Washington Examiner

Biden eyes drift away from Left on crime and immigration ahead of likely 2024 bid

PResidents Joe Biden As he prepares for the election, he is taking on two major political liability issues that Democrats face. launch a reelection bid.

Crime And immigration These are just two of the areas Republicans continue to attack. Biden administration. However, in the week just past the president made apparent moves to disarm those attacks.


“I support D.C. Statehood and home-rule — but I don’t support some of the changes D.C. Council put forward over the Mayor’s objections — such as lowering penalties for carjackings,” Biden tweeted Last week. “If the Senate votes to overturn what D.C. Council did — I’ll sign it.”

With that, Biden bolstered his decadeslong reputation on crime — he was the key lawmaker behind the 1994 crime bill signed into law by former President Bill Clinton — by vowing to help congressional Republicans overturn the Washington, D.C., crime legislationThe resulting lower penalties would be applied to murders, carjackings, armed burglaries, armed house invasions, as well sexual assault offences.

This is the stance upset Democrats But, Republicans and centrists are pleased with the rise in crime rates in many major cities.

It is possible that the president will follow it with an incremental shift to right regarding immigration.

The New York Times reported Monday: Biden administration Could bring back the policy that allowed families to be reunited illegal immigrants detained after crossing the border — a policy Biden criticized former President Donald Trump After taking office, the documents were thrown out.

Although the White House described the reports as “rumorsIt did not respond to them during Tuesday’s media briefing.

Tom Cochran is a Democratic strategist and argues that the “Immigration pivot”, if true could be a clever political maneuver as Biden negotiates for the GOP.

“You don’t make progress in Washington by pulling away from or antagonizing the opposition, especially when they’re the party in control of the House,” said Cochran, a partner at 720 Strategies. “Everything comes with a cost, and not picking these battles allows Biden to wage other ones he, and the administration, may deem more broadly impactful.”

Biden could end up alienating progressives who consider the possibility of reintroducing immigrant family detention an inhumane policy. The possibility of it generating hypocrisy accusations could be a result. Biden heavily criticized detention on the campaign trail In 2020, Twittering “families belong together.”

Cochran suggests that this tradeoff may be worthwhile.

“The president has been in Washington for a really long time and knows that you h

“Learn More Biden eyes drift away from Left on crime and immigration ahead of likely 2024 bid

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