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Biden’s Sleepy and Mumbling Video in Oval Office Goes Viral

President ⁢Biden​ Hosts Israeli ⁤President⁤ Isaac Herzog at ⁣the White House

President Biden had the honor ‍of ‍hosting Israeli President ‌Isaac ​Herzog at the White House ⁤on Tuesday. The meeting ⁤between the ⁤two leaders was ​highly ⁣anticipated,⁢ but it quickly became ⁣the subject of⁢ scrutiny and​ criticism.

While President Biden‍ relied ​on⁤ a note card to ⁢navigate‌ the‍ discussions, President‍ Herzog appeared at ease and confident,‌ creating a‍ noticeable⁢ contrast. Biden seemed to be constantly looking down into‍ his hands, mumbling incoherently like an unprepared‍ schoolboy forced to give​ an oral report.

Despite President Herzog’s‌ positive remarks about the meeting ‌when‍ speaking ⁢to reporters as he departed the‍ White House, there were moments during⁤ their discussion that suggested he ‍was‌ merely ‍agreeing with Biden out ⁢of courtesy,​ without truly understanding ‌what‍ was being said.

Watch ‌the⁤ video ⁢below:

Tensions between the U.S. and Israel reached new heights when President Biden openly criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu’s ​judicial overhaul. This added strain to ⁤the ⁣relationship, and questions arose as to ​why ⁢Biden had not invited Netanyahu,⁢ the prime minister of one⁣ of our⁢ closest ally nations, ‍to the White House.

In​ March, when asked whether he ‍would ​be hosting Netanyahu at the White ‍House, ‍the ⁤president said unequivocally,⁢ “Not in ⁣the near term,” ⁢— ​a statement referred to by ​one opinion writer at ​the Jerusalem Post as​ a “verbal body⁢ blow against Prime‌ Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

However, President​ Biden finally extended an invitation ‌to⁤ Prime Minister Netanyahu during a recent ⁣phone call on Monday.

Twitter users were quick to​ point out President Biden’s⁣ disinterested, half-hearted, and, frankly, half-asleep appearance at⁢ the meeting between the two⁢ leaders.

Greg Price wrote, “Imagine watching this‌ video ⁣and then ‍thinking to yourself ‘yep.⁣ I⁣ want four ‌more years of‍ that.’”

Imagine ‍watching this ‌video and then thinking to‌ yourself “yep. I want⁤ four ⁤more years of​ that.”

—​ Greg Price ‍(@greg_price11)​ July ⁣18,‌ 2023

Fox News host Harris Faulkner ​wrote in mock​ panic, “Someone⁢ please check ​on ‌the President. Seriously.”

Someone ⁢please⁤ check on the President. Seriously. ‍#Biden


Benny Johnson‍ made ​a not-so-subtle⁣ allusion to the latest⁤ cocaine scandal‍ at the White⁢ House, tweeting, ⁤” When⁣ there ‌is no more cocaine⁣ in the ​White ⁤House.”

It’s‍ easy to criticize​ President ⁣Biden’s advisors for the tragic ​optics and missed⁤ opportunity to present a more polished image of the president during this crucial event.

But you can only work with the materials ⁤you’re‌ given,‌ and unfortunately‌ for the ⁣White ‍House⁢ staff, they have ‍very little left to work⁢ with here.

Beyond the humor ‍lies ​a more serious concern:⁢ The health and‍ mental acuity of a nation’s leader are essential considerations, as they directly impact the ability to govern ‌effectively and make vital⁣ decisions.

President Biden’s inability ⁣to stay awake ​during a⁣ conference and his off-the-cuff slights ‍to our closest allies make ​for ​unnecessary political theater ⁤that consistently ‍displays the country in an unflattering light. ‍It also draws critical comparisons between him and other leaders, including his potential rival in⁤ the 2024 ‍presidential election, ⁤Donald Trump.

According to​ NBC ​News, at‍ the end ‍of the conference, President Herzog told reporters ⁣that President ⁣Biden had “reiterated ‌his ironclad⁢ commitment and his ⁣utter friendship and love of⁢ the state ⁤of Israel.”

We ⁢all ⁢sincerely hope ‍that that was what President Biden said, but since no one could really tell what he was⁤ saying half⁢ the time,⁣ we ‍may never really ‍know.

The post Biden Goes Viral⁢ for Looking Half Asleep While ⁤Mumbling in ⁤Brutal ⁣Oval Office ⁤Video appeared first on‌ The ‌Western ‌Journal.

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