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Biden Admin Blames Trump For Ohio Train Derailment. Even The NTSB Chair Calls That ‘Misinformation.’

High ranking officials from the Biden administration They tried to place the blame. train derailment The chemical fallout that followed in East Palestine, Ohio due to deregulation efforts of the former President Donald TrumpHowever, the National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB), head, has referred to these efforts as “efforts”. “misinformation.”

All residents within a mile of the Feb. 3 derailment had been evacuated by both local and state authorities. started To reduce the chance of an explosion, a controlled burning of industrial chemicals was done on the vehicle. This could have caused shrapnel to be released into the small community. Five train cars emitted massive plumes black smoke from vinyl chloride, which is a well-known human carcinogen that was used in the manufacture of PVC.

Andrew Bates, the Deputy White House Press Secretary, said in a Statement The Hill was told by Trump’s administration and Republican lawmakers that the disaster had occurred. He claimed they “owe East Palestine an apology for selling them out to rail industry lobbyists” argued that Republican members of Congress should be elected “laid the groundwork for the Trump administration to tear up requirements for more effective train brakes.”

Pete Buttigieg (Transport Secretary), visited the Ohio community that was affected by the train derailment just one day after the former commander in chief. The Biden administration was “constrained” rail safety as a consequence of a “braking rule withdrawn by the Trump administration in 2018 because of a law passed by Congress in 2015.”

The officials seem to have been referring to a rule that would have required certain trains to install electronic controlled pneumatic brakes (also known as ECP brakes). Jennifer Homendy is the Chair of NTSB, an independent federal agency responsible for investigating The train accident, exhorted all those who claim that the brake rule would have prevented the train derailment “stop spreading misinformation.”

Homendy Social media is where the rule would not have been applicable. “high hazard flammable trains,” The vehicle that was en route to East Palestine was classed as a “mixed freight train” With too many hazardous cars to reach the regulation’s threshold. She also stated that ECP brakes would not have been installed on the train. “even if the rule had gone into effect.”

ECP brake rules would only have applied to HIGH HAZARD FLAMMABLE TRAINS. East Palestine’s train that crashed in East Palestine was a MIXED FLIGHT TRAIN, which contained only 3 Class 3 flammable liquids cars.

— Jennifer Homendy (@JenniferHomendy) February 17, 2023

The Biden administration has also hesitated to implement brake rules. According to a Federal official, the new standards would have significant costs that outweigh any accrued advantages. Report The Washington Post.

Even ignoring the question of setting new braking requirements, the number derailments of trains has remained relatively constant from around 1,300 annual incidents in the past decade. In fact, it even declined to 1,100 annual events in 2020-2021, two years and three after the braking regulations were scrapped. Data Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics


Democratic officials shift the blame for the train derailment onto Republicans. Mounts The Biden administration is being criticized for not paying attention to the crisis. Buttigieg didn’t publicly acknowledge the incident until February 13th, more than a week after it occurred. He visited the site on February 23rd. Although President Joe Biden hasn’t yet been to East Palestine, he made a clandestine visit to Ukraine Monday to show solidarity with the nation’s war efforts against Russia.

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