Washington Examiner

Biden jests about impeachment due to declining inflation.

President Biden Takes a Swipe at House Republicans During​ Maine Speech

President Joe Biden ⁢delivered a fiery speech in ⁤Maine,⁤ where he addressed House Republicans considering an impeachment inquiry into ‍his presidency. Speaking at a⁤ local factory in​ Auburn, the president championed American manufacturing​ and his economic‍ policies,‌ which he dubbed “Bidenomics.”

“Republicans may​ have to find something else to​ criticize me for now that inflation is coming down,” he boldly stated. “Maybe⁣ they’ll decide to impeach me because it’s coming‍ down. I don’t ⁢know.”

Inflation⁢ has significantly dropped from 9.1% last June to 3%​ this month, providing ⁤a boost for Biden‍ as he gears⁣ up for a potential second ⁣term. When he assumed office, ​the figure stood at just 1.4%.

This​ remark also serves⁢ as ⁣a direct response⁤ to Republican discussions in Congress about launching an impeachment inquiry into the Biden family’s foreign business dealings ⁣during ‍his tenure as⁢ vice president. While House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has hinted at a future inquiry, the party remains divided​ on ​the matter.

The White House vehemently denies⁣ any⁣ business ⁣involvement between President Biden and his son Hunter.

Biden chose to⁤ deliver his speech at Auburn Manufacturing, a female-owned ‌firm in ⁢Maine, as part of his broader campaign ⁢to promote his “Made in America” agenda. The‍ president is actively courting union ‌voters and has pledged‍ to increase domestic production.

“Instead of exporting American jobs, we’re creating American ⁢jobs ⁢and⁤ exporting American products again,” Biden passionately declared. “That’s how we ⁤make⁣ money.”

He contrasted this approach with the past, highlighting ‌how manufacturing jobs ⁣were outsourced, leading ​to the decline of towns across ​the ⁢country. According to Biden, Maine alone‍ lost approximately 45,000 manufacturing jobs⁢ between 1990 and 2010.

In what may have been a slip of the tongue, Biden referred to himself ⁣as the most pro-labor senator in America, ​despite serving as a ‍senator from Delaware for several decades. Nevertheless, he assured the audience that taxpayer dollars would be invested in domestically made products by American workers.

“Every⁤ federal infrastructure project will be built by American ​workers using American products, creating American jobs,” he⁣ proclaimed, eliciting applause.

Republicans argue that factors such as declining real wages and‍ rising interest ​rates undermine⁤ the Biden economy, while the president⁣ remains steadfast ‍in his promise of continued improvement as he seeks reelection.

“I’m not here to declare victory on the economy. We have more work​ to do,” Biden humbly acknowledged. “Bidenomics is just another way of saying‍ we’re restoring the American dream.”

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