Biden Admin’s Immigration Victory Lap Interrupted by ‘Alarming’ ISIS Bombshell: Hundreds Smuggled Into the Country

The article ‍discusses a recent White House memo that has been circulating‌ on social media, which‍ celebrates a 40% reduction in border encounters, representing a drop ⁤from previously high levels of illegal immigration.‌ Despite this claimed improvement, the celebration was quickly⁢ overshadowed by news of ⁣a new crisis involving over 50 individuals with ⁣potential ties to an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling⁣ network entering the‌ U.S.,​ with about 150‍ others arrested and many still at large. The article criticizes the Biden administration for ​their handling of border⁢ policy and contrasts it with earlier policies under former President Trump. It also ‍mentions the administration blaming ​Republicans for blocking a bipartisan border⁣ deal and a call from the article’s publisher, The​ Western Journal, for​ support from readers citing challenges from Big Tech and reduced advertiser support. Further, the Western Journal promises to cover the ⁤upcoming 2024 election truthfully in contrast to the‌ establishment media.


By Michael Austin June 26, 2024 at 12:14pm

This past week, Biden administration officials actually celebrated the job they’ve done at the southern border.

Yes, you read that right.

A White House memo making the rounds on social media Wednesday touted a recent 40 percent reduction in border encounters (of course, a 40 percent reduction from the most unprecedented surge in illegal immigration is nothing to pat yourself on the back over).

Just before they congratulated themselves for doing a slightly less terrible job at the border than they had been five minutes ago, news broke about a new border-related crisis involving ISIS.

A comedian couldn’t have timed this all any better.

The memo, shared to X by News Nation’s Washington correspondent Kellie Meyer, praised President Biden for a series of recent executive actions.

The memo even had the gall to criticize Trump’s border policies, even though the now years-long Biden border crisis first began when the sitting president rolled back many Trump-era border policies.

NEW Biden admin touting executive actions on June 4 for the drop in border encounters – more than 40% over the last three weeks.

Biden admin again blames Republicans for blocking the bipartisan border deal.

WH MEMO obtained from @AndrewJBates46 ⬇️

— Kellie Meyer (@KellieMeyerNews) June 26, 2024

Has Biden’s presidency made America less safe?

White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt also enthusiastically shared the news of his boss becoming 40 percent less incompetent.

Immediate impact 👇

— Ben LaBolt (@WHCommsDir) June 26, 2024

Only a day prior on Tuesday, NBC News broke a story confirming that over 50 illegals with “potential ties to an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network” have made their way into the U.S. and are currently at large.

ICE officials have arrested an additional 150 individuals smuggled in through the terror-connected network.

“In this case, it was the information that suggested a potential tie to ISIS because of some of the individuals involved in [smuggling migrants to the border] that led us to want to take extra care,” a senior Biden administration official told NBC News.

“[A]nd out of an abundance of caution make sure that we exercised our authority in the most expansive and appropriate way to mitigate risk because of this potential connection being made.”

In total, the ISIS-affiliated smuggling network brought over 400 illegals over the border.

So, then, if 150 have been arrested, and roughly 50 are at large, what happened to the rest?

Well, according to NBC News, Customs and Border Protection agents were forced to release them into the U.S. thanks to the policies pushed by the White House officials currently patting themselves on the backs right now.

Unlike our current White House officials, according to former FBI counterterrorism chief Christopher O’Leary, ICE is now “scrambling” to mop up this most recent border crisis mess.

“I believe the [U.S.] is scrambling to locate these individuals,” O’Leary said.

He worryingly added: “The fact that the whereabouts were unknown is clearly alarming.”

Thankfully, at least a few X users felt the need to rain on the Biden administration’s parade by reminding the world of this most recent catastrophe.

@JoeBiden is celebrating

— Dr. Martha Pocan (@DrSasshole) June 26, 2024

Way too little, and way too late.

— Craig Lambert (@lambert_craig) June 26, 2024

“Way too little, and way too late,” one user wrote in a post containing the NBC News report.

I couldn’t have said it any better myself.

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Manager of Writing and Reporting

Michael wrote for a number of entertainment news outlets before joining The Western Journal in 2020 as a staff reporter. He now manages the writing and reporting teams, overseeing the production of commentary, news and original reporting content.


Ames, Iowa




Iowa State University

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