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Biden Admin to Fund Environmental Protection in Trump Border Wall Dispute

The⁣ Biden Administration⁢ Settles Lawsuits⁤ Over Border Wall Construction

The Biden administration⁤ has reached a settlement⁤ in‍ lawsuits related to​ former President Donald Trump’s construction of the border wall.⁣ In⁢ an effort ⁤to⁢ compensate for the ​alleged harm to‍ nature caused by these construction‌ activities, the ⁢administration has⁣ agreed to fund environmental ‌protection measures.

A coalition of 18 states, led by California,⁣ filed ​lawsuits ⁢against⁣ the Trump administration in 2019​ and 2020. They claimed that taxpayer funds ⁢authorized for‍ other purposes were illegally diverted⁢ to build a wall ‌at the U.S. border ⁣in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and ​California. The Sierra⁣ Club and Southern Borders Communities Coalition, two ⁤nonprofit organizations, also filed complaints. These lawsuits followed a national⁢ emergency declaration by⁢ Mr. Trump in 2019, which was ‌used as justification to redirect billions of dollars towards wall⁢ construction.

On ⁤July 17, the⁤ Biden⁢ administration ⁤agreed​ to⁣ a settlement on the ​four federal lawsuits. As⁢ part​ of‍ the ⁣settlement, ⁤they have⁣ promised to halt ​the construction of barriers at ‍the⁢ border using⁢ diverted funds and take ⁤steps to ‌remediate the ‌alleged‌ environmental harm caused ‌by ⁢the previous administration’s border ⁤wall construction.

Environmental ⁣Protection ​and Military Construction Projects

Under the settlement, the administration‌ will ‍allocate⁢ funds for⁣ environmental ⁣protection and military construction ⁢projects.

  • The Department of⁤ Homeland Security ‍(DHS) will provide $1.1 ⁣million to ‍programs ​that monitor endangered species ⁢like the ​peninsular⁢ bighorn, Mexican gray wolf, jaguar,​ and ocelot. ​They will also install‌ wildlife passages⁤ in⁢ the border ‍barrier ⁢system to⁤ facilitate ‍the movement ‍of animals.
  • DHS will ⁤offer $25 million to California, which‍ can​ be used to⁤ either aid an environmental ⁤nonprofit’s purchase of 1,200 acres of environmentally sensitive land ⁣near the U.S.-Mexico border or fund‌ environmental mitigation ‍projects.
  • Over $427⁣ million in funding⁢ will ⁢be provided for⁤ military ⁣construction projects in California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maryland, New Mexico, ⁤New York, Oregon,‌ Virginia, and Wisconsin.

​ ⁤

The Lawsuits​ and Settlement

In 2019, when⁢ the lawsuits were initially ⁣filed ​against Mr.⁣ Trump’s ‌diversion of funds for wall construction, the district and appellate courts‍ ruled​ in favor ‌of⁢ the plaintiffs. However, the ⁣U.S. Supreme Court allowed construction activities to continue while the⁣ litigation was ongoing.

In 2021, President Biden ended Mr. Trump’s emergency declaration‌ at ⁣the‌ border​ on his first day in ⁤office, stating that the⁤ construction ⁤of a‌ wall⁢ spanning the⁤ entire​ southern border ​was “a waste ⁢of money.”

Following the end ‍of ‌the ‍emergency declaration, the​ U.S.⁤ Supreme Court sent⁣ the​ lawsuits​ back​ to a federal⁢ court‌ in California. Subsequently,⁣ the plaintiffs negotiated​ with the Biden administration, leading ⁣to the settlement.

“The​ Trump Border‍ Wall is ⁤officially a⁤ relic of‌ the past, which is where it belongs,” ‌said Attorney General Bonta, according to​ a July 17 press ‍release. “Today’s settlement ushers in a new​ beginning. I ‍am⁣ grateful to the Biden Administration for working with us in⁤ good faith and making this⁢ announcement​ possible.”

Border​ Wall ⁤and Deterring​ Illegal Immigrants

During the ⁢four-year Trump presidency, approximately 458 miles of new primary and secondary border⁣ walls were⁤ constructed as of January 2021,​ according to the ‍U.S. Customs⁣ and Border ⁢Protection.

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