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Bernie Sanders’ office arrests feminists for reciting his own words to staff.

Left-Wing Activists Arrested at Bernie Sanders’ Office After Protesting Ukraine War Funding

Almost a dozen left-wing activists, including members of‍ the feminist organization Code Pink, were arrested at the office of independent Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. The⁣ activists were protesting the ongoing funding of the war in Ukraine.

In a powerful video shared by Code Pink, one ‌of its ​members held up a sign quoting Sanders’ previous opinions on the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Sanders released a lengthy statement last year expressing his reservations about supporting Ukraine in an⁢ endless war.

He stated, “We must​ vigorously support diplomatic efforts to ⁤deescalate this crisis and reaffirm Ukrainian independence and sovereignty. And we must make ‍clear that Putin and his​ gang ⁤of oligarchs will face major consequences should he continue down the current path.

“At the same time, we must never forget the horrors ⁢that a war in the region would cause and must work ⁢hard to achieve a realistic​ and mutually agreeable resolution — one that is acceptable to Ukraine, Russia, the United States and our European allies — and that prevents what could be the worst ​European war in over 75 years.”

Should Sanders’ team apologize for the move?

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The war in Europe has continued ‍for 20 months since Sanders called for a resolution‌ to the conflict.

In another impactful ⁢video shared ⁣by Code Pink, activists participating⁢ in‌ the sit-in were being arrested by Capitol Police officers.

One of⁤ the⁣ activists stated, ⁣“Bernie Sanders had‍ me arrested for holding up his own ⁣quote.”

According to Code Pink’s website, one of the individuals arrested was an 89-year-old woman.

The protest involved 50 people,‌ including Sanders’ constituents and a resident of Burlington, Vermont, where the senator was once the mayor.

James Marc Leas of Burlington stated, “We need Bernie to provide leadership to put a stop to the ‌U.S. funding of the Ukraine war now. Use the money for healthcare, not‌ warfare.”

As noted by The Washington Post,⁣ Sanders initially expressed concern​ about U.S. involvement in European conflicts and called for a legislative ⁢solution.

However, in recent months, the ⁤senator has changed his stance.

He told The New York Times, “We should always have a debate. But ‍the⁢ problem is ‍that Ukraine is in the middle of a very intense war right now. I think every ​day counts, and I ⁢think we have to respond as strongly and vigorously as ⁤we can.”

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The post Bernie Sanders’ Office Has Feminists Arrested After Reading Back His Own Words to Staffers appeared first on The Western Journal.

How ⁢did left-wing activists, including members of Code Pink, protest against⁢ the‍ ongoing funding of the war in Ukraine at Bernie Sanders’ office?

Left-wing activists, including members of the feminist organization Code⁢ Pink, were recently arrested at the office ‌of independent⁢ senator Bernie Sanders of​ Vermont. The activists were protesting⁤ against​ the ongoing funding of the war in Ukraine.

The protest gained attention when Code Pink shared⁤ a powerful video in which one of its members held up a sign ​quoting Sanders’ previous opinions on the war between Russia⁢ and ‌Ukraine. The sign highlighted Sanders’⁢ reservations‍ about ‌supporting Ukraine in⁢ what ‌he referred to as an “endless war.”

In a lengthy⁣ statement ​released last year, Sanders expressed the need for diplomatic efforts to‌ deescalate the crisis in Ukraine. He‍ emphasized the importance‌ of supporting Ukrainian⁣ independence and sovereignty, while also acknowledging the potential horrors that a war in ‌the ⁣region⁣ could bring. Sanders called for a⁤ realistic and mutually agreeable⁣ resolution that ⁣would prevent what he referred to as the worst European war⁢ in over⁤ 75 years.

The arrest of ⁢left-wing activists at Sanders’⁤ office highlights the‍ ongoing debate over the funding of the war in‌ Ukraine. While Sanders has expressed ⁣reservations about supporting ‍Ukraine in the past, some activists believe that‌ his⁣ actions have not aligned with his stated opinions. They argue that the continued funding of the war goes against⁣ Sanders’ stance ⁢on the issue.

The incident has sparked a debate⁤ about whether ‌Sanders’ team should ⁣apologize ⁢for their support of war funding. A poll⁢ included in this article shows that 75% ‌of respondents ⁤believe that an apology is ​necessary, while the remaining 25% do not think an apology is warranted.

It is important to note ⁢that completing the poll entitles participants‌ to receive ​news updates from The Western ⁣Journal‍ free of⁤ charge.​ Participants​ may opt‍ out at ‌any time⁢ and are also subject to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use of The Western Journal.

In conclusion, ⁤the arrest of left-wing activists at Bernie Sanders’ office has brought attention ⁢to the⁢ ongoing‌ debate surrounding the funding of the war in Ukraine. The ‍incident⁣ has‌ raised questions about whether Sanders’ actions align⁢ with his stated opinions on the issue and whether an apology from his team is ⁢necessary. As the debate ⁢continues, it remains to be seen ‍how this incident will ⁣impact Sanders’ stance on the war and ​his overall political image.

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