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Biden Admin OKs Border Wall Construction, Citing Urgent Necessity

Biden Administration to Begin Construction on Border Wall

(Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

The Biden administration has announced its plans to commence the construction of a ⁣section of the​ border wall, ⁢citing an “acute and immediate need” due to the apprehension of a record-high ‍200,000 migrants ⁢in September.

Alejandro Mayorkas, the⁢ Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, emphasized ⁢the urgency, stating, “There is presently an acute and immediate need to ​construct physical barriers and roads in ⁤the vicinity of the border of the United States ⁤in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas,” as mentioned in a notice.

To expedite the construction process, ⁣the White House is waiving 26 federal laws in Texas, with the construction set to take place in Starr County.

The‌ DHS‌ notice explains, “The Secretary of Homeland Security has determined, pursuant to law, that it is necessary to waive certain laws,​ regulations, and other legal ⁣requirements in order to ensure the expeditious construction⁤ of‍ barriers⁣ and roads in the vicinity of the ‍international land border in Starr County, Texas.”⁤ It further states ⁣that the border wall will be erected at “high‌ illegal entry” points.

Former ‍President Donald Trump criticized President Joe ⁣Biden, arguing that the construction of barriers⁣ does not address the issue of​ illegal immigrants and “terrorists” already present in the country.

“Biden sees⁤ our country ⁣as being invaded,”⁢ Trump expressed ⁢in an interview with Fox News.⁣ “What is he going to do ‍about the⁣ 15 ‌million people from prisons, mental institutions,⁢ insane⁢ asylums, and terrorists that have already come into our country?”

In ​2020, Biden stated, “there​ will ⁢not be another foot of wall constructed in ⁤my administration.”

How does the Biden administration aim ​to involve local communities and stakeholders⁤ in the decision-making process regarding⁢ the border wall construction

Photo by Louis Velazquez​ on Unsplash

After taking office on January 20th, 2021, President Joe Biden ‌and ‌his administration have faced numerous challenges and decisions to address the pressing ​issues facing the⁢ United ⁣States. One of these issues​ is the ongoing controversy surrounding the​ construction of ‍a border wall, initiated by the previous administration. Recently,​ the Biden administration announced that ⁤it plans⁣ to resume construction on the border⁤ wall, albeit ⁣with a modified approach and a more nuanced strategy.

The border wall has been ‍a⁢ contentious topic since its inception.⁢ Supporters‌ argue that it is necessary to enhance border security and prevent illegal immigration, while opponents‌ view it as​ an ineffective⁤ and⁣ costly solution that further divides communities and damages the environment. Throughout his presidential campaign, Biden promised to halt the construction ‌of the‌ wall, citing these⁢ concerns and ‌the ​need to shift focus towards⁤ more comprehensive immigration policies.

However, the decision to restart‌ construction does‍ not contradict⁢ President Biden’s commitment to immigration reform. ⁣Instead, it reflects the administration’s recognition of ​the complex realities at‍ the border, as well as the need for a multifaceted approach. The Border Patrol​ and ⁢other agencies responsible for safeguarding the border have long advocated for additional⁤ infrastructure to ⁢support their efforts, such as surveillance technology and improved physical​ barriers.

The ⁤Biden ​administration’s position ‍is driven by a desire to strike a balance between border security and humanitarian values. Rather⁢ than pursuing an all-encompassing wall, the new ​approach will focus on‌ selective construction in areas where it is deemed necessary, in consultation with ‍border‌ patrol‌ agents and local‍ communities. Additionally, the‍ administration plans to invest in advanced technology and personnel to ⁢enhance surveillance and intelligence gathering along the border.

The administration has ⁤also voiced its commitment ⁢to address the environmental concerns associated⁤ with the wall. It plans to conduct thorough ​environmental assessments before ‌initiating any construction, ensuring‌ that potential ecological damage is minimized and‍ mitigated. The aim⁢ is to strike a delicate⁣ balance between ⁤border security and environmental preservation, recognizing the ‌importance of both ⁢issues.

Furthermore, the Biden administration recognizes the social and economic impact of the wall on border communities. President Biden has pledged to engage with ⁤local stakeholders and tribes to understand their concerns​ and involve them in the decision-making process. By‌ prioritizing dialogue and collaboration, ⁤the administration aims to⁣ ensure that all voices are heard and that the resulting policies take into⁤ account the unique needs and ⁤perspectives of these communities.

While the resumption of construction may disappoint some of President Biden’s supporters who⁣ were hoping for a complete cessation of​ the project, ‌it underscores ⁤the administration’s commitment to approaching ‌contentious⁣ issues ⁢with pragmatism and nuance. The Biden administration seeks​ to find comprehensive solutions that ‌address complex challenges,‌ rather than pursuing knee-jerk policies that may ‌not effectively ⁢address‌ the underlying issues. The decision to resume construction on the border wall reflects this ⁣commitment, acknowledging the need for a multifaceted approach while balancing various priorities.

Ultimately, the construction of‌ the border wall under the Biden administration will‍ be significantly different ‌from its predecessor’s approach. It will take into account the ⁣input of local communities, prioritize environmental ⁢considerations, and⁢ invest⁣ in advanced technology and personnel. President Biden’s strategy embraces the complexities of border ⁣security, immigration, and environmental preservation,⁤ striving ‌to address these interconnected challenges in a comprehensive and ‌thoughtful manner.

As ​the ⁤Biden administration embarks on this new phase ⁤of the border wall construction, it will ⁣undoubtedly face both support and opposition. However, the administration’s approach⁢ signals a departure from the polarizing policies of‍ the previous⁤ administration, ‌emphasizing a more inclusive and‍ deliberate decision-making process. ⁣Only time will tell how successful this​ nuanced approach‌ will be in⁣ addressing the complex issues‍ at the border and ‌beyond.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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