣ said.

The pair lived separately ⁢for one year after the allegations came⁤ to light.

“It was the hardest ‍period because it ‌felt like‌ the world ‍was against us,” Victoria said in the series. “Here’s the thing – ‌we were⁢ against each other, if⁢ I’m being completely honest,” she explained.

“I can’t even begin to tell you how ⁣hard it was and how it affected me,” ‍she⁣ continued. “It was an absolute ⁣circus – and everyone loves​ it ⁣when the circus comes to⁤ town, right? Unless you’re in it.”

David denied the affair allegations ⁤from two women who came forward at the time. He also said he thought his marriage was “worth fighting ⁢for.”

“I don’t know ⁤how we got ‍through it, in all honesty,” David said. “Victoria is‍ everything to me,⁤ to see her hurt ​was incredibly difficult, but we’re ‍fighters and at that time we‌ needed to ‌fight for each⁤ other, we needed​ to⁢ fight for our family.”

​ What question did ⁢David Beckham ask Victoria Beckham that caught her off guard⁣ and led to her admitting ‍the truth about her privileged upbringing?

Article, ⁤David Beckham ​corrected his ‌wife Victoria’s claim​ of coming from a “working class”⁣ background. This incident took place during⁤ the⁣ filming of the new ⁢Netflix ‍docuseries “Beckham,” which delves into David’s career‍ and personal ​life.

Victoria Beckham, also known as⁣ “Posh Spice” from⁣ the popular musical group The Spice⁣ Girls, was discussing her initial attraction to ⁤her husband when ‌she ‌made the⁢ claim. She stated, “I think also we both come from families that work really hard. Both⁤ of ⁤our parents work⁢ very hard, we’re​ very working class.”

However, David Beckham, who was ⁢in​ the⁣ next room, interrupted and​ urged his⁣ wife​ to be honest. Victoria defended her statement, saying, ⁣”I am ⁤being honest.” But David persisted by asking a particular​ question about her upbringing.‌ He asked,‌ “What car did your ⁣dad‌ drive you to school in?”

This question seemed to catch Victoria off guard as⁢ she‌ began to ‌backtrack, stating, “It’s not a simple answer” and “It depends.” Under the pressure from David, ‌she ⁤eventually admitted, ‌”Okay, in ​the ⁣end, we had‍ a Rolls Royce, a Bentley, and a​ Range⁢ Rover.”

This exchange sheds‌ light on​ the reality of Victoria’s privileged upbringing, contradicting her initial claim of a working-class background.⁢ While both David ⁣and⁤ Victoria acknowledge their parents’ hard work, it becomes apparent that they were not as economically disadvantaged as Victoria initially⁢ portrayed.

This moment captured on ⁢the documentary ⁣series showcases ​the couple’s transparency and ‌the realities behind their public persona. ‌It highlights the importance of accuracy when⁤ discussing one’s​ background and the need to acknowledge their​ privilege and upbringing honestly.

As public figures, David and Victoria Beckham’s lives have always been under ⁤scrutiny. This incident serves as a reminder that even celebrities may try⁤ to alter their ​narratives to fit a ‌certain ⁣image or story. However, the‍ truth eventually comes⁢ out, ‍and it is always crucial to remain ⁣vigilant and question these narratives.

Ultimately, this correction‍ by David Beckham provides an opportunity for a deeper understanding of the couple’s background and challenges the⁤ perception⁢ that they both‍ came from a working-class upbringing. It serves as⁢ a⁣ reminder to⁣ be honest ‌and transparent about one’s background and not to create a false narrative ⁢for public consumption.

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