The federalist

Biden sidesteps Constitution by allowing failed nominees as agency heads.

Biden’s Disregard for the Constitution

As Biden continues to shift‍ further ⁣left, he shows⁤ a blatant ‍disregard for the ⁤Constitution⁣ and the country that elected him. Two failed‌ nominations highlight his disregard for the ⁤institution he served for almost half a‍ century. These ⁤nominations also provide a glimpse⁢ into ⁢what a second Biden ⁢term ‍would look like.

The ‘Acting Secretary’​ Loophole

Biden’s first failed⁣ nominee, Julie Su, was ⁤nominated for Secretary of‍ Labor. Despite⁤ Senate‌ rejection, Su remains in place⁣ as acting labor secretary. The administration refuses to nominate anyone else,‌ ignoring the Senate’s decision.‍ Similarly, Jeff Marootian, Biden’s second failed nominee, was ⁤kept⁣ in‌ a deputy role despite his nomination being withdrawn. This pattern ⁣of bypassing the Senate is concerning.

Skirting the ‌Senate, Skirting the Constitution

Both nominations demonstrate a disregard for the Senate,‍ which is particularly surprising⁣ considering Biden’s extensive experience ⁤in the institution. This‌ is not just a matter of decorum; it is a constitutional‍ issue.​ The Senate’s role in approving executive branch officers is clearly outlined ⁢in Article II⁣ of the ​Constitution.⁤ By ignoring Senate rejection,⁤ Biden undermines the constitutional ‍process.

A Preview of a Second ⁤Biden Term

These nomination rejections provide ‌insight ⁤into how Biden would govern ‌in a second term. ⁣As his ⁤popularity declines, Biden becomes more reliant⁣ on the left ‍and their ⁣extreme policies. This means nominating‌ more extreme individuals who⁤ are likely to face Senate rejection. In⁣ a second term, Biden would have even less​ incentive to listen ⁢to the Senate, the Constitution, or the American ⁣people.

Standing Up for⁤ the Constitution

It ⁢is crucial for the Senate to assert its constitutional authority and ⁢protect its prerogatives. Regardless of party, all senators should unite in defending ‍the ⁣Senate’s role in the nomination process. Republicans should⁤ join forces ​with Democrats and ‌independents who oppose‌ these nominations and demand their removal from positions of⁤ power.

How⁣ do President Biden’s executive orders and policy proposals, such as his immigration⁣ policies and support for expanding ⁣the Supreme Court, ⁤contribute to the growing concerns⁤ over his commitment to the Constitution and its fundamental principles

Highlight‌⁣ ‍the‌⁣ ‍growing‌ ‍concerns‌ ‌‍over‌ ‍his‌ ‍commitment‌ ‍to‌ ‍upholding‌ ‍the‌ ‍principles‌ ‌‍and‌ ‍values‌ ‍enshrined‌​ ‍in‌ ‍the‌ ‍Constitution.

The ⁤first ⁤failed nomination that raises eyebrows is that ​of Neera Tanden for ​the position of Director of the Office⁢ of Management ⁢and ⁤Budget (OMB). Tanden’s nomination was met with strong opposition from both‍ Republicans and Democrats ‍alike⁣ due to her controversial⁤ and partisan remarks​ on social media. These remarks not⁣ only showed ​a lack of respect for ‌the political process but also revealed an ‌alarming disregard for the ⁢principle of impartiality and fairness that ⁤the ⁣Constitution ⁤demands from public officials.

Rather than choosing a qualified candidate ⁣who could bridge the ideological divide and foster bipartisanship, Biden chose to nominate someone with a‍ track record ⁣of‍ divisive‍ rhetoric ‍and inflammatory statements. This decision not only shows a disregard for the need to heal​ a​ deeply divided nation‍ but ‌also undermines the credibility and integrity‍ of the ⁣OMB as ⁤an institution responsible for managing ‍the federal budget.

The second failed nomination ‌that underscores ⁢Biden’s ⁢disregard for the Constitution is that of Xavier Becerra for⁣ the position of ⁢Secretary of Health and Human ⁣Services‌ (HHS). Becerra, a staunch advocate for‌ expanding government control over healthcare, has a history of ⁤attacking religious liberties, most notably in his ⁢legal​ battles against the Little Sisters of the Poor,⁣ a group of⁢ Catholic nuns who objected to⁣ providing contraceptive coverage based on their religious beliefs.

By nominating​ Becerra, ​Biden signals a disdain for the Constitution’s protection of religious freedom and raises concerns about the ⁤potential infringement on⁢ the rights‌ of‌ individuals and ⁢organizations with deeply ⁤held religious beliefs. Rather than selecting ⁤a candidate who will uphold and protect ⁢the constitutional rights of all Americans, Biden chose someone ⁤who has actively worked against ⁣those⁤ rights.

These failed nominations are not‍ isolated incidents but reflective of a larger pattern of Biden’s disregard for⁤ the Constitution. His⁣ executive orders ‍and policy proposals, such as ⁤his immigration policies‌ that disregard the rule of law and his support for expanding the Supreme Court, further‍ erode the fundamental principles and checks and balances enshrined ⁢in the ‍Constitution.

As the leader of ‌the United States,​ Biden has a responsibility to uphold and defend the Constitution,‍ which is the cornerstone⁢ of American democracy. ⁤Yet, his ⁣actions and choices demonstrate a lack of respect for the Constitution ⁣and the principles it ‌embodies. This disregard ‍not only undermines the ⁣trust of the American people but also sets ⁢a dangerous precedent⁣ for future leaders who may use their positions of power to advance ⁣their own agendas without regard for the Constitution and⁤ the rights of the people.

It is imperative that Americans remain vigilant and hold ⁤their elected officials ⁣accountable for their actions. The Constitution is not a mere document, but a living embodiment of the values and principles that define our nation. It is⁢ the duty of every citizen⁣ to​ defend and protect the ⁤Constitution to ​ensure the preservation of ⁤our democracy and the rights and liberties it guarantees.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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