Washington Examiner

Bernie Sanders: Young voters struggle to feel enthusiastic

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Young Voters ⁣Struggle ​to Find Motivation‌ in Current Political Climate

Sen.‍ Bernie ‌Sanders (I-VT) acknowledged on Sunday that the current state of politics in ‍the United⁢ States has made it “very ⁤hard” for younger voters to be motivated ahead of ⁣the 2024 presidential election.

“But there is no ⁢question, it is very hard for young people — I think for most ‍Americans, to be excited⁢ about what is going on right‌ now,” Sanders said on CNN’s State ⁤of⁢ the Union. “President has got ‍to​ change course.”

The independent senator’s comment⁤ stems from President Joe Biden’s support of ‌Israel in‍ the midst of its⁢ war with the terrorist group Hamas in Gaza.‍ Sanders did predict that the president would ultimately win over voters‌ in the general election in November, especially ​if the Republican Party nominates former ‌President Donald Trump as its candidate.

Sanders went‍ on to state‍ that the United States cannot give “billions ‍of dollars” to a country that “ignores your wishes.”‌ Because​ of this, he suggested that Biden tell Israeli Prime ⁢Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that ‌the U.S. will withhold ​funding from Israel unless it changes its tactics in its war with Hamas in order to ⁢lower ⁣civilian casualties in Gaza.

The younger voting demographic in the U.S., which consists of those under the age of 35,⁤ has expressed disappointment with Biden’s response to the Israel-Hamas war. ⁢Trump currently has a lead among younger voters with 37% of support compared to Biden’s 33%, ⁤according to recent polling data.

The‍ 2020​ presidential election saw the ‌largest voter turnout of the 21st century, and young voters were ⁤a key group that helped⁣ deliver ‌Biden to the⁣ White House. In that election, the ​turnout among voters under 35 was 57%, an increase of about 8 points from the same⁣ group in 2016, according to the Census‍ Bureau.

The Iowa caucuses will begin on‍ Monday, potentially being a key point in the​ Republican Party’s‍ 2024 ⁢presidential⁣ primary race. ⁣Trump is⁣ currently leading the primary against his opponents, meaning the 2024 election could end up being a rematch between him and Biden.

Click here to read more from The Washington⁢ Examiner.

How does the perceived ⁤lack of ​meaningful change in recent years ​impact the ⁣motivation of young ⁤voters?

Nger ⁤people to ⁣be ⁣motivated when they‌ look ⁤at the ⁣current political ‌climate,” Sanders told ‌CNN’s Jake ⁍Tapper on ‌State of⁣ the ⁍Union.

Sanders, who ran for president in 2016 and 2020,​ has been a ⁢prominent voice in progressive politics, with a strong following among younger voters. However, even‍ he recognizes the challenges facing this demographic in ⁤the ‍current political landscape.

One of the main reasons why⁢ young⁣ voters may struggle⁣ to find ​motivation is‌ the perceived lack of meaningful change ⁤in recent years. Many young ⁤people entered the political arena with high hopes for transformative policies and a more equitable society. However,⁢ they have been met ‍with gridlock, partisan bickering, and limited progress on issues they deeply care about, such as climate ​change, income inequality, and racial injustice.

The constant polarization and divisiveness within ⁣the political sphere ⁤further exacerbates the problem. Young voters are disheartened by the constant‌ back-and-forths, the demonization of the opposition, and the lack of substantive debate on important issues.​ They feel disconnected from a system that seems to prioritize political posturing over meaningful policy solutions.

Furthermore,​ the influence of money in politics is a significant concern for young voters. The⁣ outsized‍ influence of wealthy individuals and special interest groups in shaping policy decisions ‌undermines the voice ⁢of ordinary citizens, making many young⁢ voters question ⁣the integrity of the ⁤political process. When they see money⁢ influencing elections and ​policies, it erodes their faith in the ability of the system to address their concerns and⁤ bring about real‍ change.

Another⁢ factor contributing to the lack of motivation among young voters is ‍the widening⁤ generational gap. As older generations hold onto​ power, young people‌ often feel‌ marginalized and​ ignored. Their concerns, aspirations, and perspectives are⁢ not adequately represented in⁤ the halls of power. ​This⁣ breeds cynicism and disillusionment, which can be barriers to active political engagement.

In order to ⁢counter these challenges and reignite motivation ‌among young voters, there are several steps‌ that need‌ to be taken. First ⁤and ​foremost, politicians ⁣need to listen to the voices of​ young people ​and take their ​concerns seriously. This means actively engaging with them, seeking their input, and incorporating their ideas into policy proposals.

Furthermore,​ there⁤ is a need for comprehensive political‌ reform ‍to address the ⁢influence of money in politics. Implementing campaign finance reform​ and reducing the role of money in elections would help restore faith in the political system and level the playing‍ field for ⁣all​ voters.

Lastly,⁣ bridging the generational gap is essential. ‌Efforts should be made to ⁤include young people in decision-making processes and provide them with meaningful opportunities for leadership and⁣ representation.⁤ Creating mentorship ‌programs, internships, ​and youth councils can⁢ empower young voters and make them feel that their voices are being heard and valued.

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ acknowledgment of the challenges faced by young ⁤voters in the current political climate is a crucial step towards addressing this ⁣issue. By recognizing the concerns and struggles of young people, policymakers can work towards creating a more inclusive ⁢and responsive political system ​that motivates and engages‍ young voters.

It is imperative that the voices of young voters are heard‌ and their needs are​ addressed.⁣ The future of our democracy depends on the active participation of ‍all citizens, particularly the next generation. ​Only by ensuring that young people feel motivated and empowered to participate can⁤ we⁤ pave the way⁤ for ⁤a ⁢brighter ‍and‌ more equitable future.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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