Washington Examiner

Biden donor paid off Hunter Biden taxes, citing political ‘risk

A‌ Close Friend and Donor to President Biden Raises Questions About Hunter Biden’s Unpaid Taxes

In a recent revelation, an email from ⁤a close personal⁢ friend and donor to ⁢President Joe Biden’s campaign ​has​ surfaced, ‍shedding light on the ​potential political threat ​posed by Hunter Biden’s unpaid taxes during the ⁤2020 ⁣race. This raises concerns about whether the money the⁢ donor paid‍ to cover⁤ Hunter Biden’s tax bill violated campaign finance laws.

The email, part of a collection‍ of documents released by the House Ways and Means Committee, was sent by entertainment lawyer Kevin Morris in February 2020. In the message, Morris urged the accountants working on Hunter Biden’s tax issues ⁣to expedite the process, ⁤emphasizing the personal and political risks involved.

“We are under considerable risk personally and politically ‍to get the returns in,” ‍Morris wrote.

This email appears to support ⁤earlier testimony from IRS whistleblowers regarding a potential campaign finance violation that emerged during the 2020 race.

According to federal election laws, donations benefiting a candidate must⁢ be reported, even if they are ⁤not direct ⁢payments to ‌the candidate’s campaign. The Federal Election Commission defines⁣ payments made on behalf of a campaign as in-kind contributions.

“When​ a person or entity pays for ​services on the [campaign] committee’s behalf, ‍the payment is an in-kind​ contribution,” states the Federal Election ​Commission.

IRS agent Gary Shapley, who worked on the investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes, testified that concerns about ⁣a potential campaign finance violation were raised in 2021. However, a top prosecutor assigned to the case allegedly instructed agents not to pursue the allegation.

Furthermore, an accountant hired‌ by Hunter Biden revealed that he⁣ was summoned to ‍a “crisis meeting”‌ at Morris’s home in January 2020. The purpose of ​the meeting remains unclear, as it did not involve tax return preparation.

Interestingly, Joe Biden’s campaign did not ⁢list the tax payment from Morris as a contribution, despite its apparent intention to protect‌ the then-presidential candidate from‍ negative publicity. Morris continued to ⁣make​ payments to⁤ assist Hunter Biden in avoiding prosecution⁤ even after ⁢Joe Biden⁣ became‍ president.

Additional evidence suggests that Morris’s tax payments went beyond mere friendship. FBI and IRS agents⁤ questioned Joe Biden’s brother, ‌James Biden,⁢ about a ⁢message he sent to Morris expressing gratitude “on ⁤behalf ​of the family” ‌shortly after‌ Morris paid off⁤ some of Hunter Biden’s taxes during the election year.

Kevin Morris, a major donor to Democratic candidates, contributed significant sums to Joe Biden’s campaign ⁣in 2020. He has been⁢ the subject of scrutiny by congressional Republicans, who suspect that he may have provided ‍in-kind contributions to Joe Biden by minimizing the⁢ political liability associated with his son.

While some of the money Morris gave‌ to Hunter Biden⁤ has been labeled as a loan, it was not until October 2021 that a formal ‍loan agreement was established. This agreement prevented Hunter Biden from owing taxes on the funds received from Morris and postponed the repayment until after his father’s reelection campaign.

As the investigation continues, neither Morris nor Hunter Biden’s‌ lawyer has commented on these ‍revelations.

What​ are the potential​ implications​ of the payment made to cover Hunter Biden’s tax ⁢bill, given Kevin Morris’ close ⁣relationship with President Biden⁤ and his campaign contributions?

Commission’s website.

Given that Kevin ‌Morris ‌is a close friend of President Biden and a donor to⁢ his ⁢campaign, there​ are potential implications regarding the nature⁤ of the payment made‍ to cover Hunter‌ Biden’s tax bill. Did the payment ⁤qualify as an⁢ in-kind contribution? And if so, was it properly reported?

These questions‌ raise concerns about transparency and compliance with campaign finance ‌laws. It ‍is essential to ensure ‌that ‌all⁤ contributions ​made to political campaigns are​ properly reported and disclosed to the public. Failure⁤ to ⁢do ⁣so undermines the integrity of ⁢the electoral process and erodes public⁣ trust ⁣in our democratic institutions.

The email from Kevin Morris to Hunter Biden’s accountants suggests‌ that there was an urgency to ‍resolve Hunter’s ‍tax issues.⁢ This urgency, coupled with the ⁤expressed personal and political risks, indicates that there may⁣ have been a concerted‌ effort to cover up potential legal and financial⁢ liabilities ahead of the ⁤2020‍ election.

The‌ House Ways and Means Committee’s release ‌of these documents is a step⁤ towards accountability⁢ and shedding light on Hunter Biden’s⁤ unpaid taxes. It is crucial‌ for Congress, law enforcement agencies, and the American public to ⁤examine these documents and assess whether any campaign finance laws were violated.

If it is determined that⁣ there was indeed a campaign⁢ finance violation, appropriate actions must‌ be taken to hold those responsible accountable. No one should be above the law, regardless of their political affiliations or⁣ connections.

Moreover, this revelation raises broader⁣ questions about the financial activities of the​ Biden family and potential conflicts​ of ⁣interest. ⁢Transparency⁣ and ethical conduct should be integral to the functioning of our government, ⁤and ⁣any allegations of impropriety must be ⁤thoroughly investigated.

In conclusion, the email ​from Kevin Morris, a close friend and ‌donor to President Biden’s campaign, raises pertinent questions about Hunter Biden’s unpaid taxes‌ and potential campaign ‌finance violations. These questions call for a thorough ‍investigation and the enforcement⁢ of appropriate actions if ​wrongdoing is discovered. Upholding transparency and ethical standards in our government is crucial to maintaining public trust and the integrity of ⁢our democratic processes.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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