Beto O’Rourke Wants You To Know He’ll ‘Take It All Day Long’ If You ‘F*ck’ With Him ‘On Politics’

Former Democratic Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke, who is reportedly eyeing a run for Texas governor in 2022, said Tuesday that he can “take it all day long” with anyone challenging him on politics.

“If you want to debate, or argue, or fight, or fuck with me on politics, I’ll take it all day long,” he said during an Instagram live.

The three-term congressman from El Paso is believed to be poised to announce his bid for Texas’ highest office later this year. He ran against Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in 2018 and lost before launching his unsuccessful 2020 presidential campaign.

An early September poll showed O’Rourke catching up to Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who is set to launch a re-election bid, having cut the gap from 12% down to 5%, according to Dallas Morning News.

Matthew McConaughey, another potential candidate in the 2022 gubernatorial race, polled the highest, enjoying a 9-percent lead from Abbott and a 14-percent lead from O’Rourke. (RELATED: Matthew McConaughey Sounds Like He’s Not Interested In Running For Governor Of Texas)

O’Rourke took aim at McConaughey, whom he accused of lacking a fixed stance on major political issues, during a Sep. 27 podcast, according to Fox News.

“[H]e’s a really popular figure whose political views have not in any way been fixed,” the former Texas Rep. said.

“I don’t know, for example, who he voted for in the most consequential election since 1864 in this country. I don’t know how he feels about any of the issues that we’ve brought up,” O’Rourke added.

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