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Biden administration offers payment for migrant hosting.

The ⁣United States ‍to Announce New Development Financing ‌to Address Migration

The ​United States is set to unveil new development financing⁤ for countries hosting migrants in​ the Western Hemisphere.‌ This initiative aims to ⁤tackle the issue of migrant arrivals at‍ the U.S-Mexico border while‌ fostering economic cooperation in‍ the region. Senior U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, revealed this information to Reuters.

Leaders’ Summit on Economic Prosperity and Migration

President Joe Biden will host a gathering of‍ leaders from Latin America and the⁢ Caribbean at the White House⁢ on Friday.‍ The summit, known as ⁤the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity​ (APEP) Leaders’ Summit, will focus on economic matters and migration.⁤ This event follows a similar meeting held in‌ Los Angeles last ⁤year, which‍ aimed to strengthen regional economic ties and reduce China’s influence‌ in the area.

Expected Attendees

The White House has confirmed the attendance of leaders from Barbados, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru, and Uruguay. Representatives from Mexico and Panama will also be present.

Collaboration with the Inter-American⁤ Development ‌Bank (IDB)

The United⁢ States ‌is partnering with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to establish a new financing ⁢platform. This⁣ platform will cater to middle and higher-income countries in Latin ​America and the Caribbean.⁣ The officials further stated that⁤ the United States ​plans to ​increase its‌ contributions to the bank.

Expanding⁤ Economic Prospects ​to Reduce ⁢Migration

The new IDB ⁤financing platform, along with funds from the private sector and⁢ other ⁤donors, aims to‌ enhance ​economic opportunities in the region. The goal is to discourage migrants from⁤ heading to the United States by creating competitive regional ⁢supply chains. ⁣One U.S. official emphasized the ​importance ​of competing against China and highlighted sectors such as clean energy, semiconductors, and medical supplies as areas where the region ⁣could excel globally.

Advancing Cooperation and Innovative⁢ Instruments

Increased cooperation efforts could also bolster Latin America’s work in space, an area where it has lagged behind. ‍Additionally, partner countries could explore innovative instruments like Colombia’s green bonds or debt-for-climate swaps, such as ‌the one ‍recently set up for Ecuador by the ⁣U.S. ‍International Development Finance​ Corp.

Addressing Migration Challenges

President Biden has faced significant challenges regarding the influx of migrants crossing the southwest border. ‍In response, the administration has implemented both restrictive measures to deter illegal border ⁢crossings and ‌new legal⁤ avenues to the United States.

Efforts to Address Mayors’ ⁣Concerns

Mayors from cities ‍such as ‍Chicago, Denver, Houston, New York, and Los Angeles⁣ have expressed concerns⁣ about housing and food‌ provision for ‌migrants. The mayors of Chicago and⁤ Denver recently met with senior Biden officials ‍at the White House to discuss these issues and requested federal⁣ funding and faster access to work permits for migrants.

Resettlement Program and​ Safe Mobility‍ Offices

The administration has ‌resumed⁤ direct deportations to Venezuela while simultaneously admitting three Venezuelan families ⁤as refugees through a new migrant processing‌ office in Colombia. These families, who arrived through the U.S. refugee resettlement program, will have ⁤a path to U.S. citizenship and receive additional benefits⁣ not available to those‌ crossing the border illegally. The administration aims to expand processing through Safe Mobility Offices, which have also been established ⁢in Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Ecuador.

Seeking Congressional Support

The Biden administration has called⁣ on the U.S. Congress ⁣to allocate additional funds for border security,⁢ including resources to pay ⁢other countries ​for deporting migrants. Panama‍ has‌ expressed interest in expanding migrant screening and deportations if funds become available.

(Reporting by Ted Hesson and Andrea Shalal in Washington; editing by Mica Rosenberg, David Gregorio, Lincoln Feast, and Mark Porter)

What role can technology transfer play in promoting economic ​development and addressing migration challenges in the region?

Uld explore innovative instruments such as public-private partnerships and technology transfer to further⁢ promote economic growth. The United States​ is committed to supporting these efforts and believes that by addressing the root​ causes of migration, the region as‍ a ⁣whole can achieve greater stability and prosperity.

Addressing Migration Challenges

The United States recognizes ​that migration is a complex issue with​ various⁣ factors contributing to its occurrence. By focusing on economic development and providing incentives for individuals to stay in their home countries, the aim is to reduce the need for migration as a means of seeking better opportunities. By addressing ⁣the challenges that lead people to leave their homes, this new ‌development ‌financing initiative hopes to create a more sustainable ⁣and equitable future‌ for all.

Rebuilding‍ ‌Regional‌ Cooperation

The ​United States sees this initiative as an opportunity to rebuild regional cooperation and strengthen ties between countries in the Western Hemisphere. By​ investing in economic ⁣prosperity and addressing migration challenges together, leaders can forge ⁢closer relationships and work towards common goals. ‍This initiative also serves to ⁣reaffirm the United States’​ commitment to the region and its ⁣belief in the importance of multilateral cooperation in addressing global issues.


The announcement of new development financing by the United States to address migration is‌ a significant step towards fostering economic cooperation and reducing the‌ need for migration in the Western Hemisphere. Through partnerships with organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank and the participation of regional leaders, the ‍aim⁢ is to ⁤create‍ economic⁤ opportunities and address the⁣ root causes of migration. By focusing on ⁣collaborative efforts, the United States and its partners are working towards a more prosperous and stable future for the region.

Read More From Original Article Here: Biden Admin To Pay Countries To Host Migrants

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