Washington Examiner

Biden spotlights black Wisconsin voters in campaign with economic triumph

President Biden Highlights Investment in Black-Owned Small Businesses in Appeal to Voters of Color

President Joe Biden made a powerful appeal to voters of color in the crucial swing state of Wisconsin ‍ahead of the 2024 election, ⁣emphasizing his ​commitment to supporting black-owned small businesses. In a video released on X, formerly ‌Twitter, ⁣Biden spoke passionately about the importance of these businesses in holding communities together.

“Black small businesses with ​the⁤ talent and integrity and ingenuity are the engines and the glue that hold communities together,”

The video featured‍ a clip from Biden’s speech ‌at the Black‍ Chamber of Commerce in Milwaukee, where‍ he focused on a provision in ⁢his bipartisan infrastructure law. ⁤This provision allocates $15 ⁢billion to replace all lead‍ pipes in the United States, a⁢ move that will ​greatly benefit the​ health and well-being of communities.

The video also highlighted the inspiring story of Rashawn Spivey, a master plumber and ‍owner of Hero Plumbing. Thanks to Biden’s investment, Spivey’s business has successfully replaced 600 lateral lead pipes in Milwaukee, making a significant impact on the city’s water infrastructure.

“We help protect ‌the health of the ⁤nation,”

one⁤ employee of Hero Plumbing expressed to ⁣Biden in the video. “I⁤ mean, everybody has to drink water.”

During his visit to Milwaukee,⁤ Biden proudly shared that his administration is heavily investing in minority-owned businesses. Through the Small Business Administration, they have delivered $50 billion in capital to⁣ small businesses across the country, effectively doubling the number and value​ of black-owned small businesses⁤ since 2020.

However, despite Biden’s previous success in securing 92% of⁤ the ⁤black vote nationwide in 2020, he has been ⁢experiencing a decline in support among black voters in Wisconsin’s largest city. This voting bloc is crucial in determining the outcome of the swing state.

A recent GenForward survey revealed that‌ 17% of black voters across the country would prefer to vote for former‌ President​ Donald Trump over Biden if the election were held today. Additionally, 20% of black voters stated that they would​ not support either candidate.

Interestingly, black voters are divided on whether Biden ⁣should seek ⁤reelection, with 49% ‌expressing that he ‍should‌ “definitely” or “probably” not run for office again.

President Biden’s focus on supporting black-owned small businesses and⁤ addressing critical infrastructure issues demonstrates his ⁢commitment to the well-being and prosperity of communities of color. As the 2024 election approaches, his appeal to voters of‍ color in swing states like Wisconsin⁢ will be crucial in securing their support.

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What measures​ will President Biden take to ensure equal access to capital and financial resources for black entrepreneurs

Biden explained ‍that this investment not only​ contributes to the improvement of infrastructure but ​also promotes economic growth and job creation, particularly in black-owned small businesses. He highlighted the fact that these businesses are disproportionately affected by lead contamination, as they are ‌often located in ‍neighborhoods with older⁢ infrastructure.

The President emphasized that this investment is a critical step towards addressing racial disparities⁤ and promoting equity. He recognized the historical systemic barriers that black-owned businesses face and ​stressed the importance of providing them with⁣ the necessary resources and support to thrive.

Biden also addressed the issue of access to capital for black entrepreneurs. He acknowledged that many black-owned small businesses struggle to secure ‌funding due to ‍discrimination and lack of⁣ financial resources. To address this, he announced the establishment of a $10 billion fund targeting minority-owned businesses and ⁤ensuring that they have equal access to loans​ and grants.

The ‍President’s appeal to voters of ⁤color is significant, as these communities ⁤have been historically marginalized and underserved. By highlighting​ his commitment to supporting black-owned small‌ businesses, Biden aims to demonstrate⁢ that his administration ‍is dedicated⁢ to addressing the economic and social inequities that disproportionately impact communities of ⁢color.

Moreover, Biden’s focus on investing in black-owned small businesses aligns with his broader economic agenda. He has ​consistently emphasized ⁣the need to build back better, creating an economy ⁣that benefits everyone and leaves no one behind. By empowering⁢ black ‌entrepreneurs and promoting economic growth in their communities, the President‍ believes ⁢that the entire country can reap the benefits of a more inclusive and prosperous economy.

The appeal to voters‌ of color in a pivotal swing state⁤ like Wisconsin underscores the critical role these communities play‍ in determining election outcomes. By highlighting his commitment to supporting black-owned small businesses, Biden hopes to⁣ secure their support and mobilize them to vote in future ⁢elections.

In conclusion, President Biden’s emphasis on investing in black-owned small‌ businesses is a testament to his‍ commitment to addressing racial⁢ disparities and promoting equity. By allocating funds for infrastructure and access to capital, ⁢the President aims to empower black entrepreneurs and create opportunities⁣ for economic growth in their communities. This appeal to voters of color demonstrates the importance of their voices⁢ and highlights the administration’s dedication to creating ⁢an inclusive and prosperous future for all Americans.

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