Washington Examiner

Beto O’Rourke says Biden is ‘really failing us’ and ‘Democratic voters are unexcited’

Former Democratic Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke criticized President Joe Biden’s policy on the southern border, specifically with regard to the asylum process, and warned it could hurt him in the 2024 election.

O’Rourke, speaking at the Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School on Thursday, railed against the current border policy. The Texas Democrat claimed that while Biden is doing better than former President Donald Trump, who he claimed was “inspiring” acts of “terror” with his policy, the president is “really failing us” in various aspects of his strategy at the border.


“And on some counts, Biden has been successful; the rhetoric, it’s night and day against Donald Trump. Biden’s not inspiring, I don’t think, any acts of political terror or the kind of slaughter that we saw in El Paso. And yet, on other counts, he’s really failing us,” O’Rourke said.

“The asylum ban that we see that makes it so hard for people to lawfully, safely, and in an orderly fashion come to this country when they cannot stay in their own. Because why the hell else would you travel 2000 miles, the length of this continent, much of it on foot, some of it atop, not inside, of a train, called the beast — La Bestia — acing rape, torture, you know, kidnapping by these transnational criminal organizations, only to come to the most heavily militarized border probably anywhere in this hemisphere, if not this planet where you risk your life. And more migrants have died this year than any year on record,” he continued.

O’Rourke, who lost in the 2018 Texas Senate election against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and the 2022 Texas gubernatorial election against Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX), also warned that Biden’s policy could hurt his appeal with young voters next year. He brought up recent unfavorable polling in a hypothetical rematch between Biden and Trump in 2024.

“This is critical if you want to win in 2024. It is no secret that Democratic voters are unexcited about Biden — that’s putting it politely. It is no secret, thanks to the poll that we just read,” O’Rourke said. “The young voters especially are leaving his banner in droves. Now will they vote for Donald Trump? Will they vote for RFK Jr? Will they not vote at all? I don’t know. But let’s give them a reason to vote for the president.”

“Something bold, something big, something that matches the rhetoric that he used in 2020 and inspires voters in 2024 is what’s needed right now,” he added.

The New York Times-Siena College poll O’Rourke referenced, which was released last weekend, showed Trump leading Biden in five of six swing states just a year from the presidential election. The survey, taken from Oct. 22 to Nov. 3, shows Trump up 52% to 41% in Nevada, 49% to 43% in Georgia, 49% to 44% in Arizona, 48% to 43% in Michigan, and 48% to 44% in Pennsylvania. The poll showed Biden leading Trump 47% to 45% in Wisconsin.


Biden’s border policy, along with his decisions on the Israel-Hamas war, is causing uproar from the left wing of his party and could complicate his 2024 reelection bid in what is expected to be a tight presidential race.

When confronted about recent bad polling on Thursday, Biden pointed to other polls that show him ahead of Trump in key contests and nationally while also saying, “No, I don’t,” when directly asked if he thinks he is trailing in swing states.

How does O’Rourke believe the​ asylum ban implemented by⁣ the Biden administration will impact those fleeing violence and persecution?

You’re just going to‍ be ‌turned away anyway?”

O’Rourke criticized the asylum ban⁤ put in place by the ​Biden administration, stating that it makes it incredibly difficult for ⁢people who are fleeing violence ⁣and persecution ‌in ⁤their ⁣home countries to seek safety ⁢and refuge in the‌ United States. He argued that if the administration continues to ‍enforce this ban, it could have serious consequences for President ⁣Biden in the next election.

The former Texas representative highlighted the ⁣extreme risks that ‍migrants⁤ face on their journey to the US-Mexico border. He ⁣spoke of the treacherous conditions they endure, including the threat of rape, torture, and kidnapping by transnational criminal organizations. O’Rourke emphasized that these individuals are ⁤desperate for safety and are willing to travel thousands of miles, ⁤enduring unimaginable ⁣hardships, just for the chance to seek ‌asylum in the United States.

Furthermore, ​he pointed out the militarization of the‌ southern​ border, describing it ⁣as one of the most heavily fortified borders in the hemisphere, if not the entire planet. O’Rourke questioned the logic of‍ having such a heavily defended border if ⁣individuals seeking asylum⁢ are ⁤just ‍going to be turned away. He argued that instead of focusing on fortifying ‍the border, the administration should prioritize​ improving the asylum process‍ and providing a safer and​ more orderly⁣ path for individuals to seek refuge.

O’Rourke’s⁣ criticism of President Biden’s border policy is significant coming from a former⁤ Democratic representative ‌from Texas. Texas shares a‌ significant portion of its border with Mexico‍ and has been at the forefront of immigration debates in recent years. O’Rourke’s concerns reflect the growing frustration within the Democratic ‌Party over the handling of the ‌border issue.

The‍ former congressman warned‍ that if President Biden⁢ does not address⁤ these concerns, it could have negative repercussions ​for his reelection prospects in ⁣2024. O’Rourke argued ‌that the Democratic Party cannot afford to ignore the issue of immigration and ​must take concrete steps to reform the asylum process and⁢ address the humanitarian ‍crisis at the border.

In conclusion, Beto ⁢O’Rourke’s‌ criticism ‍of President⁣ Joe Biden’s policy ⁣on the southern border, particularly with regards to the asylum process, highlights the growing concerns within the⁤ Democratic Party. O’Rourke’s warning that this policy may harm‍ President Biden in the ⁣2024 election underscores the urgency for the administration to⁢ address the issues at hand. The Democrat calls for a more ⁢compassionate and orderly approach to immigration, emphasizing the ⁣need to provide safety and refuge to those fleeing violence⁢ and persecution.

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