Biden Admin Releases Report Promoting Transgenderism Abroad For ‘Inclusive Democracy’

The Biden administration released a report on Thursday championing its commitment to “inclusive democracy,” highlighting its efforts to promote transgenderism worldwide.
In the report, described as “the first of its kind,” the Biden administration pointed to various government agencies and projects around the world aimed at “protecting the human rights of LGBTQI+.”
The 130-page report mentions the word “transgender” more than 100 times and highlights U.S. support for various initiatives pertaining to transgenderism. For example, the administration’s Fact Sheet highlighted the government’s support of a transgender health center in India and a Peace Corps-led panel on the subject.
Further, an estimated $5 million allocated from the United States Agency for International Development is expected to support a “program involving substantial capacity building opportunities and direct grantmaking to LGBTQI+ and transgender-led organizations around the world.”
The Peace Corp panel, held in June 2021 called “Translating Transgender Identity Abroad,” was designed to help recruit transgender candidates to the agency. In addition, the Peace Corps had staff training from May-July 2021 on “inclusive language and communication strategies to support transgender, gender fluid, and non-binary candidates throughout the application process.”
In Cambodia and Tongo, the Peace Corp hosted events featuring transgender activists from within the countries focusing on education. For example, for Peace Keepers raising awareness about Menstrual Hygiene Day, language was changed in an informational newsletter to say “women, girls, and others who menstruate.”
Events in Cambodia focused on the “lived experiences” and included a “storytelling session about the transgender community in Cambodia.” One American transgender Peace Keeper “trained the team on transgender issues from a US perspective.”
The move to introduce transgender inclusiveness into foreign initiatives has drawn criticism from conservative groups.
“It would be bad enough if the Biden administration were simply forcing their radical gender ideology on Americans,” Terry Schilling of the American Principles Project told The Daily Wire in a statement. “But unfortunately, if not unsurprisingly, they are also exporting their extremism to the rest of the world.”
He added, “It is abhorrent, for example, that our government would threaten to deny other countries aid for refusing to kowtow to the transgender lobby, but it appears that may be exactly what is happening under this president.”
The Peace Corps Globally also recognized Transgender Day of Visibility and worked to “designate space” for pronouns on Peace Corps business cards. Signs were also introduced showing that people can “access all gender-segregated HQ facilities that corresponds with their gender identity.”
The Peace Corps itself still appears to operate off a gender binary philosophy as one of its stated goals is to “help the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women.”
Schilling said that Republicans should work to end the Biden administration’s exportation of transgenderism.
“If Biden’s goal is to make the rest of the world resent us, this is the way to do it. Republicans in Congress should do everything possible to end this insanity,” he said.
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