Washington Examiner

Biden threatens veto on two more GOP funding bills.

The ⁢White House Issues Veto‍ Threats for House⁣ Republicans’ Appropriations Bills

The White House has issued veto threats for HR 4821 and HR 4820,⁤ the House‌ Republicans’ appropriations bills for various departments and agencies. President⁢ Joe Biden’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) argues that these packages violate the spending⁤ agreement made between the president and former House⁢ Speaker Kevin McCarthy. The OMB criticizes Republicans for attempting to strip past appropriations for programs included in⁤ the Inflation Reduction Act.

President Biden Stands ⁣Firm​ Against Partisan Bills

“House Republicans had‍ an opportunity ⁤to engage in a productive,‍ bipartisan appropriations process, but instead⁢ are wasting time with partisan bills that cut domestic ‌spending ⁤to⁣ levels well below⁤ the FRA agreement and endanger critical services for the American people,”

The OMB states that President Biden will veto either bill if they are passed ⁢by Congress. The‍ administration argues that these bills would result in deep⁤ cuts ​to clean energy programs, climate⁢ change initiatives, essential nutrition services, law enforcement,⁤ consumer ⁢safety, education, and healthcare.

Furthermore, the⁤ administration claims that the cuts to domestic funding will jeopardize reproductive and LGBT rights, marriage equality, and hinder the president’s ‌climate and clean energy initiatives. It would also hinder the administration’s efforts to promote diversity,⁢ equity, and inclusion.

The White House ​emphasizes its readiness to⁢ engage in a⁤ bipartisan appropriations ‌process ‌with Congress to enact responsible spending bills that⁣ fully ​fund federal ​agencies in a timely manner.

Deadline Approaching to Avoid Government⁤ Shutdown

Congress has until November 17 to pass spending legislation or approve another temporary funding package to prevent‍ a government shutdown.

President Biden recently met​ with House Speaker​ Mike Johnson to discuss the appropriations process and supplemental funding requests ‍for Israel and Ukraine.⁣ Speaker Johnson has expressed his commitment ‍to avoiding ​a shutdown and would support a stopgap bill if Republicans fail to​ agree on top-line appropriations numbers before the deadline.

Click here to read ⁤more from The⁢ Washington⁣ Examiner.

How do the appropriations bills introduced by House Republicans contradict the agreed-upon budget framework between ⁢President Biden and former House Speaker McCarthy?

For attempting to allocate funds​ in a way that contradicts the agreed-upon⁢ budget framework.

HR 4821⁢ and HR 4820, introduced by House Republicans, aim to allocate funds to various departments and agencies. However, ⁣the White House has taken a firm stance against these bills, deeming them in‍ violation of ‌the spending ‍agreement previously reached between President⁤ Joe Biden and former House Speaker ​Kevin McCarthy.

The Office of ​Management and Budget (OMB) under the ​Biden administration ‌has voiced its concerns and objections regarding ​the proposed appropriations‍ bills.⁣ According to the⁢ OMB, the‌ packages put forth by the House ​Republicans disrupt the carefully crafted budget framework⁢ established between the president and⁤ the former House ⁤Speaker.

At the core ⁣of the OMB’s critique lies the allocation of funds. ⁢The ⁢agency argues that the Republicans’ bills direct funding in ⁣a​ manner that directly contradicts the agreed-upon budgetary priorities. This fundamental disagreement is the crux of the White ‍House’s veto threats.

In issuing these veto⁤ threats, the White House is signaling its⁣ commitment to upholding​ the budgetary framework negotiated by ‌President Biden and former Speaker​ McCarthy. The administration believes that adhering to this agreement is essential to ensuring responsible‍ and efficient allocation of federal funds.

The disagreement between the White House and House Republicans over appropriations bills is not ⁣uncommon. It is ⁣a​ recurring issue that often arises⁢ when different political parties control various‍ branches ⁤of the government. In such cases, clashes over ‍spending priorities and budget allocations are bound to occur.

While veto⁣ threats are a powerful tool in ‌the hands of the president, ​it remains to be seen⁤ whether they ⁤will ultimately be followed through. The approval or rejection of the appropriations bills will depend on the​ actions and negotiations between⁣ the White House and Congress.

The outcome of this dispute will have ⁣far-reaching implications for the functioning‍ of the government, as it directly​ impacts the funding of‌ crucial departments and agencies. Additionally, it sets a precedent for future budgetary negotiations and the balance of power​ between the executive and legislative branches.

In summary, the White House has issued veto threats against the House Republicans’​ appropriations bills, HR 4821 and HR 4820. The Office of Management and‍ Budget argues that these bills violate the ⁢spending agreement reached⁣ between ​President Biden and former Speaker ‍McCarthy. The disagreement centers around the allocation of funds and touches upon ‍broader issues of budgetary priorities. ‍The ‌outcome of this dispute will have ⁣significant consequences ‌for the ‍functioning⁢ of the government and the balance of power between​ the executive and ‌legislative branches.

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