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Biden protected brother Frank after fatal hit-and-run, despite personal car tragedies: Book.

Biden Covered for Brother Frank Over Fatal Hit-and-Run Even After Own Wife, Child’s Tragic Car Deaths: Book

In a new book that delves into Joe Biden’s private life, it is claimed that ⁤despite experiencing the devastating loss of his wife and daughter in a car ‍accident early in his political career, the President covered for his brother following a hit-and-run crash in 1999. The incident ‍resulted⁤ in the death of a pedestrian and left two girls without a father.

The book,‍ written by Breitbart ​News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow, reveals the lengths Biden went‌ to ⁣protect his brother Frank Biden, who⁢ had​ been coaching a young man driving his Jaguar with a‍ suspended license. The ⁤young man struck and killed a pedestrian ‌while driving at an ‍excessive speed. Witnesses recall Frank⁢ Biden‍ instructing ⁢the driver not to stop the vehicle.

Frank ⁢Biden managed to evade a civil suit for two decades ⁣with the help of his powerful ‌brother, ​who‌ allegedly allowed him to ‌stay at his ‌Delaware ​home while ⁢avoiding a process server. ⁤It ⁢wasn’t until 2008, after Albano’s daughters⁢ contacted Joe⁣ Biden’s office⁤ directly, that Frank Biden finally paid ​a judgment of ⁤$550,000​ to the orphaned daughters.

The book highlights the ⁢hypocrisy of Joe Biden’s actions, considering his own tragic loss and his false claims about the man responsible for ‌the car accident that took his wife and daughter’s lives.⁢ Despite evidence to the‍ contrary, Biden has repeatedly blamed the deceased ​driver for the accident.

Marlow’s⁤ book,⁢ titled “Breaking Biden,” provides a revealing look into the ‍President’s personal life and raises questions about his character and integrity.

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The post Biden Covered for Brother⁣ Frank⁤ Over Fatal Hit-and-Run Even After Own ⁢Wife, Child’s Tragic Car Deaths: Book appeared first on The Western Journal.

How does Biden’s pattern of ​protecting ⁢his ⁤family members raise⁤ concerns about his commitment to justice and impartial decision-making

, but to continue driving away from the scene.

The incident took⁢ place⁣ in 1999, before Joe Biden became the Vice President of the United States. At that time, he‌ had already experienced ‍personal tragedy when his wife and daughter were killed in ⁢a car accident. One would think that such a‍ traumatic event would have made⁢ Biden more sensitive to the impact of ‌reckless driving and the consequences it can have on innocent lives. However, according to ‌Marlow’s book, Biden seemed to ⁤prioritize protecting his brother over seeking justice‌ for the victim.

Eyewitness accounts reveal that after the hit-and-run,⁤ Frank Biden immediately took control of the situation. ⁢He allegedly instructed the ​driver to ⁣keep going and not to stop, leaving the pedestrian lying lifeless⁤ on the road. This⁢ callous disregard for human life is deeply disturbing,‍ especially coming ‌from someone who should have been ⁤held to a higher standard of morality and responsibility.

But the ​story doesn’t end there. Joe Biden, who ​was‍ a rising political figure at the time, allegedly made sure that his brother⁤ faced minimal consequences for his actions. ⁣According to⁣ the book, the President ​used his influence to shield Frank from legal repercussions ​and ensure that the incident was quickly swept under the⁣ rug. ⁢This‍ behavior calls into question Biden’s judgment and integrity, particularly when it ‌comes⁣ to holding his⁤ own family accountable for their actions.

The fact that‍ Biden covered for his brother​ even after experiencing immense personal tragedy ‍raises serious concerns. It suggests‌ a pattern of‌ protecting those ‍closest‌ to him, regardless of their wrongdoing‌ or the harm they may have caused. This raises questions about ⁣Biden’s commitment to justice and his ability ‌to make ⁣impartial⁣ decisions when‌ it comes to matters involving‌ his ⁣family.

As‍ a society, we expect our leaders ‍to be ⁢held to a⁣ higher moral standard. We rely on them to set an example⁣ and‍ to ​prioritize the well-being of the ⁢public over personal interests. The revelations in Marlow’s⁢ book suggest a⁢ troubling‍ lack of ethics ​and a willingness to prioritize family loyalty ‍over justice‌ and‍ accountability.

The role of the President is not just about governing; it is⁢ about setting ⁣an example for the entire‌ nation. ‌Joe Biden’s ⁢actions, as described‌ in ‌this book,⁢ undermine the public’s trust in his ability to lead with ⁣integrity and ⁢sound judgment.‍ It raises⁣ doubts about‍ whether he ‌can truly ⁢separate ‌personal matters from his responsibilities as President.

In ⁢conclusion, the claims made⁣ in ‍Alex Marlow’s book paint a ‍disturbing picture‌ of​ Joe Biden’s actions regarding his brother’s involvement in a fatal ‌hit-and-run accident. The ⁢alleged‌ cover-up and⁢ disregard for justice raise ⁢serious questions⁤ about Biden’s character⁢ and his ability to make⁤ ethical ‍and unbiased decisions. As citizens, ‍it is crucial⁢ that we hold our leaders‍ accountable for their actions, regardless‍ of their personal circumstances. Only ⁣through accountability can we ensure ⁣a just ‍and fair ‌society for ​all.

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