Washington Examiner

Biden introduces rule to enhance disabled access to online government services.

The⁤ Biden Administration Proposes New Rule ​to Improve Online Accessibility⁣ for Americans with Disabilities

The ⁤Biden administration has unveiled a new‌ rule aimed at enhancing online accessibility to state and local services for the “tens of millions” of Americans ‍living with disabilities. ⁤This‌ proposal, issued by the Department of Justice, coincides with the ⁤33rd⁣ anniversary of​ the Americans with Disabilities Act and emphasizes the importance of meeting ADA⁣ obligations.

A senior ​administration official highlighted⁣ the significance of this rule, particularly in light of the pandemic and the increasing number ‍of⁣ services moving online. They​ stated, “It ⁣is now more important than ever to ensure‍ that there are clear standards‌ for what state ⁢and local governments must do to make their‌ online programs, services, and activities accessible to people with disabilities.” The impact of this accessibility issue‌ extends to various areas, ⁣including court websites, public library services, police services information, public school materials, voter ⁣registration information, ⁤public hospital services, parking apps, public transit schedules, and‌ public benefits information.

A second ⁤senior administration official emphasized President Biden’s commitment to ensuring that all Americans can benefit from technology. They stated, “President Biden has been completely ​clear that everyone in America has⁣ to be ​able to share in the benefits of technology, and that means a digital infrastructure ⁤that works for the 25% of Americans who are living with a ‌disability. That’s why ​digital accessibility is such a⁢ priority‍ for the Biden-Harris administration.”

While the ‌administration did not specify a deadline for compliance ​with​ the new​ rule, if adopted, ⁣they emphasized that ⁢both the federal⁢ government and the public would ⁢play⁢ a role in enforcing compliance.

President Biden’s spending packages have already allocated billions in government funding to ⁢expand access to essential⁤ services nationwide. Notably, the Department of Commerce has dedicated $42.5 billion to expanding internet access, recognizing its crucial role in providing⁤ basic ⁢services ‍for individuals with disabilities.

Additional Steps to Improve Access to Mental Healthcare

In addition to​ the online accessibility⁣ rule,‌ the Biden administration has also taken steps to facilitate Americans’ access to “in-network mental healthcare.” These efforts further demonstrate the administration’s⁤ commitment to enhancing overall accessibility and support for individuals across ​various healthcare sectors.

Source: The ⁣Washington Examiner

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