Conservative News Daily

Biden’s Slip-up: Trump-Led US Pitched by Accident on ’60 Minutes’

Biden Accidentally Pitches a Trump-Led United States as He Flounders on ’60 Minutes’

When President Joe Biden got a chance to argue his re-election ‌case Sunday night, ‍he made the best argument for why he should never have ​been elected in the first place.

Because apparently, his goal ⁣for a second term is ‍to make the country as good ⁣as it was when‌ Donald Trump was in ‌the White House.

That was the unspoken message from the closing moments of Biden’s “60 Minutes” interview broadcast that aired Sunday night — but it came through loud and ​clear.

In the interview⁤ — in⁣ which the soft-spoken ⁤Scott ⁤Pelley tossed softballs to​ the soft-headed president, judging by‍ the transcript ⁣ — Biden got a pass on any question about how his appeasement ​policies on Iran might have ‍encouraged the Hamas terror attack on Israel that’s opened up ⁤a new​ war in the⁤ Middle East.

(There’s “no clear ⁢evidence” Iran played a role, Biden claimed.)

He got ⁢to take free shots at Republicans — who apparently don’t believe in democracy —⁢ while not a word was mentioned about the insane left of his own party, where even condemning the decapitation of babies ‌ is ⁤a struggle.

He‍ was allowed to blabber ​about the war in ⁤Ukraine,⁢ without ​questioning his own role‌ in encouraging Russian⁣ President Vladimir Putin⁤ to⁣ think he ‌could get away with the invasion or addressing the toll that ⁢U.S. support for ‌Ukraine is taking on his own country’s‌ military⁣ readiness. (Even CNN has reported that the munitions the U.S. is supplying Ukraine are leaving American military forces ‌near ‍a danger zone when it comes to resupply.)

And‌ then he got pitched the grand-daddy of softball questions, and struck out ‍badly.

“Mr. ​President, given these two wars and the dysfunction ⁣in Congress, are you sure that you want ⁣to⁣ run again?” ​Pelley asked, according to⁢ the transcript.

The answer wasn’t exactly reassuring for Biden’s fans.

“Yes,⁤ because I’m sure …” There was a suspicious change in‍ the camera angle there, giving the ⁣very strong impression that CBS producers were covering for the ​fact that ⁢the president ‌needed time to gather his thoughts.

“Look, when I ‌ran, I said, ‘The world’s at‍ an ⁤inflection point,’” Biden said.

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“The world’s changing, but we have an opportunity to make it — so, ‌imagine if we were able to succeed in getting the ‌Middle East put in place where we have⁤ normalization of relations. I think we can do that. Imagine what happens⁢ if we,​ in fact,​ unite all⁤ of⁢ Europe and Putin is ​finally put ⁣down where he cannot cause⁢ the kind of trouble he’s been ⁢causing. We have enormous opportunities, ⁣enormous opportunities to make⁣ it a better ​world.”

Actually, that world sounds a lot like the world⁤ Trump had achieved before​ Biden darkened the ⁣Oval Office in 2021.⁢ Biden might as ‌well have ⁤promised to restore order and security​ to the southern border,⁤ free up American ​energy production, get the economy humming and have a gorgeous‍ former model as his first lady.

It was the Abraham⁤ Accords achieved under Trump’s watch ⁢that showed the first signs of “normalization” of relations in the Middle East⁣ since the Israel-Egypt peace agreement in 1979.

Four ​Arab nations — the United⁢ Arab Emirates, ⁤Bahrain, Sudan ⁢and Morocco — had established⁢ diplomatic relations ​ with the Jewish state by the‌ end of‌ Trump’s term.

An Israeli ‌rapprochement ⁣with ⁣Saudi Arabia appeared possible, and​ the Palestinian question’s long domination of ‌Middle East⁣ politics appeared to have receded.

With⁢ Biden’s accession to power, his​ administration’s determination to undo ‍all things Trump has‌ led the U.S. into appeasement with Iran — the world’s chief state sponsor of terrorism and,‍ according to ​ The Wall Street Journal,⁢ the power⁣ behind ‌the ​Hamas attack on Israel ⁢on Oct. 7.

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(Biden’s “no clear‌ evidence” line ⁤was clearly ⁣a craven ‌fudge. Admitting Iran’s role in ⁢the‌ atrocity would require‌ him to do something about it.)

When Donald Trump was the president, Russia didn’t invade Ukraine. And it’s impossible⁣ to imagine Trump essentially greenlighting the ⁣invasion the ⁣way Biden did.

In other words, it’s not “Europe,” united ⁤or otherwise, that keeps dictators like Vladimir Putin in line. It’s a ⁢strong American presidency — the kind​ that keeps order⁢ in ‍the world⁣ without having to ⁣keep order.

It’s​ an ⁤axiom of conservative belief ⁣that ⁣the United States‌ is⁢ not responsible for the behavior of other countries, and it’s not responsible for guaranteeing the peace⁤ of the⁣ world. ‍Only ⁤God can ​do⁣ that.

But it’s also⁤ simply a matter of reality that ‍the ⁣world’s only superpower​ dictates‍ the behavior of other ‍countries the way a planet dictates the behavior of the moons‌ around ⁣it. And it’s another ⁢matter of reality⁤ that nature abhors​ a‍ vacuum.

A world in ‌which⁢ the United States is led by a doddering, almost certainly ⁣corrupt octagenarian whose moral ‌compass has failed badly (if‌ he ever had one) is a world‍ where ⁤a ⁢power ⁢vacuum is being filled ⁤by‌ the worst players​ on the international scene. ⁢It’s⁢ regression on all fronts.

By contrast, the ‌world that was‍ a-building under Donald​ Trump had a Middle East that was ⁤showing clear signs of progress. It was a world where Europe was at peace. And, amazingly⁤ enough, more than 1,000 ​Jews⁤ weren’t slaughtered in a day in the worst single anti-Semitic atrocity⁢ since the Holocaust.

If ‌China was‌ growing increasingly bellicose, at least it knew there was an American president⁢ in charge who was willing to confront it. (Most Americans have already forgotten how easily a Chinese‍ spy balloon violated ​American airspace and spent a ⁢leisurely week overfly the country’s heartland. It’s a‍ rock-solid⁤ bet that ‌the hard men in Beijing haven’t forgotten at all.)

Biden didn’t give ⁢an argument for ​his own re-election ‌on Sunday night. He ⁣gave an argument for ⁤why he should never have been elected in ⁢the first place.

Americans need to remember that in 2024.

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The post Biden Accidentally‍ Pitches a ⁤Trump-Led United States as He Flounders on ’60 Minutes’ ⁣ appeared first ‍on The Western Journal.

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